
台灣大學社會學系 Department of Sociology


【台大社會系演講系列】2019/12/2-Hong Kong: Global China’s Restive Frontier
  • 發布單位:社會學系


題目:Hong Kong: Global China’s Restive Frontier(本場次演講以英文進行,QA可用中文)


Post-1997 Hong Kong has become the restive frontier of global China – it is the place where the major strategies of global Chinese power are in full display, and where these have provoked the strongest popular resistance yet to Chinese domination. In this talk, I will first analyze Hong Kong as the testing ground for China’s power playbook around the world – (1) economic statecraft (2) patron-clientelism (3) symbolic violence. How do these mechanisms play out in Hong Kong? Second, I will trace the trajectory of countermovements in Hong Kong to generate lessons about the limits and effectiveness of global China.

Ching Kwan Lee is Dr. Chung Sze-yuen Professor of Social Science at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Professor of Sociology at the University of California-Los Angeles. Her latest books include: The Specter of Global China: Labor, Politics and Foreign Investment in Africa (Chicago, 2017), Take Back Our Future: an Eventful Sociology of the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement (co-edited volume, Cornell 2019) and The Social Question in the 21st Century: A Global View (co-edited volume, California, 2019)