Experimental Economics (實驗經濟學)


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NTU (Spring 2008)

Time: Thursday, 9:10am-12:10pm, at 社法第13教室   

Office Hour: Thursday 12:10-1:00pm (after class) or by Email appointment

Syllabus and Reading List: Pdf/ Html (with links)

Graduate Textbook: Behavioral Game Theory (by Colin F. Camerer)

Undergraduate Textbook: Markets, Games and Strategic Behavior (by Charles Holt) [雙葉代理]

Class Topics:

[ 2 /21] Introduction (BGT, Ch.1; MGS, Ch.1) [WAV1, WAV2, WAV3]

[ 3 / 6 ] Basic Principles of Experimental Design (BGT, A1.2) [WAV1, WAV2, WAV3]

                 [Lecture Notes: Intro] (This is an example of what your midterm report should look like.)

               Student Presentation: [Slides, WAV]
Oxytocin increases Trust in Humans

[ 3 /13] Social Preferences: Dictator, Ultimatum and Trust Games (BGT, Ch.2; MGS, Ch.12-14) [WAV1, WAV2, WAV3]

                      [Lecture Notes: SP1, SP2, SP3, Math Notes for BGT 2.8]

[ 3 /20] Mixed-Strategy Equilibrium (BGT, Ch.3) [WAV1, WAV2, WAV3]

                      [Lecture Notes: MSE]

               Student Presentation: [Slides]
Field and Lab Convergence in Poison LUPI Games

[ 3 /27] Experimental Design, Procedure and Analysis [WAV1, WAV2, WAV3]

               Student Presentation: [Slides, WAV]
Detecting Failures of Backward Induction: Monitoring Information Search in Sequential Bargaining

[ 4 / 3 ] Bargaining (BGT, Ch.4) [WAV1, WAV2, WAV3]

                      [Lecture Notes: Bargain1, Bargain2, Math Notes for BGT 4.3]

[ 4 /10] Dominance-Solvable Games (BGT, Ch.5) [WAV1, WAV2a, WAV2b, WAV3]

                      [Lecture Notes: DSG1, DSG2]

               Student Presentation: [Slides, WAV (second half)]
               Title: Self-tuning experience weighted attraction learning in games

[ 4 /17] Dominance-Solvable Games (Continued), Learning (BGT, Ch.6) [WAV1, WAV2, WAV3a, WAV3b]

               Student Presentation: [Slides, WAV]
Cognition and Behavior in Two-Person Guessing Games: An Experimental Study

[ 4 /24] Learning (BGT, Ch.6) [WAV1, WAV2a, WAV2b, WAV3]

                      [Lecture Notes: Learn1, Learn2, Learn3]

               Student Presentation: [Slides, WAV]
Managing Growth to Achieve Efficient Coordination in Large Groups

[ 5 / 1 ] Coordination (BGT, Ch.7) [WAV1, WAV2, WAV3]

                      [Lecture Notes: Coordinate1, Coordinate2, Coordinate3]

               Student Presentation: [Slides, WAV]
The Speed of Learning in Noisy Games: Partial Reinforcement and the Sustainability of Cooperation

[ 5 / 8 ] No Class (Birthday of Joelle Wang)


[ 5 /15] Signaling and Reputation (BGT, Ch.8) [WAV1, WAV2, WAV3]

                      [Lecture Notes: SR1, SR2, SR3]

[ 5 /22] Individual Decision Making (Risk, Time, and fMRI) [WAV1, WAV2, WAV3]

                      [Lecture Notes: Individual1, Individual2, Individual3]

               Student Presentation: [Slides]
Risk and time preferences: Experimental and household data from Vietnam

               Student Presentation: [Slides]
Neural Systems Responding to Degrees of Uncertainty In Human Decision Making

               Student Presentation: [Slides]
Separate Neural Systems Value Immediate and Delayed Monetary Rewards

[ 5 /29] Neuroeconomics [WAV1, WAV2, WAV3]

                      [Lecture Notes: Neuro1, Neuro2]

               Student Presentation: [Slides]
               Title: Final Proposal - Can We Learn Bayesian Rule?

[ 6 / 5 ] Eyetracking [WAV1, WAV2, MP3-3]

                      [Lecture Notes: Eyetrack]

               Presentation: [Slide]
Window of Cognition: Eyetracking the Decision-Making Process in Graphical Beauty Contest Games

               Student Presentation: [Slide]
               Title: Thar She Blows: Can Bubbles Be Rekindled with Experienced Subjects?

[ 6 /12] Field Experiments [WMA1, WMA2]

                      [Lecture Notes: Field1, Field2]

               Student Presentation: [Slide, WMA]
Does Price Matter in Charitable Giving?  Evidence from a Large-Scale Natural Field Experiment

               Student Presentation: [Slide, WMA]
Are Emily and Greg More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination

               Student Presentation: [Slide, WMA]
Level-k Auctions: Can a Non-Equilibrium Model of Strategic Thinking Explain the Winner's Curse and Overbidding in Private-Value Auctions?

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Last modified on July 15, 2009