Ray-I Chang (張瑞益)
工科海工系 資訊與光機電組(also
iCAN 智慧計算與網路實驗室)
歷: >回
內政部 公共工程委員會 委員
內政部 資訊發展推動小組 委員
經濟部 工業局 產創平台計畫 委員
教育部 高教深耕計畫 特色研究中心工學技專領域 委員
台灣網路資訊中心IP位址及網路協定委員會 主任委員
國防工業發展基金會 國防科技審議小組資通電領域 委員
資訊工業策進會專案諮詢 顧問
考試院 考選部高等考試 出題/閱卷委員
國研院 海洋中心海洋資料庫 顧問
國立臺灣大學 計資中心 組長
國 立臺灣大學 工科海工系 助理教授/副教授/教 授
國立中央大學 資管系 助理教授
中央研究院 資訊所 博士後研究員
IEEE台北分會 電腦支會 副主席
中華民國資訊學會 終身會員
中華民國ERP學會 終身會員
臺灣金融科技協會 創始會員 (技術專家)
2023 第二十五屆「網際空間:資安、犯罪與法律社會」學術 研討會 <最佳論文獎第一名>
2023 國立台灣大學 學士論文獎 校長獎. (張行 之,機器學習於廣告文章自動生成系統之整合應用)
2023 國立台灣大學 學士論文獎 院長獎. (趙昱 森,以機器學習結合因果分析建立特定地區人潮推估 之服務)
2023 數位生活科技研討會(DLT)(最佳論文獎)
2023 資訊科技應用學術研討會(ITAC)(最佳論文獎)
2022 交通部交通數據創新應用競賽(不分名次獲獎六隊之 一)
2022 資訊科技應用學術研討會(ITAC)(最佳論文獎)
2022 國際大數據與ERP學術及實務研討會(佳作論文 獎)
2021 新興產業與健康促進國際研討會(最佳論文獎)
2019 全國計算機會議(最佳論文獎)
2019 教育部人工智慧競賽 (AI CUP) 第 七名(佳作)
2018 鈦坦敏捷應用開發大賽,第五名
2017 國際大數據與ERP學術及實務研討會(佳作論文 獎)
2017 WMSCI, (USA) <The best 25% paper award>
2017 Sprint國際青年創業黑客松,Atwork Award 愛 特眾創智慧城市獎
2016 數位教學暨資訊實務研討會(佳作論文獎)
2015 痞客邦黑客松: PIXNET HACKATHON 第一名
2014 MATLAB/Simulink 技術與應用論文徵文比賽。Outstanding Paper Award
2013 台北國際電子產業科技展(TAITRONICS) 科技創新獎
2013 台北國際發明暨技術交易展(InvenTaipei)發明競賽 金牌獎
2013 百度開放雲編程馬拉松(Hackathon)台北站, 綠色應用創 新大獎
2012 電力資訊系統創意競賽 冠軍
2012 博士生 莊棨椉 榮獲101年「優秀青年電機工程師獎」
2011 中華電信Hami Apps創 意成金獎勵計畫入選 (獎金新台幣三萬元)
2011 百大科技研發獎
2010 無線隨意及感測網路研討會<最佳論文獎>
2009 中華民國第三十屆電力工程研討會<佳作論文>
2009 資訊管理學術暨警政資訊實務研討會<佳作論文>
2009 第四屆ARM Code-O-Rama設計大賽 季軍 (獎金新台幣四萬元)
2009 第七屆台大創新競賽 特優獎 (冠軍獎金十萬元) (此最 大獎項已有兩年從缺)
2008 第三屆ARM Code-O-Rama設計大賽 冠軍 (獎金新台幣十萬元)
2006 電子商務與數位生活研討會 (佳作論文獎)
2005 開放原始碼技術與應用研討會 (佳作論文獎)
2004 中華民國電腦學會 (優良論文獎)
2004 國科會大專生專題研究計畫 (研究創作獎)
2003 宏碁龍騰論文獎 (賴良賓)
教育部大專甲組程式競賽 冠軍 (張瑞益)
大專資訊盃程式競 賽 冠軍 (張瑞益)
ChatGPT 與資安攻防程式設計,2023/06/19,某單位
行銷科技智慧分析-我的MarTech之旅,2022/03/16,ITAC-2022 中國科技大 學
人工智慧與機器學習在玩什麼?,2020/02,中國文化大學,銘傳大學, 高中生生涯探索
人工智慧(AI)的歷史 - 給AI創業者的第一堂課,2017/10/13,銘傳大學資訊學院
A Brief Introduction to My Research,2016/09/16,WASEDA UNIVERSITY 日本早稻田大學
多語個人化電子聯絡簿,2016/04/15,中教大英語系 教育部英語領域教學研究中心
New Trends of Digital Learning,2015/10/16,中教大英語系 教育部英語領域教學研究中心
From Data Mining to Big Data: An Introduction,2015/03/13,暨南大學資工所
Orange Cloud Computing(老人照護雲的設計與建 置),2014/06/06,東海大學資管所
Design of a GPU-based WSN Database,2011/09/30,中央大學資管系
Lossless Data Compression for Wireless Sensor Networks,2010/09/24,清華大學資工系
Lossless video compression,2009/09/25,中央大學資管系
Lossless video compression,2009/05/15,元智大學資工系
Comic Compression for Mobile Commerce,2008/12/26,中央大學資管系
Comic Compression and Communication,2008/03/26,清華大學資工系
Query on Decision Tree,2007/04/26,政治大學資管系
Query-based Data Mining,2007/01/03,政治大學資管系
Introduction to Comic Compression,2006/09/29,暨南大學資工系
