Welcome to Hung-Hao Chang¡¦s Homepage  (±i  §»  ¯E)



Short Biography

Hung-Hao Chang earned his Ph.D. in Applied Economics and Management from Cornell University in 2006. That same year, he joined the Department of Agricultural Economics at National Taiwan University (NTU) as an assistant professor. He was promoted to full professor in 2014 and became a distinguished professor in 2024. His research interests focus on the evaluation of agricultural and public policy, farm household economics, food consumption, and the economic analysis of competition law in the digital economy. Dr. Chang serves as a co-editor of Food Policy and has held editorial positions as an associate editor for Agribusiness: An International Journal, Agricultural Economics, and Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy, as well as managing editor for the Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. Since 2006, he has published over 120 articles in prominent field journals, including the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Food Policy, European Review of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Health Economics, Health Economics, Strategic Management Journal, and Journal of Dairy Science, among others. From 2015 to 2018, Dr. Chang was on leave from NTU, serving as a full-time commissioner at the Taiwan Fair Trade Commission, where he was responsible for international cooperation and enhancing economic analysis in competition law issues. He also served as Taiwan's representative at OECD, ICN, EATOP, and OECD-ICN chief economist meetings.


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Current Position


Distinguished Professor and Department Chair, Department of Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University  ¡]¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¹A·~¸gÀÙ¨t¯S¸u±Ð±Â­Ý¨t¥D¥ô¡^

E-mail: hunghaochang@ntu.edu.tw

Tel:  +886-2-33662656    




2001 ~ 2006      Ph.D., Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University, USA (¬ü°ê±d¤Dº¸¤j¾ÇÀ³¥Î¸gÀÙ»PºÞ²z¾Ç³Õ¤h)

1996 ~ 1998      Master, Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (¥x¤j¹A·~¸gÀÙ©ÒºÓ¤h)

1992 ~ 1996      Bachelor, Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (¥x¤j¹A·~¸gÀÙ¨t¾Ç¤h)


Academic Experience and Social Service                                                      


2024 ~ present      Distinguished Professor, National Taiwan University¡]¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¯S¸u±Ð±Â¡^

2022 ~ 2025        Department Chair, Department of Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University¡]¨t¥D¥ô­Ý©Òªø¡A¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¹A·~¸gÀÙ¨t¡^

2023 ~ present      Commissioner, International Trade Commission, Ministry of Economic Affairs (©e­û¡A¸gÀÙ³¡¶T©ö½Õ¬d©e­û·|©e­û)

2024 ~ present      Board Member, Fair Trade and Consumer Relationship Committee, Chinese National Federation of Industries (¤½¥­¥æ©ö»P®ø¶OªÌÃö«Y©e­û·|©e­û¡A¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¥þ°ê¤u°ÓÁ`·|)

2023 ~ 2024        Visiting Professor for MPOB-UKM Endowed Chair, National University of Malaysia («È®yÁ¿®y±Ð±Â¡A°¨¨Ó¦è¨È°ê¥ß¤j¾Ç)

2021 ~ 2024         Board of Director, Asia Accelerator Network Association (AAN) (²z¨Æ¡A¨È¤Ó¥[³t¾¹ºô¸ô¨ó·|)

2020 ~ 2022         President, Taiwan Association of Input-Output Studies (²z¨Æªø¡A»OÆW²£·~ÃöÁp¾Ç·|)

2019 ~ 2020         Board of Director, Taiwan-German Social-Economic Association (²z¨Æ¡A¥x¼wªÀ·|¸gÀپǷ|¥x¤è²z¨Æ·|)

2019 ~ present      External Consultant, Yunlin County Government¡]µLµ¹Â¾ÅU°Ý¡A¶³ªL¿¤¬F©²)

2018/11 ~ present    Board Member of External Experts for Public Procurement, Public Construction Commission¡]¬F©²±ÄÁʱM®a¾ÇªÌ¡A¤½¦@¤uµ{©e­û·|)

2018 ~ present      Member, Asian Competition Forum (·|­û¡A¨È¬wÄvª§½×¾Â)

2018 ~ present      Invited Member, Virtual ASEAN Competition Research Center (¬ã¨s­û¡AªF«n¨È°ê¨óÄvª§¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß)

2016 ~ present      Research Fellow, Ecological Engineering Center, College of Bioresources and Agriculture, National Taiwan University¡]¯S¬ù¬ã¨s­û¡A¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¥Í¹A¾Ç°|¥ÍºA¤uµ{¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß¡^

2018 ~ 2019      Board Member, College Development Committee, Shih-Hsin University (©e­û¡A¥@·s¤j¾Ç®Õ°Èµo®i©e­û·|)

