I am willing to supervise talented and devoted students with research interests that fall into the fields of public health ethics, comparative health and broader welfare systems, political violence prevention, and health-related political theory.


621 Health Policy, Ethics and Politics Lab


If you are interested in joining Lab 621 and prepared to probe into the nexus between health policy, ethics and politics, you are very welcomed to contact me, through email or physical presence at 6 Floor of the College of Public Health Building (even if I cannot meet with you at once, I could make an appointment with you). Our regular meetings are set on Thursday 16:30-18:00 during Spring 2024. You are welcomed to sit in.


For me it often takes a while to get acquainted with a person. It would take at least three meetings before I could get acquainted with a potential supervisee. If you were interested in working on your thesis under my supervision, please be sure to preserve enough time and talk to me as early as you could, or preferably take one of the courses I provide in the College. In addition, I would expect you to prepare a preliminary draft for your research topic with a focus on the justification of the academic/policy significance of the topic and the feasibility of the methods before I could possibly sign the form of supervision agreement.


When you come and talk to me for the first time, I may incidentally ask about what your favorite book is. If you then tell me the answer is Waiting for the Dawn, I would be impressed.




許子濰 (MS, 2022) 誤導資訊介入對電子煙態度之影響:台灣吸菸族群之隨機分派實驗(獲台灣公共衛生學會2022年第33屆公共衛生研究生論文獎、刊登於台灣公共衛生雜誌2022/12,第41卷第6期,頁600-610)

歐晁瑋 (MS, 2022) 醫師對新興傳染病疫苗強制接種政策之態度COVID-19為例(刊登於台灣公共衛生雜誌2023/02,第42卷第1期,頁75-87)

廖儀幀 (MS, 2023) 臺灣重處理單次使用醫材現況初探

孫伃君 (MS, 2023) 社區照顧關懷據點於老人虐待事件所扮演之角色

譚文頴 (MS, 2024) 澳門長期照顧服務人力資源需求推估

Tanapon Reeponmaha (PhD, GHP) How Do Autocrats Provide Healthcare? Health Policy Network and Health Policymaking During Democratic Regression

吳宗憲 (PhD)

張維剛 (EMHA)

李佳欣 (MS) 誰在乎媽媽?產後照顧政策發展之台韓比較研究

楊睿桐 (BS, DPH) 以捷思法建立之Nudge對於促進身體活動之可能效益- 以臺灣大學大學部為例

陳炘蘋 (MS, DPS, co-advised with Chia-Ming Chen)

黃詩樺 (MS)

陳禹璋 (EMHA)

Shawn Tran (MS, GHP)

Tiaralei Hyorin (MS, GHP, co-advised with Ya-Mei Chen)