proxy cashing for streaming video,2002/12/02,中正大學資工系
multimedia content networks,2002/11/28,海洋大學資工系
multimedia delivery on content networks,2002/09/27,台灣大學工科系
Method and Apparatus for Fasting Differentiated Service Control by Pre-Storing Extra Information,2001/05/09,中正大學資工系
Methods for Fasting Service Control by Pre-storing Extra Information on Servers,2001/05/17,淡江大學資工系
Real-time disk scheduling in multimedia systems,1996,靜宜大學資科系
In-memory Lookup Cloud for Constructing Suffix Array of Next-Generation Sequencing upon MapReduce,2018/02/10,(Japan) IC-LYCS 2018, Keynote Speaker
Application of Logic for Firewall Policy Design,2014/09/12,中正大學,Workshop on Logic Application, Keynote Speaker
Peer-to-Peer Multimedia Content Networking,2004/10/14,弘光科大, 新一代網路 理論及技術研討會, Keynote Speaker
Y.-Y. Chuang, H.-M. Hsu, K. Lin, Ray-I Chang and H.-Y. Lee, "MetaEx-GAN: Meta Exploration to Improve Natural Language Generation via Generative Adversarial Networks," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 31, pp. 3968-3980, 2023. (5.4, 61/275 (Q1),3/31 (Q1))
Ray-I Chang, C-W Chiang, Y-H Hung. Grouping Sensors for the Key Distribution of Implicit Certificates in Wireless Sensor Networks. Electronics. 2023; 12(13):2815. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12132815 (2.690,139/276,)
Ray-I Chang, Yen-Ting Chang, Chia-Hui Wang, "Outsourced K-means Clustering for High-Dimensional Data Analysis based on Homomorphic Encryption," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 39, No. 3, P525 - 548, 2023. (1.142, 147/164, 787)
Ray-I Chang, Chih-Yung Tsai, and Pu Chung. 2022. "Smartwatch Sensors with Deep Learning to Predict the Purchase Intentions of Online Shoppers" Sensors 23, no. 1: 430. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23010430 (3.847, 29/87, 125459)
Chia-Hui Wang, Ke-Kai Huang, Ray-I Chang, Chien-Kang Huang. 2022. "Scale-Mark-Based Gauge Reading for Gauge Sensors in Real Environments with Light and Perspective Distortions" Sensors 22, no. 19: 7490. ( 3.847, 29/87, 125459)
Ray-I Chang, Jui-Hua Tsai, Chia-Hui Wang, "Edge Computing of Online Bounded-Error Query for Energy-Efficient IoT Sensors," Sensors, no. 13: 4799, 2022. (3.847, 29/87)
Peng-Yeng Yin, Ray-I Chang, Rong-Fuh Day, Yen-Cheng Lin, Ching-Yuan Hu, "Improving PM2.5 Concentration Forecast with the Identification of Temperature Inversion." Applied Sciences-Basel, 12, no. 1 (2022): 71. (2.838, 39/92, 63761)
Ray-I Chang, Nowy Condro, “i-CRAS: i-Centric Research Assistance,” Information and Management Science, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 27-43, 2022.