2015/04 ~ 2018/06  Commissioner, Taiwan Fair Trade Commission (on leave)  (¤½¥­¥æ©ö©e­û·|©e­û¡A­É½Õ)

2014 ~ 2015     Chairman, International Cooperation Committee, Rural Economic Society of Taiwan (°ê»Ú¥æ¬y¥l¶°¤H¡A¥xÆW¹A§ø¸gÀپǷ|µo¦æ)

2013 ~ 2013      Evaluation Committee, Taiwanese Social Science Index Economic Journal, National Science Council (»OÆWTSSCI¸gÀÙÃþ´Á¥Z¼f¬d©e­û·|¡A°ê¬ì·|)

2012 ~ 2014      Topic Leader, Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting (AAEA) (¤p²Õ¥l¶°¤H¡A¬ü°ê¹A·~¸gÀÙ¦~·|)

2011 ~ 2012      Visiting Scholar, University of California at Berkeley (¥æ¬y³X°Ý¾ÇªÌ¡A¬ü°ê¥[¦{¤j¾Ç¬f§JµÜ¤À®Õ)

2010 ~ 2014      Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University¡]°Æ±Ð±Â¡A¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¹A·~¸gÀÙ¨t¡^

2006 ~ 2010      Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University¡]§U²z±Ð±Â¡A¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¹A·~¸gÀÙ¨t¡^

2010 ~ 2015      Group Leader, Ecological Engineering Center, College of Bioresources and Agriculture, National Taiwan University¡]²Õªø¡A¥ÍºA¤uµ{¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß¡A¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¥Í¹A¾Ç°|¡^

2008 ~ 2010     Vice Secretary General, Rural Economics Society of Taiwan¡]°Æ¯µ®Ñªø¡A¥xÆW¹A§ø¸gÀپǷ|¡^

2002 ~ 2005     Graduate Research Consultant, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri Lanka ¡]¬ã¨s­pµe­Ý¸u¤H­û¡A°ê»Ú¤ô¸ê·½¤¤¤ß¡^

2005 ~ 2006    Teaching Assistant, Department of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University ¡]±Ð¾Ç§U²z¡A¬ü°ê±d¤Dº¸¤j¾Ç¡^

2002 ~ 2005    Research Assistant, Department of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University ¡]¬ã¨s§U²z¡A¬ü°ê±d¤Dº¸¤j¾Ç¡^


Award and Honor


2025   T. H. Lee Chair Professor¡]§õµn½÷¾Ç³NÁ¿®y±Ð±Â¡^

2024   Distinguished Professor, National Taiwan University¡]¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¯S¸u±Ð±Â¡^

2023   Young Scholar Award, College of Bio-economics and Agriculture, National Taiwan University (¥x¤j¥Í¹A¾Ç°|«C¦~Ày¶iÁ¿®y±o¼ú¤H)

2023   World top 2% scientists, Field of Agricultural Economics and Policy, Published by Standard University (¥þ²y«e2%³»¦y¬ì¾Ç®a¡AAgricultural Economics and Policy»â°ì¥xÆW°ß¤@º]¤W¾ÇªÌ¡A¥v¤¦ºÖ¤j¾Ç¥Xª©)

2023   Certificate, ESI Highly Cited Journal Paper in 2021 and 2022. 

2023   Certificate, the top cited article published in Journal of Agricultural Economics in 2021-2022

2022   Certificate, the top cited article published in AJAE in 2020-2021

2021   Recipient, National Agricultural Scientific Award, Council of Agriculture (²Ä¤G©¡°ê®a¹A·~¬ì¾Ç¼ú-ªÀ¸gµo®iÃþ³Ç¥X¼ú±o¼ú¤H)

2021  Nomination of the Antitrust Compliance Awards 2021 (2021¦~¤Ï¦«©Ô´µªkªk¿í¼ú¶µ´£¦W)

2021  Outstanding Journal Article Award, National Taiwan University (¥x¤j³Ç¥X´Á¥Z½×¤å¼úÀy)

2020  Outstanding Journal Article Award, National Taiwan University (¥x¤j³Ç¥X´Á¥Z½×¤å¼úÀy)

2020  Excellent Teaching Award, College of Agriculture, National Taiwan University (¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¥Í¹A¾Ç°|±Ð¾ÇÀu¨}¼ú)

2019  Outstanding Senior Teacher Award, National Taiwan University (¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¸ê²`Àu¨}±Ð®v¼ú)

