
台灣大學社會學系 Department of Sociology


【台大社會系演講系列】2022/12/15-Queering Authoritarianism: The Politics of Rights in Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea 〔Minwoo Jung(Assistant Professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies and Gender Studies at Loyola University Chicago)〕
  • 發布單位:社會學系


主講者Minwoo Jung(Assistant Professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies and Gender Studies at Loyola University Chicago)

題目:Queering Authoritarianism: The Politics of Rights in Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea


時間:2022 12 15 日(四)12:30-14:00







This talk traces how the persisting authoritarianisms in Asia play a significant geopolitical role in shaping the politics of rights in the region. I first look at the state regulation of sexuality under three authoritarian regimes in South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore of the Cold War. I then pay attention to the South Korean case by examining the return of authoritarian power, the failure of liberal politics, and their interactions with queer politics. I then offer how South Korea’s post-authoritarian journey crisscrossed with those of Taiwan and Singapore. This talk emphasizes multiple imprints of Cold War and post-Cold War authoritarianisms in understanding contemporary queer politics.


Minwoo Jung is an Assistant Professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies and Gender Studies at Loyola University Chicago. His expertise areas include gender and sexuality, globalization, political sociology, social movements, and qualitative methods. He is currently working on a book project that presents a comparative ethnography of queer geopolitics in East and Southeast Asia. His work has been published in the British Journal of Sociology, The Sociological Review, and Social Movement Studies, among others.