Motor behavior


My primary research interest lies in the application of assistive technologies to promote function and quality of life in persons with disabilities.  My colleagues and I have focused our efforts on the need and usage of assistive technologies and the factors associated with the assistive technology outcomes in several populations, including individuals with dementia or spinal cord injury or patients discharged from the rehabilitation wards.  We developed and validated the first tool to measure the assistive technology service in TaiwanˇXthe Taiwanese version of the Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with Assistive Technology (QUEST 2.0).  Recently, my research interest centers on the efficacy and effectiveness of assistive technologies and the associated interventions, including special seating systems to improved scoliotic spinal alignment in individuals with spinal cord injuries and a prevention program to alleviate the adverse effects of manual wheelchair use. I am also involved in the development and validation of innovative devices such as foldable light electric wheelchair driven by intelligent power wheels of rim motor and a locomotor robot device for SCI patients.

Phone: 3322-8178