2018  Outstanding Researcher Award, Taiwan Agricultural Association (¥xÆW¹A¾Ç·|¹A·~¾Ç³N¼ú)

2018  Outstanding Journal Article Award, National Taiwan University (¥x¤j³Ç¥X´Á¥Z½×¤å¼úÀy)

2017  Outstanding Journal Article Award, National Taiwan University (¥x¤j³Ç¥X´Á¥Z½×¤å¼úÀy)

2016  Outstanding Journal Article Award, National Taiwan University (¥x¤j³Ç¥X´Á¥Z½×¤å¼úÀy)

2015  Outstanding Journal Article Award, National Taiwan University (¥x¤j³Ç¥X´Á¥Z½×¤å¼úÀy)

2014  Outstanding Journal Article Award, National Taiwan University (¥x¤j³Ç¥X´Á¥Z½×¤å¼úÀy)

2013  Outstanding Researcher Award, Taiwanese Agricultural Extension Association (¥xÆW¹A·~±À¼s¾Ç·|¬ã¨s½×¤å¼ú)

2013  Outstanding Journal Article Award, National Taiwan University (¥x¤j³Ç¥X´Á¥Z½×¤å¼úÀy)

2012  Outstanding Journal Article Award, National Taiwan University (¥x¤j³Ç¥X´Á¥Z½×¤å¼úÀy)

2012  Excellent Journal Article Award, National Taiwan University (¥x¤jÀu¨q´Á¥Z½×¤å¼úÀy)

2011  Visiting Scholar Fellowship, Taiwan Top Universities Alliance, Ministry of Education, Taiwan (±Ð¨|³¡³»¦y¤j¾Çµ¦²¤Áp·ù³X°Ý¾ÇªÌ­pµe)

2011  Outstanding Journal Article Award, National Taiwan University (¥x¤j³Ç¥X´Á¥Z½×¤å¼úÀy)

2010  Outstanding Research Award for Young Scholars, College of Bioresources and Agriculture, National Taiwan University (¥x¤j¥Í¹A¾Ç°|¦~»´¾ÇªÌ¬ã¨s¼ú)

2008  Outstanding Research Award for Young Scholars, College of Bioresources and Agriculture, National Taiwan University (¥x¤j¥Í¹A¾Ç°|¦~»´¾ÇªÌ¬ã¨s¼ú)

2007  Outstanding Journal Article, Paddy and Water Environment, International Society of Paddy and Water Environment Engineering (PAWEES) (with Richard N. Boisvert) (³Ì¨Î¦~«×´Á¥Z½×¤å¼ú)

2006  Outstanding Journal Article, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economic Association (with Richard N. Boisvert, and David Blandford) (³Ì¨Î¦~«×´Á¥Z½×¤å¼ú)


Editorial Service

2021 ~ present       Co-Editor, Food Policy (´Á¥Z°Æ¥D½s)

2024 ~ 2025         Guest Editor, Special Issue on Sustainability, ESG and Agribusiness in Agribusiness-An International Journal (¯S¥ZÁ`½s¿è)

2024 ~ present       Associate Editor, Agribusiness-An International Journal (´Á¥Z°Æ½s¿è)

2024 ~ present       Associate Editor, Asian Economic Journal, official journal published by East Asian Economic Association (´Á¥Z°Æ½s¿è)

2024 ~ present       Editorial Board Member, Journal of Global Smallholder Studies (´Á¥Z½s¿è©e­û)

2021 ~ present       Editorial Board, Fair Trade Quarterly, Taiwan Fair Trade Commission (´Á¥Z½s¿è©e­û¡A¤½¥­¥æ©ö©u¥Z)

2022 ~ present       Advisory Editorial Board, Journal of Agribusiness Marketing (´Á¥Z½s¿è¿Ô¸ß©e­û)

2021 ~ present       Editorial Board, Smallholder Studies (´Á¥Z½s¿è©e­û)

2022 ~ 2023         Guest Editor, special issue of ¡§Promoting sustainable food production: Challenges, practices, impacts, and solutions¡¨, British Food Journal (´Á¥Z¯S¥Z¥D½s)

2020 ~ 2021         Managing Editor, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, official journal published by the Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (NAREA), USA (´Á¥ZÁ`¥D½s¡A¬üªF¹A·~»P¸ê·½¸gÀپǷ|µo¦æ)

2021 ~ 2022         Guest Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, Special Issue on ¡§COVID-19 in Agricultural and Development Economics¡¨ (¯S¥Z¥D½s)

2019 ~ present       Editorial Board, Review of Social Sciences, Official Journal Published by the Chengchi University (´Á¥Z½s¿è©e­û¡AªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç½×ÂO¡A¬Fªv¤j¾ÇªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç°|µo¦æ)

2017 ~ 2019        Editor, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Official Journal Published by the Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (NAREA), USA (´Á¥Z¥D½s¡A¬üªF¹A·~»P¸ê·½¸gÀپǷ|µo¦æ)

