鄭雅文簡介 About me

台大健康政策與管理研究所教授、兼任所長。關注勞動場域的健康不平等與職場心理健康議題。近期研究包括資通訊科技對工作者健康的影響、移工職業傷病、矽肺症、長照體系的勞動與職業安安全健康。現為台灣公衛學會常務理事、Annals of Work Exposures and Health編輯委員。曾擔任社團法人台灣職業安全健康連線」理事長(2013-2019)、台大公衛系系主任(2019-2022)。

Professor and Director of the Insitute of Health Policy and Management, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University. I study psychosocial and policy aspects of occupational health. Recent research concerns the impacts of information and communication technology on workers’ health, experiences of migrant workers suffering work-related injuries and diseases, workers with silicosis, and occupational health issues in the long-term care system.  

I am an active member of the International Commission of Occupational Health (ICOH), the Taiwan Public Health Association, and on the editorial board of the Annals of Work Exposures and HealthIn 2013, I co-founded a non-governmental organization – the Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Link - and have been an active member ever since.

學歷 Education

台大公共衛生學系學士 1990

哈佛大學環境科學碩士 1993

哈佛大學流行病學博士 1998

BS, 1990  Department of Public Health, National Taiwan University

MS, 1993 Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health

ScD, 1998 Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health

聯絡方式 Contact Information 



Institute of Health Policy and Management

College of Public Health, National Taiwan University

17 Xu-Zhou Road, Room 617

Taipei, Taiwan

(Phone) +886-2-3366-8056

(Email) ycheng@ntu.edu.tw