Chang-Ling Hsu, Yen-Ju Tsai, Ray-I Chang, “A Graph Retrieval Architecture and System for Online Sign Language Dictionary with an application to Taiwanese Sign Language,”International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 16, 1-6, 2022. DOI: 10.46300/9102.2022.16.1 (E-ISSN: 1998-0159)
Ray-I Chang, Ying-Chen Chen, Chi-Cheng Chuang, Chia-Hui Wang,"Design and Implementation of an IoT Gateway for Zigbee and WiFi", WSEAS Transactions on Communications, vol. 21, pp. 225-229, 2022. (ISSN: 1109-2742) DOI:10.37394/23204.2022.21.27
Ray-I Chang, Lien-Chen Wei, Chia-Hui Wang, Yu-Kai Tseng, "Blockchain for Bounded-Error-Pruned Content Protection," ICT Express, 7 (3), 295-299, 2021. (SCI, 4.754, 50/164, 1131)
Ray-I Chang, Chia-Yun Lee, and Yu-Hsin Hung. 2021. "Cloud-Based Analytics Module for Predictive Maintenance of the Textile Manufacturing Process" Applied Sciences-Basel 11, no. 21 (2021): 9945. (SCI, 2.838, 39/92, 63761)
Ray-I Chang, Yu-Hsien Chu, Chia-Hui Wang, Niang-Ying Huang, "Video-Like Lossless Compression of Data Cube for Big Data Query in Wireless Sensor Networks", WSEAS Transactions on Communications, vol. 20, pp. 139-145, 2021. (ISSN: 1109-2742)
Ray-I Chang, Yen-Nung Lee, "Automatic Digital Avatar Generation," Information and Management Science, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 27-43, 2021.
張瑞益, 王韋庭, "以機 器學習知識圖譜提供跨領域學習路徑," 資訊與管理科學, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 4-34, 2020.
Yu-Chi Liu, Meng-Huang Lee, Shin-Hung Chang, Wei-Chun Chung, Kuan-Jen Wang, Jan-Ming Ho, Ray-I Chang, "Scheduling for the QoE Optimization of DASH Streaming," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp.1315-1337, Nov. 2020. (1.142, 147/164, 787)
Ray-I Chang, Chao-Lung Ting, Syuan-Yi Wu, Peng-Yeng Yin, "Context-Dependent Object Proposal and Recognition," Symmetry-Basel, vol.12, no.10, 1619, Oct. 2020. (2.940, 34/74, 16177)
Ray-I Chang, Yu-Hsien Chu, Lien-Chen Wei, Chia-Hui Wang, "Bounded-Error-Pruned Sensor Data Compression for Energy-Efficient IoT of Environmental Intelligence," Applied Sciences, vol.10, no.18, 6512, Jan. 2020. (SCI, 2.838, 39/92, 63761)
Ray-I Chang, Yu-Hsuan Chiu, Jeng-Wei Lin, "Two-Stage Classification of Tuberculosis Culture Diagnosis using Convolutional Neuron Network with Transfer Learning," Journal of SuperComputing, vol. 76, no.1, pp.8641-8656, Jan. 2020. ( 2.557, 43/110, 6307)
Yu-Hsin Hung, Ray-I Chang, "A Data Structure Learning System for Investigating the Effects of Different Learning Styles on Learning Performance," International Journal of Recent Engineering Research and Development (IJRERD), Volume 05, Issue 07, PP. 15-26, July 2020.
詹婉渝, 張瑞益, "使用RPA技術輔助系統重構之資料探勘," 資訊與管理 科學, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 27-36, 2020. (ISSN: 2072-0971)
Ray-I Chang, Chien-Ting Liu, Lien-Chen Wei, Chia-Hui Wang, "Opportunistic Multiple Pre-registrations of Cross-layer Handoff for Vehicular Multimedia Communications," Journal of Informatics & Electronics, Vol.8, No.2, pp.49-61, Nov 2019.
盧羿程, 張瑞益, "應用 機器學習於預測維護診斷之馬達故障頻譜研究," 中國造船暨輪機工程學刊, Vol.38, No.3-4, pp.157-163, 2019. (EI)
詹婉渝, 張瑞益, 邱于菱, "使用 活動流與圖形資料庫之工安訓練系統規劃設計," 資訊與管理科學, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 4-18, 2019. (ISSN: 2072-0971)
洪鈺欣, 賴淑玲, 張瑞益, "應用 機器學習於預測維護診斷之研究," 中國造船暨輪機工程學刊, vol. 37, no. 2, pp.53-59, 2019. (EI)
廖偉傑,張瑞益,"臺灣離岸風場巨量資料平台之 設計與實作",機械新刊,八月號,第33期, pp. 86-94, 2019.
張瑞益, 郭捷, 范莎惠, "使用 深度學習長短期記憶模型推薦適性化教材," 資訊與管理科學, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 32-52, 2018. (ISSN: 2072-0971)
廖偉傑,王佑鈞,顧晨生,吳伯彥,林宣佑,張瑞益,"臺灣離岸風場巨量資料平台開 發與智慧化管理",中國造船暨輪機工程學 刊,vol. 37,no. 3,2018. (EI)
Chia-Yun Lee, Jia-Ying Lin, Ray-I Chang, "Improve Quality and Efficiency of Textile Process using Data-driven Machine Learning in Industry 4.0," Internal Journal of Technology and Engineering Studies, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 64-76, 2018.