2017 ~ present      Associate Editor, Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, Emerald Publishing, USA (´Á¥Z°Æ¥D½s)

2015 ~ 2023        Associate Editor, Agricultural Economics, Official Journal Published by the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) (´Á¥Z°Æ¥D½s¡A°ê»Ú¹A·~¸gÀپǷ|µo¦æ)

2018 ~ 2020       Editorial Board, Agricultural Policy Review, E-Journal Published by the Rural Economic Society of Taiwan (´Á¥Z½s¿è©e­û¡A¹A·~¬Fµ¦µû½×¡A¥xÆW¹A§ø¸gÀپǷ|µo¦æ)

2017 ~ 2018/06     Associate Editor-in-Chief, Fair Trade Quarterly, Taiwan Fair Trade Commission (´Á¥Z°ÆÁ`½s¿è¡A¤½¥­¥æ©ö©u¥Z)

2014 ~ 2017/06    Editorial Board, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Official Journal Published by the Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (NAREA), USA (´Á¥Z½s¿è©e­û¡A¬üªF¹A·~»P¸ê·½¸gÀپǷ|µo¦æ¡^

2014            Guest Editor, Special Issue of Agricultural Survey Data Analysis, Survey Research - Method and Application Journal (¯S¥Z¥D½s¡A¹A·~½Õ¬d¸ê®Æ¯S¥Z¡A½Õ¬d¬ã¨s-¤èªk»PÀ³¥Î¡A¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|µo¦æ)

2013 ~ 2018    Editorial Board, Transactions on Economic Research, Scientific Online Publishing (´Á¥Z½s¿è©e­û)

2013 ~ 2018    Editorial Board, Advances in Economics, The Edinwilsen Press (´Á¥Z½s¿è©e­û)

2013 ~ 2015     Editorial Board, Survey Research - Method and Application, official journal published by Academia Sinica, Taiwan (´Á¥Z½s¿è©e­û¡A½Õ¬d¬ã¨s-¤èªk»PÀ³¥Î¡A¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|µo¦æ)

2013 ~ 2015     Editorial Board, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, official journal published by the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) (´Á¥Z½s¿è©e­û¡A¬ü°ê¹A·~»PÀ³¥Î¸gÀپǷ|µo¦æ)

2012 ~ 2014      Editorial Board, Taiwanese Agricultural Economic Journal, official journal published by the Rural Economic Society of Taiwan (´Á¥Z½s¿è©e­û¡A¹A·~¸gÀÙÂO¥Z¡A¥xÆW¹A§ø¸gÀپǷ|µo¦æ)

2011 ~ 2017      Editorial Board, American Journal of Economics, Scientific & Academic Publishing (´Á¥Z½s¿è©e­û)


Thesis Advisee and Award

2023  «ü¾É¾Ç¥ÍªL»·ºúºaÀò¥xÆW¹A§ø¸gÀپǷ|¹A·~¸ê·½»P¥Í²£¸gÀÙ»â°ìºÓ¤h½×¤å¼ú

2022  «ü¾É¾Ç¥ÍªL¨Ø梺aÀò¥xÆW¹A§ø¸gÀپǷ|¹A·~µo®i»P¬Fµ¦»â°ì¤§³Ì¨ÎºÓ¤h½×¤å¼ú

2022  «ü¾É¾Ç¥Í·¨¤h©ûºaÀò¥xÆW¹A§ø¸gÀپǷ|¹A·~¸ê·½»P¥Í²£¸gÀÙ»â°ì¤§³Ì¨ÎºÓ¤h½×¤å¼ú

2022  «ü¾É¾Ç¥ÍBrian LeeºaÀò¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¥Íª«¸ê·½º[¹A¾Ç°|ºÓ¤h¯Z¾Ç¥Í¾Ç³N½×¤å¼ú

