Principles of Economics I: Microeconomics (經濟學原理與實習一)


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NTU (Fall 2008)

Course Evaluation (期中教學意見調查) (Please fill this out online during 11/4-11/10)

Course Syllabus (Presentation file)

Office Hours: Thursday 3:00-5:00pm (or by email appointment) at 社法學院研究大樓 Room 425

Classroom and Time: Friday 9:10am-12:10pm at 管二104

Review Session: Monday 10:20am-12:10pm at 綜302, by TA 張振維 (d95323010 "at"

Course outline:

 1. [9/19] Ten Principles of Economics (Mankiw, Ch. 1; Chapter 1)
Experiment 1: The LUPI Game (中文說明, past results, your results, and experimenter manual)
Ten Principles of Economics, Translated - Mankiw's Blog Entry and Transcript (old PDF), performed by Yoram Bauman
Homework Solutions: Ch.1

 2. [9/26] Production Possibility Frontier and Gains from Trade (Mankiw, Ch.  2, 3; Chapter 2, Chapter 3)
Experiment 2: Gains from Trade (中文說明, past results, your results, and experimenter manual)
Homework Solutions: Ch.2, Ch.3

 3. [10/3] Supply and Demand (Mankiw, Ch. 4)
Experiment 3: Seeing the Invisible Hand (中文說明, past results, your results, and experimenter manual)
Homework Solutions: Ch.4
        Curious about the trading rules used in the real world? Read How the NYSE market really works (from the Wall Street Journal).

 •  [10/10] No class (Holiday)

 4. [10/17] Elasticity; "Fixing" the Market? Bad Idea! (Mankiw, Ch. 5, 6)
Experiment 4: Price Control and Taxation (中文說明, past results, your results, and experimenter manual)
Homework Solutions: Ch.5, Ch.6

 5. [10/24] Markets and Welfare: Application to Taxation (Mankiw, Ch. 7 and 8)
Experiment 5: International Trade (中文說明, past results, your results, and experimenter manual)
Homework Solutions: Ch.7, Ch.8

 6. [10/31] Markets and Welfare: Application to Trade (Mankiw, Ch. 9; Chapter 9)
Homework Solutions: Ch.9

7. [11/7] Classical Market Failure: Externalities and/or Public Goods (Mankiw, Ch. 10, 11)
Experiment 7: Public Goods Game (中文說明, past results, your results, and experimenter manual)
        Homework Solutions: Ch.10, Ch.11
Classical Reading: Harold Demsetz, "The Private Production of Public Goods,"
Journal of Law and Economics,Vol.13,No.2.(Oct.,1970),pp.293-306.

 •  [11/14] Midterm (3 hours: 9:10-12:10)
Midterm Sample Question, Old Midterms: Fall 2007
        Textbook "Other" Problem Solutions: Ch.1, Ch.2, Ch.3, Ch.4, Ch.5, Ch.6, Ch.7, Ch.8, Ch.9, Ch.10, Ch.11

 8. [11/21] Tradable Permit Market, Cost of Production (Mankiw, Ch. 13)
Experiment 6: A Tradable Permit Market (中文說明, past results, your results, and experimenter manual)
        Homework Solutions: Ch.13
        Want to know what the firm is suppose to do?  See this video.

 9. [11/28] Competitive Markets (Mankiw, Ch. 14)
Experiment 8: Classical Perfect Competition (中文說明, graduate micro results, your results, and experimenter manual)
        Homework Solutions: Ch.14

10. [12/5 ] Monopoly (Mankiw, Ch. 15)
Experiment 9: Monopoly, Cartel, and Price Discrimination (中文說明, past results, your results, and experimenter manual)
        Homework Solutions: Ch.15
Classical Reading: Harold Demsetz, "Why Regulate Utilities?"
Journal of Law and Economics,Vol.11,No.1.(Apr.,1968),pp.55-65.

11. [12/12] Oligopoly (Mankiw, Ch. 16)
Experiment 10: Duopoly (中文說明, past results, and experimenter manual)
        Homework Solutions: Ch.16
        Interesting Paper on possible price fixing of Taiwan CPC and FPC: Lien and Sheu (2008).

12. [12/19] Monopolistic Competition (Mankiw, Ch. 17)
Experiment 11: A Price & Quantity Market (中文說明, past results, your results, and experimenter manual [Holt, Ch.10])
        Homework Solutions: Ch.17

13. [12/26] Factor Market, Wage Differentials and Discrimination (Mankiw, Ch. 18, 19)
Homework Solutions: Ch.18, Ch.19
        Some Interesting Facts about
Income Inequality (See pp.12-22; from Pf. Luoh's class)

14. [1/9] Asymmetric Information, Political Economy and Behavioral Economics (Mankiw, Ch. 22)
Experiment 12: Location, Location, Location! (中文說明, past results, your results, and experimenter manual)
        Homework Solutions: Ch.22

 •  [1/16] Final Exam: Material are accumulative, but focuses on the second half (Ch.13-22).
        Old Finals: Fall 2007
        Textbook "Other" Problem Solutions: Ch.13, Ch.14, Ch.15, Ch.16, Ch.17, Ch.18, Ch.19, Ch.22


Online Resources:

1. Gregory Mankiw: Textbook and blog
2. R. Preston McAfee: Textbook and website
3. AEA's Undergraduate Economics


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Last modified on July 15, 2009