Micro Seminar (專題討論─個體經濟、產業組織與貿易二)


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NTU (Spring 2016)

Course Syllabus

Class Time: Thursday, 1:30-3:00pm, at Social Science Room 305 (社科305教室) in the Social Science Building

Seminar Schedule:

[ 2 /25] Thesis Adviser Orientation (指導教授說明會)


[ 3 / 3 ] Daniel Martin (Northwestern MEDS)

            Title: Consumer Theory with Inattention to Prices

                     [Student Introduction: 陳永哲盧永桂楊祺賢] [Feedback to Intro]

[ 3 /10] Chih-Chun Yang (IEAS 中研院經濟所楊智鈞)

            Title: Implementation in Iterated Elimination of Weakly Dominated Strategies

                     [Student Introduction: 林柔均王祖恩] [Feedback to Intro]

[ 3 /24] Yu-Sung Tu (NTU 台大經濟系凃又菘)

            Title: Evolutionarily Stable Preferences Against Multiple Mutations

                     [Student Introduction: 楊祺賢蔡品均] [Feedback to Intro]

[ 3 /31] Pinghan Liang (SWUFE-RIEM 西南財經大學經濟與管理研究院梁平漢)

            Title: The Prisoner Redemption: A Field Experiment on Charitable Contribution from Chinese Prison Inmates


[ 4 /14] Jin-Lung Lin (NDHU-Finance 東華財金系林金龍)

            Title: Big Data


[ 4 /21] Natsuki Arai (NCCU-IB 政大國貿系) joint with the macro seminar at Social Science 306 (Note special place!)

            Title: The Effects of Monetary Policy Announcements at the Zero Lower Bound

                     [Student Introduction: 吳松儒曹宇倫] [Feedback to Intro]

[ 4 /28] Hsin-I Huang (NTU-PS 台大政治系黃心怡)

            Title: University-Firm Deals and Collaborations: A Matching Approach

                     [Student Introduction: 林正峯盧永桂馮孟章] [Feedback to Intro]

[ 5 / 5 ] Philipp Pfeiffer (Berlin Doctoral Program in Economics and Management Science)

            Title: I Want to Know It Now: Measuring Preferences Over the Temporal Resolution of Consumption Uncertainty

                     [Student Introduction: 林建勳徐正憲王祖恩] [Feedback to Intro]

[ 5 /12] Yi-You Yang (AU-FA 真理大學財務與精算學系楊奕祐)

            Title: Competitive Equilibrium with Indivisible Objects (wp1, wp2)

                     [Student Introduction: 陳永哲陳翰霖] [Feedback to Intro]

[ 5 /19] Aleksandr Yankelevich (MSU)

            Title: Collaborate or Consolidate: Assessing the Competitive Effects of Production Joint Ventures

                     [Student Introduction: 周旻誼] [Feedback to Intro]

[ 5 /26] Szu-Hsien Ho (NTU 台大經濟何思賢)

            Title: Optimal Contracting with Subjective Evaluation Revisited

                     [Student Introduction: 馮孟章] [Feedback to Intro]

[ 6 / 2 ] Yuping Chen (NTU-IB 台大國企陳瑀屏)

            Title: Consumer Neuroscience: Decoding the Mind of the Consumer

                     [Student Introduction: 吳松儒林柔均曹宇倫] [Feedback to Intro]

[ 6 /16] Chen-Nan Liao (NTU-BA 台大工管系廖振男)

            Title: Information Provision Policies for Improving Farmer Welfare in Developing Countries: Heterogeneous Farmers and Market Selection

                     [Student Introduction: 徐正憲謝長潤] [Feedback to Intro]

[ 6 /23] David Jinkins (Copenhagen Business School 哥本哈根商學院金大偉)

            Title: Trade and Inequality in the Spatial Economy

                     [Student Introduction: TBA] [Feedback to Intro]


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Last modified on 六月 16, 2016