Group 8
By Anne Birnbaum, Laura Sauer, Pia Baier,
Case presentation
What questions arise?
Topics that need to be considered
Partnership |
Sex |
- getting married |
- having sex |
- blocking the contact between Anna and Luis |
- risk of Anna becoming pregnant |
- living together |
- sterilization, other contraceptive methods |
Person centered approach
Anna T. is 23 years old and has Down syndrome. She lives with her parents and works in a facility for people with disabilities. Her mother is the Betreuerin (appointed by court) in the matters of property and health care, as well as authority matters – or her mother is the assistant (appointed by the court). Anna T. met
Anna T. and Luis H. say they want to have sex. They also want to live together and are considering marriage. Luis H. also has Down syndrome and lives in an assisted living. He has a professional Betreuer in the matters of property and health care, as well as authority issues – or he has an assistant.
Betreuerin/ Mom
Case presentation
NO Pregnancy!
Thus No Contact with him! Go for Sterilization!
Met in workplace,
want to have sex and marriage
Betreuer :
Property, health care, authority issues
Anna, 23 |
Luis, 27 |
? |
Down Syndrome |
Down Syndrome |
Questions that arose in the beginning:
What do Anna und Luis want?
Are Anna and Luis capable or forming their will? Under what circumstance is the guardianship allowed?
Under which circumstances is a sterilization allowed? Can Anna be forced to take contraceptive methods? Do Anna and Luis need the agreement of their Betreuer to marry? To move in together?
Is there a contradiction between the mother of Anna as her mother and as her Betreuer?
Topics need to be considered
a.Getting married
b.Blocking the contact between Anna and Luis
c.Living together
a.Sexual intercourse
b.Risk of Anna becoming pregnant
c.Sterilization, other contraceptive methods
How does the current legal system
in the two countries work?
Anna’s mother is the Betreuerin (appointed by court) in the matters of property, health care and authority matters.
●Appointment of a guardian according to § 1896 German Civil Code
○§ 1901 (1) German Civil Code: Betreuung includes all activities that are necessary to manage the affairs of Anna in accordance with her best interests.
○§ 1901 (2) German Civil Code: This also includes the possibility of shaping her life according to her own wishes and ideas within the scope of her abilities.
○Function of legal support:
i.Establishment of capacity to act
ii.Protection from
○Anna is capable of acting and doing business despite the establishment of a legal guardianship,
§104 German Civil Code doesn’t fit
Getting married
●Marriage and family shall be under the special protection of the state order (Article 6 Basic law state)
●Generally: There is no reservation of consent (Einwilligungsvorbehalt) for marriage (§ 1903 (2) No.
1 German Civil Code)
●A person who is incapable of contracting may not enter into a marriage (§ 1304 German Civil Code)
Anna is capable of acting
→This means that Anna and Luis could marry without restrictions if they wanted to.
●Note: In the area of matrimonial property law, the area of property care may be suitable
Blocking the contact between Anna and Luis
1.Care relationship (Betreuungsverhältnis) between Anna and her
mother (§ 1896 German Civil Code)
2.BUT Anna’s mother doesn‘t have the power of the Betreuung for the area of determination in contact with another person
she is not authorized to prevent contact with Luis.¹
¹compare § 1896 (2) German Civil Code, see also OLG München, Beschluss vom 30.01.2008, 33 Wx 213/07
Living together
●Article 19 UNCRPD - Independent living and inclusion in the community Anna is also free to live with Luis.
BUT: Guardianship in the area of property: ensure that Anna does not get into financial trouble
●Inpatient and outpatient (assisted) housing options
which form of housing is most suitable depends on the wishes and abilities of Anna
○housing costs as part of inpatient integration assistance for people with disabilities, § 102 (1) No.
