

































Refereed papers 

  1. S. M. Wang, Y. C. Chiu, Y. H. Wu, B. Y. Chen, I. L. Chang, and C. W. Chang, "Standardization and quantification of backscattered electron imaging in scanning electron microscopy". Ultramicroscopy 262, 113982 (2024).

  2. P. Y. Huang, T. K. Hsiao, J. H. Yi, B. Y. Chen, Y. C. Chiu, I. L. Chang, T. K. Chung, M. C. Lu, and C. W. Chang, "A three-probe method for accurate nanoscale thermal transport measurements". Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 182201 (2024).

  3. W. C. Lin and C. W. Chang, "The influence of Chinese scholars on global research". Sci. Rep. 12, 18410 (2022).

  4. C. C. Lin, S. M. Wang, B. Y. Chen, C. H. Chi, I. L. Chang, and C. W. Chang, "Scanning electron thermal absorbance microscopy for light element detection and atomic number analysis". Nano Lett. 22, 2667 (2022).

  5. W. W. Jheng, Y. S. Su, Y. L. Hsieh, Y. J. Lin, S. D. Tzeng, C. W. Chang, J. M. Song, and W. Kuo, "Gold nanoparticle thin film-based strain sensors for monitoring human pulse". ACS Appl. Nano Mater 4, 1712 (2021).

  6. Y. S. Duh, Y. Nagasaki, Y. L. Tang, P. H. Wu, H. Y. Cheng, T. H. Yen, H. X. Ding, K. Nishida, I. Hotta, J. H. Yang, Y. P. Lo, K. P. Chen, K. Fujita, C. W. Chang, K. H. Lin, J. Takahara & S. W. Chu, "Giant photothermal nonlinearity in a single silicon nanostructure". Nature Commun. 11, 4101 (2020).

  7. I. L. Chang, C. S. Li, G. S. Wang, C. L. Wu, and C. W. Chang, "Does equilibrium or nonequilibrium molecular dynamics correctly simulate thermal transport properties of carbon nanotubes?". Phys. Rev. Mater. 4, 036001 (2020).

  8. H. W. Li and C. W. Chang, "Pressure-sensitive liquid phase epitaxy of highly-doped n-type SiGe crystals for thermoelectric applications". Sci. Rep. 9, 4362 (2019).

  9. K. H. Lin, H. Y. Cheng, C. Y. Yang, H. W. Li, C. W. Chang, and S. W. Chu, "Phonon dynamics of single nanoparticle studied using confocal pump-probe backscattering", Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 171906 (2018).

  10. V. Lee, C. H. Wu, Z. X. Lou, W. L. Lee, and C. W. Chang, "Divergent and ultrahigh thermal conductivity in millimeter-long nanotubes", Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 135901 (2017). hightlighted by Nature Physics (link)

  11. C. L. Chiu, C. H. Wu, B. W. Huang, C. Y. Chien, and C. W. Chang, “Detecting thermal rectification”. AIP Adv 6, 121901 (2016).

  12. P. T. Shen, Y. Sivan, C. W. Lin, H. L. Liu, C. W. Chang, and S. W. Chu, “Temperature-dependent permittivity of annealed and unannealed gold films”. Opt. Express 24, 19254 (2016).

  13. P. Y. Li, Y. Tsao, Y. J. Liu, Z. X. Lou, W. L. Lee, S. W. Chu, and C. W. Chang, “Unusual imaging properties of superresolution microspheres”. Opt. Express 24, 16479 (2016).

  14. H. Y. Wu, Y. T. Huang, P. T. Shen, H. Lee, R. Oketani, Y. Yonemaru, M. Yamanaka, S. Shoji, K. H. Lin, C. W. Chang, S. Kawata, K. Fujita, and S. W. Chu, "Ultrasmall all-optical plasmonic switch and its application to superresolution imaging". Sci. Rep. 6, 24293 (2016).

  15. B. W. Huang, T. K. Hsiao, K. H. Lin, D. W. Chiou, and C. W. Chang, "Length-dependent thermal transport and ballistic thermal conduction". AIP Adv. 5, 053202 (2015).

