library (splancs) #Objects: SpatialPoints
data <- read.table("pts_data/tpedata.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")
Pts <- as.points(data[,2], data[,3])
data_bnd <- read.table("pts_data/tpe_sqr_bnd2.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")
Pts_bnd2 <- as.points(data_bnd[,2], data_bnd[,3])
### Sample data for Bivariate K functions
data1 <- read.table("pts_data/point1.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")
Pts1 <- as.points(data1[,1], data1[,2])
data2 <- read.table("pts_data/point2.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")
Pts2 <- as.points(data2[,1], data2[,2])
### Plotting sample points and the boundary
polymap(Pts_bnd2, col="gray")
pointmap(Pts, xlab="X", ylab="Y", pch=21, bg="yellow", add=T)
tpe.G<-Ghat(Pts, tpe.s)
plot(tpe.s,tpe.G, type="l", xlab="distance", ylab="Estimated G", main="G function")
# Generating the envelopes
U.Ghat <- -99999
L.Ghat <- 99999
for(i in 1:nsim) {
tpe.CSR<-csr(Pts_bnd2, npts(Pts))
tpe.G.CSR<-Ghat(tpe.CSR, tpe.s)
U.Ghat<-pmax(tpe.G.CSR, U.Ghat)
L.Ghat<-pmin(tpe.G.CSR, L.Ghat)
lines(tpe.s, U.Ghat, col="red", lty=3)
lines(tpe.s, L.Ghat, col="blue", lty=3)
### F Function
tpe.CSR<-csr(Pts_bnd2, npts(Pts))
plot(tpe.s,tpe.F, type="l", xlab="distance", ylab="Estimated F", main="F function")
# Generating the envelopes
U.Fhat <- -99999
L.Fhat <- 99999
for(i in 1:nsim) {
tpe.CSR2<-csr(Pts_bnd2, npts(Pts))
tpe.F.CSR<-Fhat(tpe.CSR2, tpe.CSR, tpe.s)
U.Fhat<-pmax(tpe.F.CSR, U.Fhat)
L.Fhat<-pmin(tpe.F.CSR, L.Fhat)
lines(tpe.s, U.Fhat, col="red", lty=3)
lines(tpe.s, L.Fhat, col="blue", lty=3)
### Ripley's K-Function
tpe.K <-khat(Pts,Pts_bnd2,tpe.s); tpe.K
## [1] 276149 2492473 8422971 15801829 22874884 34986132 49794730
## [8] 65949187 78874014 100111057 121415131 141850788 163056393 187865833
## [15] 210429907 229850882 250841512 273074367 294308303 320173954
tpe.env<-Kenv.csr(npts(Pts), Pts_bnd2, nsim=29, tpe.s)
## Doing simulation 1
## Doing simulation 2
## Doing simulation 3
## Doing simulation 4
## Doing simulation 5
## Doing simulation 6
## Doing simulation 7
## Doing simulation 8
## Doing simulation 9
## Doing simulation 10
## Doing simulation 11
## Doing simulation 12
## Doing simulation 13
## Doing simulation 14
## Doing simulation 15
## Doing simulation 16
## Doing simulation 17
## Doing simulation 18
## Doing simulation 19
## Doing simulation 20
## Doing simulation 21
## Doing simulation 22
## Doing simulation 23
## Doing simulation 24
## Doing simulation 25
## Doing simulation 26
## Doing simulation 27
## Doing simulation 28
## Doing simulation 29
plot(tpe.s,tpe.K, type="l", xlab="distance", ylab="K(d)", main="K function")
lines(tpe.s, tpe.env$upper, col="red", lty=3)
lines(tpe.s, tpe.env$lower, col="blue", lty=3)
# L(d) Fuction
plot(tpe.s, sqrt(tpe.K/pi)-tpe.s, type="l",ylim=c(-2000,3000), xlab="distance", ylab="L(d)", main="L function")
lines(tpe.s, sqrt(tpe.env$upper/pi)-tpe.s, col="red", lty=3)
lines(tpe.s, sqrt(tpe.env$lower/pi)-tpe.s, col="blue", lty=3)
The function assesses the spatial relationship between two event points under the null hypothesis of spatial independence and uses the same method as a univariate analysis to test statistical significance. The bivariate K function is defined as the expected number of points for event A within a given distance to arbitrary points of event B divided by the overall density of event A points.
# Plotting points and the boundary
polymap(Pts_bnd2, col="light gray")
pointmap(Pts1, xlab="X", ylab="Y", pch=21, bg="yellow", add=T)
polymap(Pts_bnd2, col="light gray")
pointmap(Pts2, xlab="X", ylab="Y", pch=21, bg="red", add=T)
s <- seq(0, 5000 ,50)
tpe.k12 <-k12hat(Pts1, Pts2, Pts_bnd2, s)
plot(s, tpe.k12, type="l",xlab="distance", ylab="K(d)", main="Bivariate K function")
env12<-Kenv.tor(Pts1, Pts2, Pts_bnd2, nsim=49, s)
## Doing shift 1 / 49
## Doing shift 2 / 49
## Doing shift 3 / 49
## Doing shift 4 / 49
## Doing shift 5 / 49
## Doing shift 6 / 49
## Doing shift 7 / 49
## Doing shift 8 / 49
## Doing shift 9 / 49
## Doing shift 10 / 49
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## Doing shift 22 / 49
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## Doing shift 29 / 49
## Doing shift 30 / 49
## Doing shift 31 / 49
## Doing shift 32 / 49
## Doing shift 33 / 49
## Doing shift 34 / 49
## Doing shift 35 / 49
## Doing shift 36 / 49
## Doing shift 37 / 49
## Doing shift 38 / 49
## Doing shift 39 / 49
## Doing shift 40 / 49
## Doing shift 41 / 49
## Doing shift 42 / 49
## Doing shift 43 / 49
## Doing shift 44 / 49
## Doing shift 45 / 49
## Doing shift 46 / 49
## Doing shift 47 / 49
## Doing shift 48 / 49
## Doing shift 49 / 49
lines(s, env12$upper, col="red", lty=3)
lines(s, env12$lower, col="blue",lty=3)
plot(s, sqrt(tpe.k12/pi)-s, type="l", ylim=c(-4000,4000),xlab="distance", ylab="D(d)", main="D function")
lines(s, sqrt(env12$upper/pi)-s, col="red", lty=3)
lines(s, sqrt(env12$lower/pi)-s, col="blue",lty=3)
### Plotting Kernel Density Map
tpe.kernel<-kernel2d(Pts,Pts_bnd2, 1500, 50,50)
## Xrange is 295265 316374
## Yrange is 2761740 2789393
## Doing quartic kernel
image(tpe.kernel, add=T)
# Panel the Maps
polymap(Pts_bnd2, col="light gray")
pointmap(Pts, xlab="X", ylab="Y", pch=21, bg="yellow", add=T)
image(tpe.kernel, add=T)
## RStudioGD
## 2
# Finding the optimal bandwidth for kernel smoothing
Mse2d <- mse2d(Pts, Pts_bnd2, nsmse=30, range=6000)
plot(Mse2d$h[1:30],Mse2d$mse[1:30], type="l", xlab="bandwidth", ylab="MSE")
## [1] 1200