
台灣大學社會學系 Department of Sociology


【台大社會系演講系列】2022/10/27-Tongzhi Sovereignty: National Contestation in Taiwan’s LGBTQ Rights Movement 〔Adam Chen-Dedman (戴擁浩)(墨爾本大學文化研究博士候選人)〕
  • 發布單位:社會學系


主講者:Adam Chen-Dedman (戴擁浩)(墨爾本大學文化研究博士候選人)

題目:Tongzhi Sovereignty: National Contestation in Taiwan’s LGBTQ Rights Movement (同志主權:臺灣同志運動裡的中國因素與國家認同)



時間:2022 10 27 日(四)12:30-14:00







The field of queer/sexuality studies in Taiwan was pioneered in the 1990s by a group of mainly second-generation descendants of Chinese civil war migrants (外省人) who have problematized and disparaged the post-martial law Taiwanization of identity and politics. Despite the seminal nature of their ‘sex positive’ work that challenged many cultural orthodoxies, during my fieldwork in Taiwan from 2019 through 2021, I repeatedly encountered tongzhi making different claims about their country.

From the perspective of the Chinese Communist Party, the so-called “Taiwan issue” is a legacy of the Chinese civil war and thus Taiwan’s “unification” with the PRC would signal an end to political antagonism and not a new demarcation of what rightly belongs under Chinese sovereignty. Against this context, this talk examines how the representational practices of tongzhi in contemporary Taiwan seek to interrupt what can be thought of as a CCP-designed non-sovereign future for their country by fostering a sociopolitical project aimed at defending their country’s political sovereignty from external takeover while simultaneously transforming their state into an inclusive Taiwanese sovereign polity that embraces sexual and other minorities. Destabilizing hegemonic notions of sovereignty as solely the purview of the state yields an important epistemological framework for understanding how the tongzhi social movement imagines new futures for Taiwan.

This talk draws on material from my dissertation research and two articles recently published in Nations and Nationalism and the International Journal of Taiwan Studies.



Adam Chen-Dedman (戴擁浩) is a PhD candidate in Cultural Studies at the University of Melbourne in Australia. He spent twenty years studying and working in Japan, Thailand, and Taiwan and received a Taiwan Fellowship (臺灣獎助金) in 2020 to conduct fieldwork research for his dissertation. Adam’s research explores the ‘China factor’ within and trans-Asian imaginaries of Taiwan’s tongzhi social movement.