Julie Lin, Sa-Hui Fan, Ray-I Chang,"The Influence of Interaction Apps on Teacher-Parent Interaction Patterns in an Elementary-Level English Class, " European Journal of Open, Distance and E-learning, Volume 21, Issue 2, 2018. (ISSN: 1027-5207)
Hung-Min Hsu, Ray-I Chang, Jan-Ming Ho, "Query-Based-Learning Genetic Algorithm to Construct Mobile-Oriented Catalogs in M-commerce," IEEE Access, Vol. 5, pages 7294 - 7304, April 2017. (3.476, 173471,79/164 )
Ray-I Chang, Hung-Min Hsu, Shu-Yu Lin, Chu-Chun Chang, Jan-Ming Ho, "Query-Based Learning for Dynamic Particle Swarm Optimization," IEEE Access, Vol. 5, pages 7648 - 7658, April 2017. (3.476, 173471,79/164 )
Ray-I Chang, Chung-Yuan Su, "Machine Learning for Texture Segmentation and Classification of Comic Image in SVG Compression," International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing, Vol. 8, Issue 3, pages 37-52, 2017. (0.16, 171/190, 145)(EI)
Yee-Pien Yang, Li-Jen Weng, Ye-Yu Yeh, Hui-Fen Mao, Ray-I Chang, "Improvement of Physical and Psychological Well-Being of Persons with Spinal Cord Injuries Enhanced by Mobile Technologies and Powered Wheelchairs Driven by Dual Power Wheels," Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 81-87, 2017.
張哲瑜,張瑞益,賴盈勳,邱建益,"使用電力資訊進行主動式學習 以應用於家電異常偵測",電子商務研究, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 453 - 471, 2017. (ISSN: 1726-2364)
張瑞益, 郭捷, 蘇忠原, 范莎惠, 洪永杰, "數位 學習系統之英語時事試題與圖像故事教材自動產生器," 資訊與管理科學, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 20-28, 2017. (2017 / 6 / 30) (ISSN: 2072-0971)
YH Hung, RI Chang, CF Lin, "Hybrid learning style identification and developing adaptive problem-solving learning activities," Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 55, Part A, Pages 552–561, February 2016. (8.957, 3/91, 53712)
王佑鈞, 莊棨乗, 張瑞益, "低解 析度電器特徵值評估及其在電器狀態辨識的應用," 資訊與管理科學期刊, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp.52-63, 2016. (2016 / 12 / 30) (ISSN: 2072-0971)
陳韋成, 丁肇隆, 張瑞益, "營建 工地安全系統之工地安全帽及背心偵測," 資訊科技與社會學報, Vol. 16, pp. 65-78, 2016. (ISSN: 1682-8054)
湯億鑫, 張瑞益, 丁肇隆, "電腦 視覺在甲骨文上應用:甲骨文碎片分類," 國立成功大 學圖書館館刊 第二十五期, P20-37, 2016年十一月
陳明宏, 張瑞益, 丁肇隆, "使用 電腦視覺輔助GPS之視障人士導航諮詢系統," 資訊與管理 科學期刊, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 22-29, 2016. (2016 / 07 / 30) (ISSN: 2072-0971)
YH Hung, RI Chang, CF Lin, "Developing Computer Science Learning System with Hybrid Instructional Method," International Journal of Engineering Education, 32 (2), 995-1006, 2016.