  16. T. K. Hsiao, B. W. Huang, H. K. Chang, S. C. Liou, M. W. Chu, S. C. Lee, and C. W. Chang, "Micron-scale ballistic thermal conduction and suppressed thermal conductivity in heterogeneously-interfaced nanowires". Phys. Rev. B 91, 035406 (2015).

  17. Y. K. Chang and C. W. Chang, "Dissimilar permittivity and permeability sensitivities in nonlinear plasmons and spoof plasmons". Opt. Lett. 39, 3607 (2014).

  18. T. K. Hsiao, H. K. Chang, S. C. Liou, M. W. Chu, S. C. Lee, and C. W. Chang, "Observation of room temperature ballistic thermal conduction persisting over 8.3μm in SiGe nanowires". Nature Nanotech. 8, 534 (2013).

  19. Y. K. Chang, Z. X. Lou, K. D. Chang, and C. W. Chang, “Universal scaling of plasmonic refractive index sensors”. Opt. Express 21, 1804 (2013).

  20. V. Lee, R. K. Chen, and C. W. Chang,  “Probing the limit of one-dimensional heat transfer under extreme bending strain”. Phys. Rev. B 87, 035406 (2013).

  21. Y. C. Chao, H. C. Tseng, K. D. Chang, and C. W. Chang,  “Three types of couplings between asymmetric plasmonic dimers”. Opt. Express 20, 2887 (2012).

  22. H. C. Tseng and C. W. Chang,  “High displacement sensitivity in asymmetric plasmonic nanostructures”. Opt. Express 18, 18360 (2010).

  23. C. W. Chang, M. Liu, S. Nam, S. Zhang, Y. Liu, G. Bartal, and X. Zhang, “Optical Möbius symmetry in metamaterials”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 235501 (2010).

  24. C. W. Chang, D. Okawa, H. Garcia, A. Majumdar, and A. Zettl, “Breakdown of Fourier’s law in nanotube thermal conductors”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 075903 (2008).

  25.  A. Zettl, C. W. Chang, and G. Begtrup, “A new look at thermal properties of nanotubes”. Phys. Stat. Sol. (B) 244, 4181 (2007).

  26. C. W. Chang, D. Okawa, H. Garcia, A. Majumdar, and A. Zettl, “Nanotube phonon waveguide”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 045901 (2007).

  27. H. B. Peng, C. W. Chang, S. Aloni, T. D. Yuzvinsky, and A. Zettl, “Microwave electromechanical resonator consisting of clamped carbon nanotubes in an abacus arrangement”. Phys. Rev. B 76, 035405 (2007).  

  28. C. W. Chang, D. Okawa, H. Garcia, T. D. Yuzvinsky, A. Majumdar, and A. Zettl, “Tunable thermal links”. Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 193114 (2007).

  29. C. W. Chang, D. Okawa, A. Majumdar, and A. Zettl, “Solid state thermal rectifier”. Science 314, 1121 (2006).

  30. H. B. Peng, C. W. Chang, S. Aloni, T. D. Yuzvinsky, and A. Zettl, “Ultrahigh frequency nanotube resonators”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 087203 (2006).

  31. C. W. Chang, A. M. Fennimore, A. Afanasiev, D. Okawa, T. Ikuno, H. Garcia, Deyu Li, A. Majumdar and A. Zettl, “Isotope effect on the thermal conductivity of individual boron nitride nanotube”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 085901 (2006).

  32. C. W. Chang, W.-Q. Han, and A. Zettl, “Thermal conductivity of B-C-N and BN nanotubes”. J. Vac. Sci. & Technol. B 23, 1883 (2005).

  33. C. W. Chang, W.-Q. Han, and A. Zettl, “Thermal conductivity of B-C-N and BN nanotubes”. Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 173102 (2005).

  34. W.-Q. Han, C. W. Chang, and A. Zettl, “Encapsulation of one-dimensional potassium halide crystals within BN nanotubes”. Nano Lett. 4, 1355 (2004).

