丘政民   CHIOU, Jeng-Min


Distinguished Professor & Director

Institute of Statistics and Data Science, National Taiwan University

Email: jmchiou[at]ntu.edu.tw


Ph.D. in Statistics, University of California, Davis, USA

ASA Fellow, IMS Fellow


Research Interests 

Functional data analysis 

Clustering and unsupervised methods

Semi-parametric methods 

Longitudinal data analysis  

Change point analysis

Traffic flow analysis and prediction/ITS 


Applied Statistics


Professional Experience 

Distinguished Professor & Founding Director, Institute of Statistical Science, National Taiwan University (2022–present)

Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica (2017–present)

Acting/Deputy Director, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica (20162017/20092013,20142016) 

Associate/Full Research Fellow, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica (2004–2009/2009–2017)

Assistant/Associate Investigator, Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, National Health Research Institutes (20002003/20032004)

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, National Chung Cheng University (19982000)

Honors & Professional Services 

Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) (2019)

Fellow, American Statistical Association (ASA) (2014)

Outstanding Service Award, International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA) (2016)

Outstanding Research Awards, National Science & Technology Council (2009, 2014)

Investigator Awards, Academia Sinica (2010, 2016)

Panel Chair, Academic Discipline of Statistics, Ministry of Science & Technology (2014-2016)

Co-Editor, Statistica Sinica (2011-2014)

Managing Editor, Statistica Sinica (2008-2011) 

Associate Editors:

 Annals of Institute of Statistical Mathematics (2023- ), Journal of the American Statistical Association (2020-2022), Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (2015-2021), Bernoulli (2014-2015), Journal of Chinese Statistical Association (2008-2014), Biometrics (2006-2010)



Areas of Research 

Functional data analysis: Functional regression modeling and analysis, functional prediction, functional clustering and classification, linear manifold modeling, multivariate functional data analysis, functional change-point analysis

Semi-parametric statistical methods: Non-parametric quasi-likelihood, semi-parametric generalized estimating equations, single- and multiple-index models 

Transportation research: Traffic flow prediction, traffic pattern analysis, incident detection, travel time estimation, missing value imputation for traffic data

Biostatistics and applications: Aging research, mortality forecasting, statistical analysis for neuroimaging, epidemiologic research


Selected Publications

Statistical methods in transportation research 

Multiple changepoint analysis for functional data 


Multivariate functional and longitudinal data analysis 


Clustering, classification, and review of functional data


Prediction and regression analysis of functional and longitudinal data


Non-parmetric and semi-parametric regression methods


Statistical methods in cohort mortality research


Statistical methods with applications to linguistic pitch, neuro-imaging, and gene expression research


Statistical methods in genetic epidemiology


Biostatistical applications, epidemiology, aging research