Topics in Experimental Economics: Replications (實驗經濟學專題:重複實驗)

Home                    Discussion Group                    Research                    Teaching                    Econ543                    6:24                    TASSEL

NTU (Spring 2020)

Time: Friday, 12:20-2:20pm, at Social Sciences 606 (社科606)

Office Hour: 2:20-3pm after class or by Email appointment

Course Syllabus

     About Oral Presentation and Feedback:
               Chinese Recipe to
Prepare a 20-minute Presentation: 關於 presentation 的一些想法
               Guidelines to Give Feedback: Oral Presentation Evaluation Criteria and Checklist
(original link)

               Tips and Videos:
                    Data Visualization: 1812 (originally by Minard); 10 most common presentation mistakes
                    Life After Death by PowerPoint (Chinese caption; 2010 update)
Principles of economics, translated  (Transcription)  


There is no set textbook, but you need to have basic knowledge on experimental economics, such as those taught in Experimental Economics I: Behavioral Game Theory.  If you have not taken that course, you will have to either take it concurrently, or pick things up yourself by utilizing NTU OCW or reading the BGT textbook, Colin F. Camerer (2003), Behavioral Game Theory, Princeton University Press.

Useful References:

    1. Gilad Feldman's Pre-registered Replication website and Open Science Framework.
    2. Gentzkow and Shapiro (2014),
Code and Data: A Practitioner’s Guide, mimeo.
    3. Lin et al. (2018), "
General Economic Principles of Bargaining and Trade: Evidence From 2,000 Classroom Experiments,” SSRN working paper, 3250495.
    4. Moffatt (2016), Experimetrics: Econometrics for Experimental Economics, Palgrave.

Tentative Class Topics:

 1. [3/ 6 ] Evidence of General Economic Principles of Bargaining and Trade (Lin et al.)

 2. [3/13] Overview of the Replication Process

 3. [3/20] Basic Principles of Experimental Design

 4. [3/27] Eyetracking Workshop and Video Conferencing

 5. [4/ 3 ] Spring Break (Online Group Meeting with Advising Instructors)

 6. [4/10] Eyelink DataViewer Workshop

 7. [4/17] Experimetrics: Power Analysis

 8. [4/24] Pre-analysis Plan Due (midterm week)

 9. [5/ 1 ] Training to be an Experimenter

10.[5/ 8 ] Conduct Replication Experiment

11.[5/15] Conduct Replication Experiment

12.[5/22] Replication Report Preparation

13.[5/29] Replication Report Preparation

14.[6/ 5 ] Replication Report Preparation

 o. [6/26] Final Report Due

Home                    Discussion Group                    Research                    Teaching                    Econ543                    6:24                    TASSEL

Last modified on 2022-02-16