Ray-I Chang, Chung-Yuan Su, "Color Gradient Vectorization for SVG Compression of Comic Image," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Volume 33, Pages 235–246, November 2015. (J VIS COMMUN IMAGE R, SCI 5YIF: 1.420, 38/104=0.37, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING)
YH Hung, RI Chang, CF Lin, "Survey of software literacy, behavior and personal traits of freshmen accounting majors," British Journal of Educational Technology, 46 (5), 1064-1069, 2015. (5.268, 23/270, 7159)
RI Chang, YH Hung, CF Lin, "Survey of learning experiences and influence of learning style preferences on user intentions regarding MOOCs," British Journal of Educational Technology, Volume 46, Issue 3, pages 528–541, May 2015. (5.268, 23/270, 7159)
Ray-I Chang, Chang-Ling Hsu, Shu-Yu Lin, Wen-Shong Huan, "Text Opinion Mining for Stock Market Prediction using News Reports of Securities in Taiwan," Information and Management Science, Vol. 8, No. 1, PP. 25-35, 2015. (ISSN: 2072-0971)
Ray-I Chang, Tsao-Ta Wei, Chia-Hui Wang, "A Cost-Effective Key Distribution of P2P IPTV DRM over Opportunistic Multicast Overlay for e-Commerce Systems," Electronic Commerce Research, Volume 15, Issue 1, pp 49-71, March 2015. (ELECTRON COMMER RES, SSCI 5YIF: 2.020, 79/185=0.43, MANAGEMENT)
Yu Hsin Hung, Chun Fu Lin and Ray I Chang, "Developing a dynamic inference expert system to support individual learning at work," British Journal of Educational Technology, Volume 46, Issue 6, pages 1378–1391, November 2015. (SSCI Impact Factor: 1.318) 37/219 (Education & Educational Research)
何佳儒, 莊昀諺, 劉信義, 張瑞益, "以xAPI輔助脊髓損傷者智慧協助APP的動態最適介面佈局," 資訊與管理 科學期刊,8卷2期,pp. 1-12, 2015. (2015 / 12 / 30)(ISSN: 2072-0971)
Chun Fu Lin, Yu Hsin Hung, Ray I Chang, Shih Hao Hung, "Developing a problem-solving learning system to assess the effects of different materials on learning performance and attitudes," Computers & Education, Volume 77, Pages 50–66, August 2014. (SCI) (IF=2.556;R/C= 16/102)
Peng-Yeng Yin, Ray-I Chang, Chih-Chiang Chao, Yen-Ting Chu, "Niched Ant Colony Optimization with Colony Guides for QoS Multicast Routing," Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 61–72, 2014. (SCI)(IF=1.251)
Ray-I Chang, Shu-Yu Lin, Po-Neng Chang, Chao-Lung Ting, "Particle Swarm Optimizer with Query-based Learning for Virtual Machine Placement," ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, Vol.5, No.2, pp.545-552, 2014. (EI)(ISSN: 2185-2766)
Ray-I Chang, Chi-Cheng Chuang, "A Service-Oriented Cloud Computing Network Management Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks," Ad hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, vol. 22, no. 1-2, pp. 65-90, 2014. (SCI)(IF = 0.478)
Jeng-Wei Lin, Tun Wei Wang, Ray-I Chang, "Adaptive Scheduling of Message Forwarding of DHT-Based P2P Network Broadcast," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 937-955, 2014. (SCI, 5YIF = 0.326)
Hao-Hsin Li, Chao-Lung Ting, Ray-I Chang, "Car Distance Detection with Fast Camera Calibration for Vehicle Active Safety System," Information and Management Science, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 30-50, 2013. (ISSN: 2072-0971)
Ming-Huo Chen, Chao-Lung Ting, Ray-I Chang, "Safe Driving Assistance by Lane-Change Detecting and Tracking for Intelligent Transportation System," International Journal of Information Processing and Management, Vol. 4, No. 7, pp. 31 ~ 38, 2013. (ISSN: 2093-4009)
I-Ling Tsai, Chao-Lung Ting, Ray-I Chang, "Drowsiness Detection and Warning for Vehicle Active Safety," Journal of Information Technology and Society, Vol. 13, No. 1, Pages 1–20, Dec. 2013. (ISSN: 1682-8054)
Hsing-Shao Liu, Chia-Hui Wang, Ray-I Chang, "The Design and Implementation of a Future Internet Live TV System over 4G Networks," Telecommunication Systems, Volume 54, Issue 3, Pages 203-214, November 2013. (SCI) (IF = 1.027)
Chun-Fu Lin, Yu-Chu Yeh, Yu-Hsin Hung, Ray-I Chang, "Data mining for personalized creative learning: An application of a hybrid decision tree," Computers & Education, Vol. 68, Pages 199–210, October 2013. (SCI) (IF=2.556;R/C= 16/102,COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS)
Jeng-Wei Lin, Tun Wei Wang, Ray-I Chang, "Optimal Schedule on Message Broadcast Tree in Structured Peer-to-Peer Networks," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 165-182, January 2013. (SCI, 5YIF = 0.326)
Ray-I Chang, Chi-Cheng Chuang, "Mining Frequent Patterns by the Grouping Compression Tree," Int. J. of Innovative Computing Information and Control, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 3115-3132, Aug 2013. (EI)
Chun-Fu Lin, Yu-Hsin Hung, Ray-I Chang, "Analyzing the Effects of Different Multimedia Materials on Learning System," Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, vol.4, No.5, pp.2145-2150, 2013. (ISSN: 2231-2803)
Chun-Fu Lin, Yu-Hsin Hung, Ray-I Chang, "Effect Analysis of a Multi-Material Approach to a Problem-Solving Learning System," Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, vol.4, No.5, pp.1450-1456, 2013. (ISSN: 2231-2803)
