Karen Steffen Chung

Short curriculum vitae
Personal links

Longer curriculum vitae with links


Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics
Dissertation title: Mandarin Compound Verbs
Advisor/Promotor: Prof. Frederik H.H. Kortlandt
Readers/Referenten: Prof. Bernard Comrie, Prof. Charles N. Li

National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Audited courses in Chinese literature
and linguistics, foreign languages, botany
Fall 2004: Speech Signal Processing with Prof. Lee Lin-shan
1990 to present

Village Harmony: South Africa, the Republic of Georgia & New Zealand
Participated in choral singing camps
(1) Learned songs in eight languages and performed with chorus around South Africa
August 2007
(2) Learned songs in Georgian and other languages and performed with chorus in the Republic of Georgia
July 2013
(3) Learned songs in Malagasy, Māori, Georgian, various South African and other languages
and performed with chorus in several venues near Wellington, New Zealand
January 2025

Center for Kartvelian Studies, Tbilisi State University
Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia
Took five-week course in Georgian language and culture
July 1-August 7, 2006

Mbira Camp with Erica Azim, Berkeley, California, USA
Attended one-week camp in Zimbabwean mbira (thumb piano) music
July 30-August 6, 2005

University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii
Took for credit and audited language (Burmese)
and linguistics (historical syntax, advanced phonetics) courses
while teaching in the Chinese department

Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey
Master of Arts, East Asian Studies
Advisor: Mr. Hai-tao Tang

Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont
Fourth-year Japanese under Professors Seiichi Makino, Akira Nakamura
Summer 1980

University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, Maryland
Audited classes in ethnomusicology, Chinese linguistics

Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Visiting student in Chinese Music under Professor Rulan Chao Pian
Fall 1980

National Taiwan Normal University (Chinese version), Taipei, Taiwan
Participated in Master of Arts program in Chinese Literature and Linguistics
August 1976-March 1978
Audited course in Tibetan, 1991-92

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Bachelor of Arts, East Asian Languages
Now: Department of Asian Languages and Literatures
September 1974-June 1976

Wilhelm-Gymnasium, Hamburg, Germany
Youth for Understanding international student exchange program
June 1973-July 1974

Centro Escolar Niños Héroes de Chapultepec, Puebla, Mexico
High school exchange student
March 1972

St. Paul Open School, St. Paul, Minnesota
Also audited classes at the University of Minnesota, 1972-73
September 1971-June 1973

Central High School, St. Paul, Minnesota
September 1970-June 1971

Twin City Institute for Talented Youth
Macalester College campus, St. Paul, Minnesota
(now called the Minnesota Institute for Talented Youth)
Fine arts and drama, Summer 1970
Russian language, Summer 1971
Chinese studies, Summer 1972

Wilson Junior High School, St. Paul, Minnesota
September 1969-June 1970

Central Lutheran School ca. 1965, St. Paul, Minnesota
September 1959-June 1969


Adjunct Associate Professor:

National Taiwan University,
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Taipei, Taiwan
Taught full-time from August 1990 to 2021;
currently teaching part-time.

Gave TEDx talk in October 2018
at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST),
entitled: 如何用「回音法」學好英文口說 
Empathy Can Help You Learn a Language Better 

Distinguished teaching award for
university-wide required classes, 2007
Distinguished teaching award, 2002
Excellence in teaching award, 2001, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
Excellence in teaching award for
university-wide required classes, 2015
Recipient, National Taiwan University
Excellent scholarly book award, 2007

for dissertation-based book,
Mandarin Compound Verbs

Excellent book chapter award, 2014,
for "East Asian Linguistics"
in The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, 2013.

Outside reader for various MA theses in linguistics, 2008-present
Faculty advisor, Multilingua Conversation Club, NTU, 2005-present
Have served as journal referee/peer reviewer for:
Australian Journal of Linguistics,
English Teaching & Learning,
Feng Chia Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 逢甲人文社會學報,
Folia Linguistica, Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research,
Journal of Second Language Pronunciation,
Language and Linguistics 語言暨語言學期刊,
NTNU Concentric 同心圓,
Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 臺灣語言學期刊,
Taiwan Journal of TESOL 台灣英語教學期刊,
Tamkang Studies of Foreign Languages and Literatures,
Taiwan University Humanitas Taiwanica 國立臺灣大學 文史哲學報,
Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology/National Science Council

Open Course Ware courses online:
(1) Introduction to Phonetics I
(2) Introduction to Phonetics II
(3) Introduction to Linguistics (1)

Online English language course
based on articles written from 2016-present for English Island:

NSC Visiting Scholar:
Academia Sinica, Institute of Linguistics
Hosted by Prof. Chiu-yu Tseng
August 2011-July 2012

Substitute Professor of Phonetics:
National Chengchi University
Graduate Institute of Linguistics
Taipei, Taiwan
Taught graduate course in advanced phonetics
for faculty member on leave
October-December 2010

Adjunct Associate Professor:
National Taiwan Normal University,
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation

Taught course in Chinese-to-English translation in MA program
February 2008-January 2009

Radio co-host:
Ivy League Analytical English

Taipei, Taiwan
Co-host magazine-based English language instruction
over the radio and Internet with Peter Lai, Wesley Xi
August 1999 to present

Volunteer English teacher:
(1) Taipei First Girls Senior High
Taipei, Taiwan
Taught English language and literature
to advanced students at daughter's school
September 2001-June 2003

(2) Chung Cheng Junior High School
Taipei, Taiwan
Held English classes for students and
English teachers at daughter's school
March 1999-June 1999

Writer, translator, editor:
Government Information Office
Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Printed Materials (now Department of
Compilation and Translation); under Executive Yuan (ROC government)
Wrote, translated, and edited government documents and publications
including presidential speeches, the Republic of China Yearbook
Did occasional translations for Sinorama magazine
June 1987-July 1990

Adjunct instructor, English language:
Fu Jen Catholic University
(Chinese version)
Department of English Language and Literature
Taipei, Taiwan
Taught junior English conversation and composition
August 1985-June 1986

Editor, translator:
Institute of International Relations
National Chengchi University
Taipei, Taiwan
October 1984-July 1986

Freelance translation, writing, editing, voice recording, teaching:
(1) English Island magazine, monthly columnist, mostly on English language
learning and cultural issues January 2016-August 2023
Cave's Educational Training (CET): lead English pronunciation workshops
at venues islandwide;
recorded educational CDs, edited text copy, wrote for the CET magazine
(3) National Institute for Compilation and Translation: served on junior high English
textbook-writing committee, helped record texts 1996-2001
(4) The Taipei Chinese PEN: translated short stories and prose pieces, Chinese to English
(5) China Post: translated daily/Sunday comics from English to Chinese,
designed one "Bilingual Word Puzzle" a week, 1987-88
(6) Wei-Chuan Publishing: translated six cookbooks, Chinese to English
(7) Chinese Television System (CTS): translated TV scripts, Chinese to English
(8) The Kuang-chi Cultural Group: recorded scripts for multimedia productions
(9) Translations, voice-over recording for numerous government and private agencies
Taipei, Taiwan

Visiting instructor, Chinese language:
University of Hawaii at Manoa

Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures
Honolulu, Hawaii
August 1983-July 1984

Substitute teacher, English, foreign languages

East Syracuse Minoa High School
East Syracuse, New York

Contract translator, Chinese-English
Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS)

Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS), U.S. government
Arlington, Virginia; work submitted by mail
Now World News Connection

Contract escort-interpreter, Chinese/English:

(1) U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C., 1982
(2) The Committee on U.S.-China Relations, New York, New York, 1979

Language instructor, ESL, German, Spanish:
Berlitz School of Languages

(1) Princeton, New Jersey, 1980; (2) Washington, D.C., 1981

Research assistant
(1) Princeton University
for Mr. Hai-tao Tang
Princeton, New Jersey
Assisted in Chinese historical linguistics section of Chinese Linguistics Project
(2) University of Minnesota,
for Prof. Liu Chun-jo
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Collected materials on Chinese vernacular literature
Summer 1979

Language instructor, German and Spanish:
St. Paul Open School

St. Paul, Minnesota
Taught several German and Spanish courses while enrolled as a student
September 1971-June 1973

Volunteer ESL instructor, tutor:
International Institute of Minnesota

St. Paul, Minnesota
Student internship; taught foreigners English

Volunteer reading tutor for Mexican-American child:  
Migrant Tutorial 
St. Paul, Minnesota


Sunday school teacher:
Prince of Peace Deaf Lutheran Church

St. Paul, Minnesota
Taught Sunday school for deaf child with lipreading and sign language
Took course in sign language locally

Organization and
committee membership:
Linguistic Society of Taiwan (LST)
Member: 1998 - present
Board Member: October 2007 - 2011

Committee for the Promotion of English, Ministry of Education
Committee Member: October 2017-present

Personal interests:

Languages (most recently, Georgian), linguistics (morphology, phonetics), teaching,
writing and publishing, hiking, botany, Website building, world music, (non-meat) ethnic food,
travel, family
