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Aug / 2023
HEBR is applied in a quasi dual-gate organic Field-Effect Transistors and accepted in Advanced Electronic Materials (ACS).
July / 2023
Combination of our HEBR and ITO, illumination changed the conductivity and enhance a memory device. This article is published in Gels.
July / 2022
For the unqiue HwBR we reported to pump proton even under a very acidic environments, a Trp residue was surprisingly critical to maintain such acidic tolerance feature. Those resuts were publish in Biophysical Journal (Cell Press).
June / 2022
We found the first retinal-binding protein serves as a Mg++ association protein and publish those results in Biophysical Journal (Cell Press).
Dec / 2021
Publish another article for biomedicine application using HEBR.
Sept / 2020
After more than five years, I have decided to accept another PhD-degree seeking student.
Aug / 2020
Have my shoulder surgery done.
May / 2019
An article titled "Potential of Engineered Bacteriorhodopsins as Photoactivated Biomaterials in Modulating Neural Stem Cell Behavior" is published in ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng., 5(6): 3068-3078.
April/ 2019
An article titled "The blue-green sensory rhodopsin SRM from Haloarcula marismortui attenuates both phototactic responses mediated by sensory rhodopsin I and II in Halobacterium salinarum" is published in Scientific Reportsw, 9:5672.
Feb/ 2019
An article titled "Optogenetic Modulation and Reprogramming of Bacteriorhodopsin-Transfected Human Fibroblasts on Self-Assembled Fullerene C60 Nanosheets" is published in Advanced Biosystems 3:1800254.
Sept / 2018
An article titled "Overexpression of Different Types of Microbial Rhodopsins with a Highly Expressible Bacteriorhodopsin from Haloarcula marismortui as a Single Protein in E. coli" is published in Scientific Reportsw, 8:14026.
Sept / 2018
An article titled "Overexpression of Different Types of Microbial Rhodopsins with a Highly Expressible Bacteriorhodopsin from Haloarcula marismortui as a Single Protein in E. coli" is published in Scientific Reportsw, 8:14026.
May / 2018
An article titled "Non-viral delivery of an optogenetic tool into cells with self-healing hydrogel" is published in Biomaterials, a journal ranking #1 in biomaterials category.
Feb / 2018
In southern part of Taiwan, a new species of Haloarchaea was isolted. We name it "Haloarcula taiwanensis". The total genome sequence and annotation were finished. An article was published:
"Chen PC, Chen TW, Han YA, Ng WV, and Yang CS. Complete Genome Sequence of a New Halophilic Archaeon, Haloarcula taiwanensis, Isolated from a Solar Saltern in Southern Taiwan. Genome Announc. 2018 Feb 1;6(5). pii: e01529-17.
May / 2017
An article title " Schiff base proton acceptor assists ultrafast photoisomerization of retinal chromophores in bacteriorhodopsin from Haloquadratum walsbyi and Haloarcula marismortui" is published in Biophysical Journal.
Feb / 2017
We identify a new strain of Haloarchaea from a saltern locates in Tainan, Taiwan. The total genome was resolved and successfully submitted to NCBI genome.
Nov / 2016
An article titled " A Unique Light-Driven Proton Transportation Signal in Halorhodopsin from Natronomonas pharaonis" was published in Biophysical Journal (Cell Press).
Dec / 2015
An article titled "Structural and Functional Studies of a Newly Grouped Haloquadratum walsbyi Bacteriorhodopsin Reveal the Acid-resistant Light-driven Proton Pumping Activity" was published in The Journal of Biological Chemistry.
Aug / 2014
I lost my Mom at Aug/ 2014: An event I did not know how to cope with.....
June / 2014
An article titled "Photochemistry of a Dual-Bacteriorhodopsin System in Haloarcula marismortui: HmbRI and HmbRII" was published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B.
April / 2014
A co-author article titled " Evaluation of allelic strength of human TET2 mutations and cooperation between Tet2 knockdown and oncogenic Nras mutantion" was published in British J. Hoematol.
March / 2013
An article titled "Insight into a single halobacterium using a dual-bacteriorhodopsin system with different functionally optimized pH ranges to cope with periplasmic pH changes associated with continuous light illumination." was accepted in Molecular Microbiology.
Feb / 2013
An article titled "A transducer for microbial sensory rhodopsin that adopts GTG as a start codon is identified in Haloarcula marismortui." was published in Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology. 02/2013; 121C:15-22
Feb / 2013
An article titled "Using Haloarcula marismortui Bacteriorhodopsin as a Fusion Tag for Enhancing and Visible Expression of Integral Membrane Proteins in Escherichia coli." was published in PLoS ONE. 01/2013; 8(2):e56363. *Co-Corresponding Author
June / 2012
An article titled "Ser262 determines the chloride-dependent colour tuning of a new halorhodopsin from Haloquadratum walsbyi. " was published in Aug. 8 2012 Biosci Rep. V32(Pt 5): pp501–509.
March / 2012
An article titled "Fluorescence-based assay probing regulator of G protein signaling partner proteins" was published in 2012 Analytical Biochemistry, Vol 423, pages 133-140.
January / 2012
An article titled "Codon changed immobilization antigen (iAg), a potent DNA vaccine in fish against Cryptocaryon irritans infection" was published in Vaccine, 2012, vol 30(5), pages from 893-903.
March / 2011
An article titled "Crystal structures of Bacillus alkaline phytase in complex with divalent metal ions and inositol hexasulfate" was published in 2011 March issue of J Mol Biol. 409(2):214-24.
December / 2010
An article titled "A novel six-rhodopsin system in a single archaeon" was published in Dec. 2010 issue of J. of Bacteriology.
After four years of intensive study, our lab unveiled a six-rhodopsin photosensory system, the most in microbes, in Haloarcula maris mortui. The system includes three ion translocating rhodopsins, two sensory rhodopsins and one sensory-like rhodopsin.
June / 2010
A new method for microbe swimming pattern analysis from recorded video was developed in our lab and published in Sept, 2010.
Motion analysis system developed by MotionAnalysis company faded out of market place around year 2000, limiting availability of software package for many labs conducting behavior analysis toward various microbes. Here, we developed a system using ImageJ, an open source package, and Excel, not free, but widely available, to analyze any microbe swimming pattern based on any video file.