T001  T002  T003  T004  T005  T007  T008




According the Executive Yuan Bio Taiwan Committee,(BTC) proposed overall recommended objectives Build a health big data platform to achieve value-added utilization of health data.

This program will be accompanied by policies to assist the Ministry of Health and Welfare in establishing the MOHW office for Taiwan Health Data Governance. The office is responsible for driving and supervising related items development and formulate the data governance framwork and operation mechanism of BIO-Data.



Program Goals

1. Establish MOHW office for Taiwan Health Data Governance Office.

2. Establish the Taiwan Health Data Governance Pilot Alliance.

3. Organize relevant symposiums and coordinate a communication platform.

4. Accompany officials of MOHW to communicate with benchmark countries and complete the recommendation report.

5. Assist MOHW in formulating standards for data exchange of self-funded medical materials.






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