Prof. Katherine A. Kim Honored with Power Electronics Education Award


The IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) Award for Achievements in Power Electronics Education was established to recognize the work of engineers who have exhibited a major impact on education in the field of power electronics. This year, the award was given to Associate Professor Katherine A. Kim of NTU’s Department of Electrical Engineering.

As the first honoree of the award, Prof. Kim was recognized for pioneering educational videos and online learning in power electronics. The award cites Prof. Kim's groundbreaking contributions, including developing engineering lecture videos and publicly sharing them since 2014. Her YouTube channel titled "katkimshow" has over 76,000 subscribers and some of her lecture videos have over 430,000 views. To make her materials more accessible, she also launched a website called Engineering Spark, providing additional resources on her power electronics course. These videos have received positive comments from learners and industry professionals around the world, stressing how her postings have been invaluable to their studies.

Prof. Kim's innovative spirit is rooted in her dedication to teaching, and she leverages the flipped-learning approach to help students explore alternative learning methods. By building a creative and interactive learning environment, students can gain confidence and acquire the training and technical skills to become leaders who can solve real-world problems.

This is not the first time Prof. Kim has been recognized for her contributions to education. In 2021, she received the Excellent Teaching Award for teaching Power Electronics and Electronic Circuits at NTU. She is a supporter of NTU's Future Classroom and leverages the technology in ways to enhance student engagement. With the recognition of the IEEE PELS Award, Prof. Kim will surely continue with her tireless dedication to her mission as an educator.

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Associate Professor Katherine A. Kim from NTU’s Department of Electrical Engineering.