2021  «ü¾É¾Ç¥ÍÁ©y®xºaÀò¥xÆW¹A·~±À¼s¾Ç·|³Ì¨ÎºÓ¤h½×¤å¼ú

2021  «ü¾É¾Ç¥ÍÁ©y®xºaÀò¥xÆW¹A§ø¸gÀپǷ|¹A·~µo®i»P¬Fµ¦»â°ì¤§³Ì¨ÎºÓ¤h½×¤å¼ú

2019  «ü¾É¾Ç¥Í´¿¶Ô¤©ºaÀò¥xÆW¹A§ø¸gÀپǷ|¹A·~µo®i»P¬Fµ¦»â°ì¤§³Ì¨ÎºÓ¤h½×¤å¼ú

2018  «ü¾É¾Ç¥Í¼B­P¸aºaÀò¥xÆW¹A§ø¸gÀپǷ|¹A·~µo®i»P¬Fµ¦»â°ì¤§³Ì¨ÎºÓ¤h½×¤å¼ú

2018  «ü¾É¾Ç¥Í¬_©Ó¦öºaÀò¤¤µØ¹A²£¹B¾P¾Ç·|¤§³Ì¨ÎºÓ¤h½×¤å¼ú

2018  «ü¾É¾Ç¥Í¬_©Ó¦öºaÀò¥xÆW¹A§ø¸gÀپǷ|¹A²£¹B¾P»P®ø¶O»â°ì¤§³Ì¨ÎºÓ¤h½×¤å¼ú

2017  «ü¾É¾Ç¥Í§Å³ÍµYºaÀò¥xÆW¹A§ø¸gÀپǷ|¹A·~µo®i»P¬Fµ¦»â°ì¤§³Ì¨ÎºÓ¤h½×¤å¼ú

2015  «ü¾É¾Ç¥Í§f®¶ºÖºaÀò¥xÆW¹A§ø¸gÀپǷ|¹A·~¸ê·½»P¥Í²£¸gÀÙ»â°ì¤§³Ì¨Î³Õ¤h½×¤å¼ú

2015  «ü¾ÉºÓ¤h¦b¾±M¯Z¾Ç¥Í¸ô¥þ§QºaÀò¤¤µØ¹A²£¹B¾P¾Ç·|¤§Àu¨qºÓ¤h½×¤å¼ú

2015  «ü¾É¾Ç¥Í¶À­§¹çºaÀò¥xÆW¹A§ø¸gÀپǷ|¹A·~¬Fµ¦»Pµo®i¸gÀÙ»â°ì¤§³Ì¨ÎºÓ¤h½×¤å¼ú

2014  «ü¾É¾Ç¥Í³¯©y§gºaÀò¥xÆW¹A§ø¸gÀپǷ|¹A·~¬Fµ¦»Pµo®i¸gÀÙ»â°ì¤§³Ì¨ÎºÓ¤h½×¤å¼ú

2013  «ü¾É¾Ç¥Í¶À«Û·OºaÀò¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¥Íª«¸ê·½º[¹A¾Ç°|ºÓ¤h¯Z¾Ç¥Í¾Ç³N½×¤å¼ú

2013  «ü¾É¾Ç¥ÍªL«Â§ÓºaÀò¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¥Íª«¸ê·½º[¹A¾Ç°|ºÓ¤h¯Z¾Ç¥Í¾Ç³N½×¤å¼ú

2013  «ü¾É¾Ç¥Í³¯¬R§ÊºaÀò¥xÆW¹A§ø¸gÀپǷ|³Ì¨ÎºÓ¤h½×¤å¨Î§@¼ú

2012  «ü¾É¾Ç¥Í¶À¥K·CºaÀò¥xÆW¹A§ø¸gÀپǷ|³Ì¨ÎºÓ¤h½×¤å¨Î§@¼ú

2011  «ü¾É¾Ç¥Í³\ºÕ¨|ºaÀò¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¥Íª«¸ê·½º[¹A¾Ç°|ºÓ¤h¯Z¾Ç¥Í¾Ç³N½×¤å¼ú


Research Interest

Agricultural Economics & Public Policy Analysis     Environmental Economics     Economic Analysis of Competition Law     Food Consumption and Health                                                          

Selected Publication (*correspondence author)                      

1.                Yi-Ju Su, Pei-An Liao, Hung-Hao Chang* (2025). ¡§How Does Food Market Respond to Natural Disaster Shocks? Evidence from the Cabbage Wholesale Market.¡¨ World Development (SSCI, accepted).


2.                Tzong-Haw Lee, Yu-You Liou, Hung-Hao Chang* (2025). ¡§Forest Diversity and the Distribution of Farm Revenue - Empirical Evidence from Forest Farms in Taiwan.¡¨ Forest Policy and Economics 171: 103411 (SCIE).


3.                Hung-Hao Chang*, David R. Just, David Zilberman. (2025). ¡§How Do Farmers Respond to Workers' Compensation Insurance Premium, Hazards, and Claim Contagion? Empirical Evidence from Taiwan.¡¨ Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (SCIE, accepted).


4.                Hung-Hao Chang*, Brian Lee, Sheng-Fu Tsai (2025). ¡§The Causal Effect of Losing Irrigated Water on Farmland Prices¡¨ Paddy and Water Environment (SCIE, accepted).