Chun-Fu Lin, Yu-Hsin Hung, Ray-I Chang, "Mining Customer Behavior Knowledge to Develop Analytical Expert System for Beverage Marketing," Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, vol.4, No.4, pp.579-584, 2013. (ISSN: 2231-2803)
Ray-I Chang, Te-Chih Wang, Chia-Hui Wang, Shiguo Lian, "Multipoint-to-Point Communications for SHE Surveillance with QoS and QoE Management," Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 25, Issue 7, pp. 1322-1330, October 2012. (7.802, 8/65, 13571)
Ray-I Chang, "Bridging Metaheuristic and Soft Computing," International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing, Vol. 3, Issue 3, pages i-ii, 2012. DOI: 10.4018/jamc.2012070104 (ESCI)
Ray-I Chang, Chi-Cheng Chuang, "Comparing LR, GP, BPN, RBF and SVR for Self-learning Pattern Matching in WSN Indoor Localization," International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing, Vol. 3, Issue 3, pages 49-62, 2012. DOI: 10.4018/jamc.2012070104 (ESCI)
Ray-I Chang, Shu-Yu Lin, Jan-Ming Ho, Chi-Wen Fann, Yu-Chun Wang, "A novel content based image retrieval system using K-means/KNN with feature extraction," Computer Science and Information Systems, vol.9, 4, pp.1645-1661, 2012.(SCI)(IF=0.625)
Chun-Fu Lin, Yu-Chu Yeh, Yu-Hsin Hung, Ray-I. Chang, "Developing an Intelligent Agent for Managing Web 2.0 Services," IERI Procedia, Volume 2, Pages 738-741, 2012.
Tsao-Ta Wei, Chia-Hui Wang, Yu-Hsien Chu and Ray-I Chang, "A Secure and Stable Multicast Overlay Network with Load Balancing for Scalable IPTV Services," International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, Volume 2012, Article ID 540801, 12 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/540801. (EI) (ISSN: 1687-7578)
Nowy Condro, Meng-Han Li, and Ray-I Chang, "MotoSafe: Active Safe System for Digital Forensics of Motorcycle Rider with Android," International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 612-616, 2012. (ISSN: 2010-3719)
Chi-Cheng Chuang, Ray-I Chang, "Weighted Pattern Matching Algorithm for Indoor Location of Wireless Sensor Networks," Sensor Letters, Volume 10, Numbers 5-6, pp. 1168-1172, May 2012. (SCI)(5YIF=0.831)
Ray-I Chang, Chi-Cheng Chuang, "Design and Implementation of Network Management Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks," Advanced Materials Research, Volume 433, Pages 3895-3899, 2012. (EI) (ISSN: 1022-6680)
Ray-I Chang, Shu-Yu Lin, Yuhsin Hung, "Particle Swarm Optimization with Query-based Learning for Multi-objective Power Contract Problem," Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 39, Issue 3, Pages 3116-3126, February 2012. (SCI) (8.665, 21/145, 64974)
Yen-Liang Chen, Yu-Ying Wu, Ray-I Chang, "From Data to Global Generalized Knowledge," Decision Support Systems, Volume 52, Issue 2, Pages 295-307, January 2012. (SCI) (IF=2.313; R/C= 16/139,COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS)
Ray-I Chang, Chi-Cheng Chuang, "A New Spatial IP Assignment Method for IP-based Wireless Sensor Networks," Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Volume 16, Issue 7, Page 913-928, October 2012. (SCI) (5YIF=1.087, 32/79=41%)
Ray-I Chang, Te-Chih Wang, Chia-Hui Wang, Jen-Chang Liu, Jan-Ming Ho, "Effective Distributed Service Architecture for Ubiquitous Video Surveillance," Information Systems Frontiers, Volume 14, Issue 3, pp 499-515, July 2012. (SCI) (5YIF=1.074, 39/99=39%)(DOI 10.1007/s10796-010-9255-z)
Yu-Ying Wu, Yen-Liang Chen, Ray-I Chang, "Mining negative generalized knowledge from relational databases," Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 24, Issue 1, Pages 134-145, February 2011. (SCI) (1.308, 53/103=0.51)
Hsing-Shao Liu, Chi-Cheng Chuang, Chih-Chung Lin, Ray-I Chang*, Chia-Hui Wang and Ching-Chia Hsieh, "Data Compression for Energy Efficient Communication on Ubiquitous Sensor Networks," Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, Volume 14, Issue 3, Pages 245-254, September 2011. (EI)
Ray-I Chang, "Real-Time Media Transmission on Wireless Sensor Networks," Information and Management Science, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp.97-141, 2011. (ISSN: 2072-0971)
Ray-I Chang, Chien-Ting Liu, Te-Chih Wang, Chia-Hui Wang, "Improve QoS of Mobile Multimedia Streaming via Cross-Layer Predictive Packet Transmission over MIPv4," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol.11, No.4, pp.529-542, 2010. (SCI)
Ray-I Chang, Chih-Chun Chu, Yu-Ying Wu, Yen-Liang Chen, "Gene clustering by using query-based self-organizing maps," Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 37, No. 9, pp. 6689–6694, September 2010. (SCI) (IF=2.240;R/C= 12/81,OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE)
Yu-Ying Wu, Yen-Liang Chen, Ray-I Chang, "Generalized Knowledge Discovery from Relational Databases," International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL. 9, No. 6, pp. 148-153, June 2009.
