
台灣大學社會學系 Department of Sociology


【台大社會系演講系列】2021/10/28-How Families Affect Aspirational Migration Amidst Political Insecurity: The Case of Hong Kong 〔呂青湖(Lake Lui,台灣大學社會學系副教授、玉山青年學者)〕
  • 發布單位:社會學系


主講者:呂青湖(Lake Lui,台灣大學社會學系副教授、玉山青年學者)

題目:How Families Affect Aspirational Migration Amidst Political Insecurity: The Case of Hong Kong












The migration literature has examined migrants’ politically motivated factors separately from their family’s mobility strategies in the face of macro-political uncertainties. Bridging the two bodies of literature, this study analyzes how parental status moderates the relationship between individual political considerations and migration intentions when the political situation is increasingly tense. Based on the quantitative data on political protests in Hong Kong, we find that migration intention increases with both mobilization by protestors and repression by the government. While more active protestors are less likely to migrate, parents who have participated in the protests tend to have increased migration intention. Our qualitative data explain that despite parent protestors’ commitment to the pro-democratic protests, their encounters with law enforcement trigger strong migration intention to ensure their children’s political freedom and physical safety. While pro-government citizens have less intention to migrate than pro-democracy citizens, citizens with children are both likely to migrate. Interviews show that pro-government citizens’ migration aspiration for their children’s future is de-politicized. Finally, future-oriented characteristics of migration motivates parents to prioritize their children’s prospects over their obligations to their aging parents. This study contributes to the understanding of the relationship among migration, politics, and family life.


Lake Lui, National Taiwan University

Ken Chih-Yan Sun, Villanova University

Yuan Hsiao, University of Washington, Seattle



呂青湖(Lake Lui),台大社會系副教授、玉山青年學者。研究專長領域為性別、家庭與婚姻、遷移,相關著作刊登於Social Forces, Journal of Family Issues , Current Sociology 等國際期刊。