
Global Asia Research Center Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony of Global Asia Research Center (GARC) took place in College Social Science Room 108, National Taiwan University on 15th September 2017.

Global Asia Research Center director Prof. Pei-Chia Lan, Dean of Social Sciences College, 43 members of GARC and staffs from Office of International Affair had presented at the opening ceremony.

Director Lan made a remark speech to attendant. GARC is established to integrate research resource from multi-field, and to promote research on Asian interactions and comparison. GARC is dedicated to stimulate new ways of understanding Asian modernities in a globalized world.

As Director Lan mentioned, the mission of GARC is to establish platforms for collaboration across sub-fields and nations and to build alliance networks with research institutions in Asia and around the world. By achieving the mission, GARC will integrate resources to support scholars at NTU to conduct multidisciplinary research and to collaborate with global research partners.