5.                Yessica, C.Y. Chung, Motoi Kusadokoro, Hung-Hao Chang*, Yukinobu Kitamura (2025). ¡§Rural Tourism Promotion Policy and Rural Hospitality Enterprises Performance: Empirical Evidence from Japan.¡¨ Agribusiness: An International Journal (SSCI, accepted).


6.                Hung-Hao Chang* (2024). ¡§The Effects of Land Direct Payment Program on Farm Income and Production Practices.¡¨ American Journal of Agricultural Economics 16(4): 1454-1476 (SCIE).


7.                Hung-Hao Chang, Pei-An Liao, Jiun-Hao Wang (book editors). ¡§Agricultural Food, Consumption, Public Policy, and Farm Household Economics¡¨. 2024.


8.                Yau-Huo (Jimmy) Shr, Hung-Hao Chang* (2024). ¡§The Effects of Participating in Digital Ride-Hailing on Taxi Drivers¡¦ Business Operations.¡¨ Transportation Research Part A ¡V Policy and Practice 187: 104167 (SSCI).


9.                Yu-You Liou, Hung-Hao Chang*, David, R. Just. (2024). ¡§How Do Consumers Respond to COVID-19? Application of Bayesian Approach on Credit Card Transaction Data.¡¨ Quality and Quantity 58: 5737-5754 (SCIE).


10.            Jhih-Yun Liu, Brian Lee, Hung-Hao Chang* (2024). ¡§Place-Based Rural Development Programs and the Labor Allocation of Farm Households.¡¨ China Agricultural Economic Review 16(4): 683-711 (SCIE).


11.            Yessica, C. Y. Chung., Noxolo Kunene, Hung-Hao Chang* (2024). ¡§Renewable Energy Certificates and Firm Value: Empirical Evidence in Taiwan.¡¨ Energy Policy 184: 113870 (SSCI).


12.            Hui-Chun Chen*, Ting-Dong Yan, Tay-Cheng Ma, Hung-Hao Chang (2024). ¡§The Application and Improvement of the Competition Law Leniency Program: A Study on Transnational Cartel Cases¡¨. Taiwan Fair Trade Journal 32(1): 55-122 (TSSCI, in Chinese).


13.            Hung-Hao Chang*, Tzu-Chin Lin (2023). ¡§Solar Farm Policy and Farmland Price ¡V A Land Zoning Perspective.¡¨ Journal of Environmental Management 344: 118454 (SCIE). 


14.            Feng-An Yang, Hung-Hao Chang* (2023). ¡§Impact of a Pension Program on Healthcare Utilization among Older Farmers: Empirical Evidence from Health Claims Data.¡¨ World Development 169: 106295 (SSCI).


15.            Hung-Hao Chang, Chad Meyerhoefer* (2023). ¡§Do Elections Make You Sick? Evidence from First Time Voters.¡¨ Health Economics 32: 1064-1083 (SSCI, early version see NBER Working Paper #26697).


16.            Pei-An Liao*, Lin Lin, Hung-Hao Chang (2023). ¡§Immigration Policy and Well-being of Female Foreign Spouses: A Case Study of the Effect of Granting a Work Permit¡¨. International Journal of Happiness and Development 8(1): 44-65.


17.            Yan-Zhen Hong, Yi-Ju Su, Hung-Hao Chang* (2023). ¡§Analyzing the Relationship between Income and Life Satisfaction of Forest Farm Households - A Behavioral Economics Approach¡¨ Forest Policy and Economics 148: 102916 (SSCI).


18.            Hung-Hao Chang (2022). ¡§Brand Variety, Access to Convenience and Housing Prices ¡V Empirical Evidence of Convenience Stores from Taiwan.¡¨ Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 38: 1201-1220 (SSCI).


19.            Hung-Hao Chang, Chad Meyerhoefer* (2022). ¡§Health Care Expenditure and Farm Income Loss: Evidence from Natural Disasters.¡¨ NBER Working Paper #29898.


20.            Hung-Hao Chang*, Daniel D. Sokol. (2022). ¡§How Incumbents Respond to Competition from Innovative Disruptors in the Sharing Economy - The Impact of Airbnb on Hotel Performance." Strategic Management Journal 43(2): 425-446 (SSCI).


21.            Feng-An Yang, Hung-Hao Chang*, Jiun-Hao Wang (2022). ¡§The Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Taiwanese Food Industry: Empirical Evidence Using Business Transaction Data¡¨ Journal of Agricultural Economics 73(2): 376-395 (SCIE & SSCI).


22.            Tzong-Haw Lee, Yi-Ju Su*, Hung-Hao Chang (2022). ¡§The Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism Hotel Performance and Tourism Demand: Empirical Evidence Using Population-based Administrative Data from Taiwan.¡¨ Singapore Economic Review (SSCI, accepted).


