Micro Seminar (專題討論─個體經濟二)


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NTU (Spring 2008)

Course Syllabus

Class Time: Thursday, 1:30-3:00pm, at 社法27教室


Seminar Schedule:  

[2/18] Jacob K. Goeree (Caltech): [12:15-1:45pm at 行政大樓第一會議室, Note special time and place!]

            Title: Wise Crowds or Wise Minorities (with C. Brunner)


[2/21] Chun-Fang Chiang (江淳芳, Brown U.): [1:30-3:00pm at 社法28教室, Note special place!]

            Title: Political Differentiation in Newspaper Markets

                    [Student Introduction]

[2/21] Pohan Fong (馮勃翰): [3:30-5pm at 社法28教室, Note special time and place!]

            Title: Legislative Bargaining with Reconsideration

                    [Student Introduction]

[3/13] Brian Edward Erard

            Title: Econometric Models for Multi-Stage Audit Processes: An Application to the IRS National Research Program
                    (joint with Jonathan Feinstein at Yale)


[4/ 3 ] Eric S. Chou (周嗣文):

            Title: An Incentive Theory of outsourcing and Offshoring


[4/10] Gau-Rong Liang (梁高榮):

            Title:  Incentive-driven supply chains: from auction clocks to war rooms (誘因驅動型供應鏈:從拍賣鐘到戰情室)


[4/17] Tsung-Sheng Tsai(蔡崇聖):

            Title: Allocation of Decision-Making Authority with Principal's Reputation Concerns

                    [Student Introduction]

[4/24] Meng-Yu Liang(梁孟玉):

            Title: Imperfect Durability and the Coase Conjecture


[5/22] Chun-Hsien Yeh(葉俊顯):

            Title: Consistency and the Sequential Equal Contributions Rule for Airport Problems

                    [Student Introduction]

[5/29] Kristiaan Kerstens (IESEG School of Management):

            Title: Performance Gauging in Discrete Time Using a Luenberger Portfolio


[6/12] Pei-Yu (Melody) Lo (羅佩瑜):

            Title: Why is Winning New Hampshire Important--Simultaneous vs. Sequential Elections



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Last modified on July 15, 2009