4 Social Code IX.
○outpatient services: to organize everyday living as independently as possible
●provided in kind, in cash or in the form of services (§ 105 (1) Social Code IX) and dependent on income and assets
●personal budget, § 29 Social Code IX
Since Anna's mother, as her guardian, is responsible for authority matters, Anna's mother should submit an application for integration assistance together with Anna. (Overall plan procedure, § 117 ff. Social Code IX)
Sexual intercourse
●The right to sexual
●It results from the general right to
There is no legal basis for the Betreuer to prohibit sexual intercourse between Anna and Luis!
Risk of Anna becoming pregnant
●Getting pregnant and raising a baby has to be separated into two different parts; before and after childbirth.
●No legal right to forbid pregnancy.
●Check the capability of raising a child between the parents and take action
according to §§1666, 1666a Civil code if necessary → this however may result in
separation of the child from the parents (cf. LG Fulda Beschl. v. 17.3.2011 – 5 T 13/11, BeckRS 2013, 22698)
●Support measures can be put in place, such as
§1905 Civil Code: Sterilization
The German law and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in general prohibit sterilisation against the will of the person concerned → Sterilization against free will is only allowed under specific and severe circumstances, e.g.
●Becoming pregnant may result in a possible danger to life and/or risk of serious impairment to the physical/mental health of the pregnant woman. (cf. Abs. 1 Nr.3 und 4)
●Conception isn't preventable by any other reasonable means (cf. Abs. 1 Nr. 5)
→sterilization is definitely not allowed in Anna and Luis´ case, especially because there are milder means to avert the pregnancy such as the contraceptive coil or
(vgl. LG Fulda Beschl. v. 17.3.2011 – 5 T 13/11, BeckRS 2013, 22698)
Other contraceptive methods and abortion
§1904 Civil Code: approval of the guardianship court for medical measures
●So long as the measure corresponds to the will of the person being cared for (as determined in accordance with §1901a civil code) no consent by the guardianship court is required concerning contraceptives and abortion.
→ Both don't equate to potentially risky medical intervention (vgl. Schneider 2020: Rn. 37).
Other contraceptive methods and abortion
§1906a Civil Code: Approval of the guardianship court for compulsory medical measures to take place.
●Not only consent of the guardian but also of the guardianship court is required (vgl.
Schönke et. al. 2019: Rn. 38f.).
●Compulsory medical measures must be necessary to avert imminent significant harm
based on review literature, pregnancy is not to be assessed as a significant risk (vgl.
Hoffmann 2018: 104).
Anna or Luis can’t be forced to take any contraceptives or have an abortion against their will.
Commencement |
✔ Under |
of |
Assistance |
Guardianship |
Anna’s mother is the Betreuerin (appointed by court) in the matters of
property, health care and authority matters.
●Anna’s situation is more likely to be “under assistance” , which is regulated in article
○A certain number of juridical acts without the approval of the assistant are not valid.
Getting married
●The Betreuer of Anna, who is under assistance, can only approve property issues mentioned in Article
○Getting married clearly is not one of the behaviors that needs Betreuer‘s approval. Therefore, Anna has the right to decide whom to marry.
Blocking contact between Anna and Luis
●Personal freedom is one of the highest rights mentioned in Constitution.
●The Betreuer is NOT given the power to restrict the personal liberty of the person under assistance.
●So, Anna’s mother is of course not authorized to forbid the contact between Anna and Luis.
Living together
●Moving in with someone is not one of the behaviors mentioned in article
●Hence, Anna has the right to live with Luis.
Sexual intercourse
●Having sex is not considered as a juridical act. Besides, it is not mentioned in any law or article
●Therefore, Anna and Luis are supposed to have the right to have sex even under guardianship.
Risk of Anna becoming pregnant
●Becoming pregnant or giving birth are not considered as juridical acts. Also they aren’t mentioned in article
●Therefore, the Betreuer doesn’t have the right to prohibit Anna from being pregnant.
Other contraceptive methods and abortion
●Anna has Down syndrome, which is one of the conditions allowed to get a induced abortion or sterilization, according to article 9 and 10 of the Genetic Health Act respectively .