23.            Hung-Hao Chang*, Brian Lee (2022). ¡§The Association between Food Outlet Accessibility and Market Competition to Household Food Expenditures: Empirical Evidence from the Convenience Store Industry in Taiwan.¡¨ Agribusiness: An International Journal 38(1): 134-153 (SCIE).


24.            Brian Lee, Szu-Yung Wang, Tzu-Chin Lin, Hung-Hao Chang* (2021). ¡§Underground Pipeline Explosions and Housing Prices - Quasi-Experimental Evidence in an Urban City¡¨ Land Use Policy 111: 105782 (SSCI).


25.            Hung-Hao Chang, Chad Meyerhoefer*, Feng-An Yang (2021). ¡§COVID-19 Prevention, Transportation Patterns, and Air Pollution in the Absence of a Lockdown.¡¨ Journal of Environmental Management 298: 113522 (SCIE, early version see NBER Working Paper #27604).


26.            Hung-Hao Chang, Chad Meyerhoefer* (2021). ¡§COVID-19 and the Demand for Online Food Shopping Services: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan.¡¨ American Journal of Agricultural Economics 103(2): 448-465 (SCIE, early version see NBER Working Paper #27427).


27.            Hung-Hao Chang*, Brian Lee, Yi-Ting Hsieh (2021). ¡§Participation in Afforestation Programs and the Distribution of Forest Farm Income¡¨ Forest Policy and Economics 129: 102505 (SCIEE).


28.            Brian Lee, Hung-Hao Chang*, Szu-Yung Wang (2021). ¡§Solar Power Promotion Plans, Energy Market Liberalization and Farmland Prices ¡V Empirical Evidence from Taiwan.¡¨ Energy Economics 99: 105317 (SSCI).


29.            Hung-Hao Chang*, Brian Lee, Feng-An Yang, Yu-You Liou (2021). ¡§Does COVID-19 Affect Metro Use in Taipei?¡¨ Journal of Transport Geography 91: 102954 (SSCI).


30.            Yessica, C.Y. Chung, Hung-Hao Chang*, Yukinobu Kitamura (2021). ¡§Digital and Traditional Media Advertising and Business Performance of Agribusiness Firms ¡V Empirical Evidence in Japan.¡¨ Agricultural Economics-Czech 67: 51-59 (SCIE).


31.            Brian Lee, Hung-Hao Chang*, Szu-Yung Wang (2021). ¡§Can Environmental Disamenities Increase Land Values? A Case Study of Manufacturing Factories on Farmland.¡¨ Journal of Cleaner Production 279(10): 123432 (SCIE).


32.            Lin Lin, Hung-Hao Chang* (2021). ¡§Does Agro-processing Adoption Affect Farm Income and Farm Diversification? Empirical Evidence from Taiwan.¡¨ Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 11(5): 567-577.


33.            Hung-Hao Chang*, Tzu-Chin Lin (2020). ¡§Does A Farmland Zoning Program Impact Farm Income? Empirical Evidence from Farm Households in Taiwan.¡¨ European Review of Agricultural Economics 47(5): 1621-1643 (SCIE & SSCI, leading article of the issue).


34.            Hung-Hao Chang (2020). ¡§Using Big Data in Agriculture in Taiwan.¡¨ FERO E-Newsletter 6(1): 5-5.


35.            Yan-Zhen Hong, Hung-Hao Chang* (2020). "Does Digitalization Affect the Objective and Subjective Wellbeing of Forestry Farm Households? Empirical Evidence in Fujian Province of China." Forest Policy and Economics 118: 102236 (SSCI).


36.            Hung-Hao Chang (2020). ¡§Does the Room Sharing Business Model Disrupt Housing Markets? Empirical Evidence of Airbnb in Taiwan.¡¨ Journal of Housing Economics 49: 101706 (SSCI).


37.            Hung-Hao Chang, Daniel D. Sokol* (2020). ¡§Advocacy versus Enforcement in Antitrust Compliance Programs.¡¨ Journal of Competition Law and Economics 16(1): 36-62 (SSCI).


38.            Brian Lee, Jhih-Yun Liu, Hung-Hao Chang* (2020). ¡§The Choice of Marketing Channel and Farm Profitability: Empirical Evidence from Small Farmers.¡¨ Agribusiness: An International Journal 36(3): 402-421 (SSCI).


39.            Pei-An Liao, Hung-Hao Chang*, Yi-Ju Su (2020). ¡§Cash Transfer Program and Child Underweight ¡V Empirical Evidence from a Causal Mediation Analysis.¡¨ Agricultural Economics 51: 291-303 (SSCI).


