Mini-Course in Game Theory and Economic Theory (微課程:賽局理論專題)

Home                    Discussion Group                    Research                    Teaching                    Econ543                    6:24                    TASSEL

NTU (Fall 2019)

Time: 2019/12/16-20, 2:20-5:20pm, at Social Sciences 603 (社科研603) (Monday at 601)

Course Syllabus

Co-Instructor: Tai-Wei Hu (胡台威, "at"

Course Registration Survey

Structure and Activities:

1. [12/16]: History and Background of Game Theory and Economic Theory (at 601)

Case Study:  From Monopoly, Cournot, Stackelberg, N-firm Oligopoly to Perfect Competition

2. [12/17]: Expected Utility Theory

Foundation for Measurements in Modern Economics: History, Motivation, and Axiomatic Approach

3. [12/18]: Exercise (Solution); Normal Form Game

Zero-sum (Minimax theorem); Non-zero-sum games (Nash equilibrium, existence); Ex ante Decision-Making

4. [12/19]: Nash Bargaining Game (3:15-6:15pm)

Bargaining Theory: Cooperative Game Approach, Strategic Foundations, and Applications

5. [12/20]: Epistemic Game Theory and Level-k Reasoning

Home                    Discussion Group                    Research                    Teaching                    Econ543                    6:24                    TASSEL

Last modified on 2019-12-26