Measuring motor function and disability among stroke patients

文字方塊:  	姓名:Ching-Lin Hsieh
	現職單位:School of Occupational Therapy, National Taiwan University
1994 Ph.D. Degree in Sociology, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
1991 M.S. Degree in Occupational Therapy, Western Michigan University, Michigan, USA
1988 B.S. Degree in Occupational Therapy, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Positions held:
Academic positions
National Taiwan University
2003-present: Professor, School of Occupational Therapy
2001-2007: Chairperson, School of Occupational Therapy
Non-academic positions
National Taiwan University Hospital
1994-present  Occupational Therapist
Endeavor Research Fellowship, Australia, 2009
Outstanding Occupational Therapist, Taipei Association of Occupational Therapists, 2004
The focus of my research is on developing a computerized adaptive testing (CAT) system of functional performance for patients with stroke. The CAT measurement system is used to help clinicians and researchers administer assessments in efficient and precise fashions.	 
Recently, I have constructed two CATs (balance and motor) which can be accessed at
I have maintained a consistent interest in psychometrics and outcome measurements related to clinical research for patients with stroke. My long-term research goal is to develop a clinical excellence model to improve the effectiveness of occupational therapy for patients with stroke.
1. Hsieh YW, Hsueh IP, Chou YT, Sheu CF, Hsieh CL*, Kwakkel G. Development and validation of a short-form of the Fugl-Meyer motor scale in patients with stroke. Stroke 2007; 38:3052-4.
2. Hsieh YW, Wang CH, Wu SC, Chen PC, Sheu CF, Hsieh CL*. Establishing the minimal clinically important difference of the Barthel Index in stroke patients. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 2007; 21:233-8.
3. Chien CW, Hu MH, Tang PF, Sheu CF, Hsieh CL*. A comparison of psychometric properties between the Smart Balance Master system and the Postural Assessment Scale for stroke in people who had mild stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2007; 88:374-80.

Phone: 3322-8177