Liang-Bin Lai, Ray-I Chang*, and Jen-Shiang Kouh, "Detecting Network Intrusions Using Signal Processing with Query-Based Sampling Filter," EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2009, pp.3-10, 2009. Article ID 735283, 8 pages, doi:10.1155/2009/735283 (SCI) (1.055, 115/226)
Ray-I Chang, Keng-Wei Chang, "C-SWF Incremental Mining Algorithm for Firewall Policy Management," Journal of Information Technology and Society, Vol. 9, pp. 45-62, 2009. (ISSN: 1682-8054) <Invited paper>
Tung Ju Chiang, Jen Shiang Kouh, Ray-I Chang, "Ontology-based Risk Control for the Incident Management," International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.9 No.1, pp. 181-189, November 2009. (ISSN: 1738-7906)
Ray-I Chang, Shu-Cheng Lin, Yu-Ying Wu, Yen-Leiang Chen, "Improving Proxy Prefetching by Information Value," Information and Management Science, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp.31-43, 2009. (ISSN: 2072-0971)
Ray-I Chang, Yen-Liang Chen, Yu-Ying Wu, "Improving Proxy Cache Performance by Domain-Behavior Classification and On-Demand Caching," Asian Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 100-108, 2008. (ISSN: 1682-3915)
Yachik Yen, Ray-I Chang, "An Object-Oriented Administration Tool for IP-PBX," Information and Management Science, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 60-68, 2008. (ISSN: 2072-0971)
Ray-I Chang, Yachik Yen, Ting-Yu Hsu, "An XML-based Comic Image Compression," LECT NOTES COMPUT SC, Vol. 5353, pp. 563–572, 2008.
Shin-Hung Chang, Ray-I Chang, Jan-Ming Ho, Yen-Jen Oyang, "A Priority Selected Cache Algorithm for Video Relay in Streaming Applications," IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol.53, no.1, pp.79-91, March, 2007. (5.194,60/276,2971)
Ray-I Chang, Liang-Bin Lai, Wen-De Su, Jen-Chieh Wang, Jen-Shiang Kouh, "Intrusion Detection by Backpropagation Neural Networks with Sample-Query and Attribute-Query," International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research, Vol. 3, No.1, pp. 6-10, 2007. (ISSN: 0974-1259)
Hsung-Pin Chang, Ray-I Chang, Wei-Kuan Shih, Ruei-Chuan Chang, "GSR: A Global Seek-Optimizing Real-Time Disk-Scheduling Algorithm," Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 80, Issue 2, Pages 198-215, February 2007. (1.341, 29/92)
Jeng-Wei Lin, Ray-I Chang*, Jan-Ming Ho, Feipei Lai, "FOS: A Funnel-Based Approach for Optimal Online Traffic Smoothing of Live Video," IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, vol.8 no.5, pp. 996 – 1004, 2006. (8.182, 5/110, 13011)
Shin-Hung Chang, Ray-I Chang, Jan-Ming Ho, Yen-Jen Oyang, "An Optimal Cache Algorithm for Streaming VBR Video over a Heterogeneous Network," Computer Communications, Vol.28, Issue 16, Pages 1852-1861, 2005. (0.574, 23/57)
Liang-Bin Lai, Ray-I Chang*, Jen-Shiang Kouh, "Mining Data by Query-Based Error-Propagation," LECT NOTES COMPUT SC, Vol. 3610, pp. 1224 – 1233, 2005. (0.513, 53/70)
Ray-I Chang, "Disease Diagnosis using Query-Based Neural Networks," LECT NOTES COMPUT SC, Vol. 3498, pp. 767-773, 2005. (0.513, 53/70, 1/1/1)
Ray-I Chang, Chih-Chun Chu, "An Efficient Anonymous Scheme for Mutual Anonymous Communications," LECT NOTES COMPUT SC, Vol. 3421, pp. 835-843, 2005. (0.513, 53/70, 1/1/1)
Yih-Chearng Shiue, Ray-I Chang, Gen-Ming Guo, "A Computer-Aided Bibliometrics System for Journal Citation Analysis and Departmental Core Journal Ranking List Generation," Journal of Education Media and Library Sciences, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 199-220, 2004. (TSSCI)