  35. C. W. Chang, B. C. Regan, W. Mickelson, R.O. Ritchie, and A. Zettl, ”Probing structural phase transitions of crystalline C60 via resistivity measurements of metal film overlayers”. Solid State Commun. 128, 359 (2003).

  36. C. W. Chang, J. G. Lin, and M. F. Tai, “Temperature-dependent magnetoresistance studies on Pr-based manganites”. Chinese J. Phys. 40, 570 (2002).

  37. C. W. Chang, A. K. Debnath, and J. G. Lin, “Thermal and magnetic instability near the percolation threshold of Nd0.5(Ca,Sr)0.5MnO3“. Phys. Rev. B 65, 024422 (2002).

  38. C. W. Chang, A. K. Debnath, and J. G. Lin, “Current-assisted annealing effect in Nd0.5(Ca,Sr)0.5MnO3“. J. Appl. Phys. 91, 2216 (2002).

  39. C. W. Chang and J. G. Lin, “Enhanced magnetoresistance in the intermediate state of Pr0.5Sr0.3Ca0.2MnO3”. J. Appl. Phys. 90, 4874 (2001).

  40. C. W. Chang, C. Y. Huang, and J. G. Lin, “Observation of the thermal hysteresis of thermoelectric power in Pr0.5(Sr,Ca)0.5MnO3”. J. Phys. Condens. Matter 12, 9425 (2000).

  41. J. G. Lin, C. W. Chang, C. Y. Huang, C. Y. Chang and R. S. Liu, “Strain effect on the thermoelectric power of YBa2-xSrxCu3O7”. Physica C 336, 249 (2000).

  42. C. W. Chang, J. G. Lin, C. Y. Chang, R. S. Liu and C. Y. Huang, " Thermoelectric power studies on the CuO2 plane contributions of (Y1-xCax)Ba2Cu3O6.1 and (Pb0.5Cd0.5)Sr2(Y1-xCax)Cu2O7”. Chinese J. Phys. 36, 360 (1998).

Review articles

  1.  C. W. Chang, "Experimental Probing of Non-Fourier Thermal Conductors", Chap 8, in Thermal Transport in Low Dimensions -- from Statistical Physics to Nanoscale Heat Transfer, Lecture Notes in Physics,  921 (2016). (link)



Popular science articles

  1.  C. W. Chang, "Non-diffusive thermal conduction in one-dimensional materials”. AAPPS Bulletin 28, vol 6, p15 (2018).

  2. 【物理研究在台灣】台大凝態中心團隊發現了一維材料的異常熱傳導現象 (link)

  3. 設計自己的原子與分子--表面電漿與超材料 (2014/8 物理雙月刊)

  4. 熱電材料與台大凝態中心 (2014/4 物理雙月刊)

  5.  奈米碳管的獨特熱傳導現象 (2010/7 台大校友雙月刊)


Conference papers

  1.  C. W. Chang, M. Liu, S. Nam, G. Bartal and X. Zhang, “Degenerate infrared magnetic resonances from geometrically frustrated metamaterials”. Plasmonics and metamaterials conference (2008).

  2. J. G. Lin, C. W. Chang, C. Y. Huang,” Polaronic localization in Pr0.7Sr0.3-xCaxMnO3,“ Cross-Strait Symposium of Frontier Science (1999).

  3. C. W. Chang, J. G. Lin, R. Gundakaram, C. S. Lee, P. C. Kuo and C. Y. Huang,” Sign Reversal of the Thermoelectric Power in Some Manganites,” Proc. of The 13th Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic Technologies, P. 84 (1998).

  4. C. Y. Huang, C. W. Chang and J. G. Lin, “FMR Study on AgCo Granular Films,” Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic Technologies, p.12 (1997).


  1.  “Solid state thermal rectifier” U.S. Patent WO 2008/042920 (April 10, 2008).

  2. “Tunable thermal link” U.S. Patent US 2009/0277609 (Nov 12, 2009).

  3. Patent application “Phonon waveguide” LBNL Ref. No. IB-2335 (Disclosure date: September 11, 2006).