Notes on Fromkin, An Introduction to Language, Chapter Seven
Phonology: The Sound Patterns of Language

Vocabulary: (if you know of a more appropriate Chinese translation for any of these terms, please let me know!)

     Here is a paper about the phonology of Mandarin, Southern Min and Hakka 漢語的語音與音韻 by Prof. Chung Raung-fu 鍾榮富 of 高雄師範大學 Kaohsiung Normal University, if you are interested.

     Here is a Web page on: Phonological rules for English plurals and regular past tense verbs.

Thomas Carlyle  Scottish-born British historian and essayist (1795-1881)
phonetic properties 語音特徵
phonological rules 音韻規律
phonology 聲韻學、音韻學
mental representation 心理表徵、心智表徵
aspirated 送氣、次清音
unaspirated 不送氣
voiceless 不帶音、無聲、清音
voiced 帶音、有聲、濁音
phonotactics 音位排列理論、音位排列規則、語音組合法
plural morpheme 複數語素、複數詞素
phonological conditioning 音韻制約
allomorph 同位語素、詞素變體、形態變體、
phonemics 音系學
minimal pair 最小對、最小差異對偶詞
phone 單音、音值
distinctive (nonredundant) feature 區別性特徵、
(opposite of: nondistinctive (redundant) feature)
systematic gap 系統空缺
accidental gap 偶然空缺
phonemic representation 音素層、音位層、音位形象
phonetic representation 表層音、語音形象
assimilation rules 同化律
feature addition rules 辨音成分增加律
segment deletion rules 音段省略律
segment insertion rules 音段增加律
metathesis or movement rules 音段移位律
optional 可用律
obligatory 必用律
morphophonemic rules 詞音素規則、 語素音位規則
homorganic 同部位音的
nasalize 鼻化
Akan 阿寒、阿坎
Ojibwa, Ojibwe, Ojibway, Anishinabe 歐吉布威語
phoneme 音位、音素
allophone 同位音、音值
monophthong 單元音、單母音
diphthong 複元音、雙母音
nasal twang 鼻音很重
glide 滑音
phonetic realization 語音體現、呈現
complementary distribution 互補分佈、互補配對
acronym 首字母縮略字
cursive handwriting 草寫的字母
upper case 大寫
lower case 小寫
environment 語境
(free) variant (自由)變體
feature matrix 特性矩陣
natural class 自然類音
assimilation 同化
dissimilation 異化
coarticulation 連音、協同構音、共同發音作用、協同發音
ease of articulation 發音方便
rule-governed 受規則支配、規則轄制、規則取向
internalized 內化
linguistic competence 語言知識
linguistic intuition 語言知覺
feature-spreading 擴散特徵的
metathesis 語音易位
neutralization 中立化
derivation 派生
slip of the tongue 口誤、失言、說溜嘴
Spoonerism 首音誤置、斯本內現象( 即字音的無意互換現象)
syllable structure 音節結構
stress 重音
intonation 音調
phrase 片語


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