Hsung-Pin Chang, Ray-I Chang, Wei-Kuan Shih, Ruei-Chuan Chang, "Cache-Aware Real-Time Disk Scheduling," Computer Journal, vol. 47 no. 5, pp. 560-578, 2004. (1.394, 36/93)
Jeng-Wei Lin, Ray-I Chang*, Jan-Ming Ho, Feipei Lai, "Aggressive Traffic Smoothing for Delivery of Online Multimedia," LECT NOTES COMPUT SC, Vol. 3331, pp. 114–121, 2004. (0.513, 53/70)
Hsung-Pin Chang, Ray-I Chang*, Wei-Kuan Shih, Ruei-Chuan Chang, "Real-Time Disk Scheduling with On-Disk Cache Conscious," LECT NOTES COMPUT SC, Vol. 2968, pp.88-102, 2003. (0.513, 53/70)
Ray-I Chang, Meng-Chang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko, Jan-Ming Ho, "Schedulable Region for VBR Media Transmission with Optimal Resource Allocation and Utilization," Information Sciences, Vol. 141, Issue 1-2, pp. 61-79, 2002. (3,291, 6/116, 2/1/2)
Ray-I Chang, Meng-Chang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko, Jan-Ming Ho, "Online Traffic Smoothing for Delivery of VBR Media Streams," Circuits Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 341-359, 2001. (0.794, 141/246, 1/1/1)
Hsung-Pin Chang, Ray-I Chang, Wei-Kuan Shih, Ruei-Chuan Chang, "Reschedulable-Group-SCAN Scheme for Mixed Real-Time/Non-Real-Time Disk Scheduling in a Multimedia System," Journal of Systems and Software, 59 (2), pp. 143-152, 2001. (1.341, 29/92)
Ray-I Chang, Meng-Chang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko, Jan-Ming Ho, "Bandwidth-Buffer Tradeoff for Delivery of Pre-Recorded Videos over Multiple Smoothing-Servers," Journal of Applied Systems Studies, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 81-90, 2001.
Hsung-Pin Chang, Ray-I Chang, Wei-Kuan Shih, Ruei-Chuan Chang, "Scheduling I/O Requests in Multimedia-on-Demand Application," Journal of Applied Systems Studies, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 48-61, 2001.
Ray-I Chang, Wei-Kuan Shih, Ruei-Chuan Chang, "Real-time disk scheduling for multimedia applications with a deadline-modification-scan scheme," Real-Time Systems, vol.19, no.2, 149-168, 2000. (SCIE, 0.905, 30/70, 2/1/2)
Ray-I Chang, Wei-Kuan Shih, Ruei-Chuan Chang, "A new real-time disk scheduling algorithm and its application to distributed multimedia storage systems," LECT NOTES COMPUT SC, vol. 1483, pp. 278-289, 1998. (SCIE, 0.513, 53/70, 1/1/1)
Ray-I Chang, Pei-Yung Hsiao, "Macro-cell placement for custom-chip design using self-organizing fuzzy technique," VLSI Design, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 385-399, 1998. (SCIE, 0.138, 44/44)
Ray-I Chang, Pei-Yung Hsiao, "Unsupervised query-based learning of neural networks using selective-attention and self-regulation," IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, vol.8, no.2, pp.205-217, March 1997. (SCIE, 2.178, 6/44=, 3/2/3)
Ray-I Chang, Pei-Yung Hsiao, "VLSI circuit placement with rectilinear modules using three-layer force directed self-organizing maps," IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, vol.8, no.5, pp. 1049-1064, September 1997. (SCIE, 2.178, 6/44, 6/3/6)
Ray-I Chang, Pei-Yung Hsiao, "VLSI cell placement on arbitrarily-shaped rectilinear regions using neural networks with calibration nodes," IEICE Trans. Fund. Electr., vol. E78-A, no. 12, pp. 1777-1784, 1995. (SCIE, 0.318, 31/44)
Ray-I Chang, Pei-Yung Hsiao, "Solving system partitioning problem using a massively parallel bio-computing network," IFIP Trans. A: Technology and Foundations, vol. 1, no. 51, pp.129-134, 1994.
Ray-I Chang, Pei-Yung Hsiao, "Genetic algorithms for the module orientation problem," IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 30, no. 15, pp. 1199-1200, 1994. (SCIE, 0.968, 72/209, 1/0/1)