●However, Anna is under assistance, meaning that the Betreuerin has the ultimate right to decide whether Anna gets an abortion or sterilization, even when the decision contradicts with her will.
○Goes against the International Bill of Human Rights, which honors the right of
To provide people with disabilities with social services that enable inclusion,
Core statement of the UN CRPD:
The Convention therefore does not focus on the principle of inclusion, but on the following:
The right to equal recognition as
Not limited to fundamental decisions, but also the right to make the large number of small decisions that determine everyday life in a
How can Anna T. and Luis H. be supported so that their wishes are fulfilled?
There are |
Information |
The ability to |
(similarly good) |
choices & |
about choices is |
decide |
knowledge about |
comprehensible |
(empowerment) |
them. |
Applies to people with disabilities regardless of the degree of impairment.
Rules, procedures |
and lack of |
decisions. |
trust prevent own |
How can Anna T. and Luis H. be supported so that their wishes are fulfilled?
Look for strengths
Asking about wishes
Give support in development
Take your time, "get a picture of the disability”, |
It's A Process! |
keep asking.. |
Potential role contradiction
Parents, as guardians of their adult children |
equal to any other legal guardian (guardianship duties and rights). |
Assumption of guardianship by parents: respect the right to
As a rule, guardianship is then carried out well and beyond what is actually necessary because of the close relationship and family ties.
Unfortunately, there are also numerous cases in which the guardianship of the parents as legal representatives is seen as legitimising the total disposal of the adult,
The definition of the individual areas of responsibility and the resulting limits are often not perceived.
Person centered approach : Going deep into the case
If communication solves the problem, legal approaches are not needed. External help such as family counselors or consultation centers can be of help.
As for Taiwan:
External help aids with communication and information provision.
Communication & Information : Marriage
Make sure that
Anna understands the meaning of marriage.
Anna and her mother understand each other.
-the mentioned principles should be applied to both of them
They are provided with sufficient information.
-what support is given.
-cases of previous Down syndrome marriages.
Issues of pregnancy should be handled the same way
Issues of pregnancy should be treated the same way: thorough communication, information provision
Does Anna wish to have a child ? |
Legal solution |
information |
NO |
No problem at all |
communication |
Same process regarding sterilization.
Instead of communicating, Anna’s mother tend to be manipulative.
which may deteriorate their relationship.
Don’t just treat the symptom, treat the roots.
Thanks for |
listening |
●Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz (Hrsg.) (2020): Betreuungsrecht. Mit ausführlichen Informationen zur Vorsorgevollmacht, URL:;jsessionid=44DAE5FB8C5B68 474D74BD7E59170F64.2_cid297?__blob=publicationFile&v=34 [09.06.21]
●Hoffmann, Birgit (2018): §10 Gesundheitssorge. Einwilligung in den Schwangerschaftsabbruch, in:
Hoffmann, Birgit (Hrsg.): Personensorge. Rechtliche Erläuterungen für Beratung, Gestaltung und
Vertretung, 3.Aufl., Mannheim: Nomos, Rn. 108f.
●Mobile – Selbstbestimmtes Leben Behinderter e.V. (2021): Informationsportal Begleitete Elternschaft
●Schneider (2020): BGB § 1904 Genehmigung des Betreuungsgerichts bei ärztlichen Maßnahmen, in:
Limpberg, Bettina/ Oetker, Hartmut/ Rixecker, Roland/ Säcker, Franz J. (Hrsg.): Münchener Kommentar
zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch, 1. Bd., 8. Aufl., München: C.H. Beck, Rn. 37.
(Hrsg.): Strafgesetzbuch. Kommentar, 30. Aufl., München: C.H. Beck, Rn. 38f.
●Bundestagsdrucksache 18/9522, S. 1, Abschließende Bemerkungen des
●Caritas (Hrsg.) (2017): Personenzentrierung: Das Recht, selbst zu entscheiden. URL:
●Welti, Felix (2012) in: Welke, Anja (Hrsg.):