40.            Hung-Hao Chang, Chad Meyerhoefer* (2019). ¡§Inter-brand Competition in the Convenience Store Industry, Store Density and Healthcare Utilization.¡¨ Journal of Health Economics 65: 117-132 (SSCI, preliminary version see NBER Working Paper #24628).


41.            Hung-Hao Chang*, Ashok Mishra, Tzong Haw Lee (2019). ¡§A Supply Side Analysis of Agritourism: Empirical Evidence from Farm-Level Agriculture Census Data in Taiwan.¡¨ Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 63(3): 521-548 (SCIE, SSCI).


42.            Chin-Yu Tseng, Hung-Hao Chang* (2019). ¡§Micro-level Analysis of Crop Insurance Program: A Case Study of Rice Insurance in Taiwan.¡¨ Journal of Agricultural Association in Taiwan 20(2): 126-149 (in Chinese).


       ´¿¶Ô¤©, ±i§»¯E* (2019) ¡u¹A§@ª««OÀIªº­ÓÅé¹êÃÒ¤ÀªR¡X¥H»OÆW¤ô½_«OÀI¬°¨Ò¡v¡C»OÆW¹A¾Ç·|³ø 20(2): 126-149¡C


43.            Szu-Yung Wang, Jhih-Yun Liu, Hung-Hao Chang* (2018). "An Old Bottle with New Wine: Examining the Association between Contract Farming and Farm Income Using the Matching Frontier Approach." Empirical Economics Letters 17(12): 1507-1515 (Econlit).


44.            Yan-Zhen Hong, Hung-Hao Chang*, Yong-Wu Dai (2018). "Is Deregulation of Forest Land Use Rights Transactions Associated with Economic Well-being and Labor Allocation of Farm Households? Empirical Evidence in China." Land Use Policy 75: 694-701 (SSCI).


45.            Karin Wu, Hung-Hao Chang*, Lih-Chyun Sun (2018). "Agricultural Disaster Programs and Family Farm Labor Supply in Taiwan." Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 8(4): 642-655.


46.            Jhih-Yun Liu, Hung-Hao Chang* (2018). ¡§Factors Associated with the Choice of Farm Households to Adopt a Protective Cultivation Structure: Empirical Analysis Using Agricultural Census Data in Taiwan.¡¨ Journal of Agricultural Association in Taiwan 19(3): 221-240 (in Chinese).

¼B­P¸a¡B±i§»¯E* (2018)¡u¹A®a¨Ï¥Î¹A·~³]¬I¤§¨M©w±ø¥ó-¥xÆW¹A·~´¶¬d¸ê®Æªº¹êÃÒ¤ÀªR¡v¡C¥xÆW¹A¾Ç·|³ø 19(3): 221-240¡C


47.            I-Chun Chen, Hung-Hao Chang*, Lih-Chyun Sun (2018). "Does the Elderly Farmer Pension Program Affect Off-farm Labor Supply Decisions Made by Younger Adults in Family Farms in Taiwan?" Chapter 17, page 316-336 in Public Policy in Agriculture: Its Impact on Labor Supply and Household Income, edited by Ashok Mishra, Davide Viaggi and Sergio Gomezy Paloma, published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN 978-1-138-65212-5.


48.            Hung-Hao Chang (2017). "The Economic Effects of Uber on Taxi Drivers in Taiwan." Journal of Competition Law and Economics 13(3): 475-500 (SSCI).


49.            Pei-An Liao, Hung-Hao Chang, Junlin He, Kannika Saeliw (2017). "Diversification of Marketing Strategies Among Small Farms: Empirical Evidence of Family Farms in Taiwan." Agricultural Economics (AGRICECON) 63(11): 493-501 (SCIE).


50.            Hung-Hao Chang (2017). "Do Administrative Fines Affect Market Concentration? An Empirical Analysis of Taiwan." Taiwan Fair Trade Quarterly 25(4): 133-152 (TSSCI).


51.            Hung-Hao Chang*, Kannika Saeliw (2017). "Does Eating Out Make Elderly People Depressed? Empirical Evidence from National Health and Nutrition Survey in Taiwan." Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 20(2): 63-74 (SSCI, leading article of the issue).


52.            Hung-Hao Chang (2017). "Ex-Post Evaluation of Anti-competition and Unfair Competition Fines on Firms - Empirical Evidence from Taiwan." Journal of Competition Law and Economics 13(1): 103-124 (SSCI).


53.            Hung-Hao Chang (2017). "Does A Social Welfare Program Affect Farmland Use? Empirical Evidence Using Administrative Data in Taiwan." Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 39(3): 441-457 (SSCI).


54.            Hung-Hao Chang, Junlin He*, Kannika Saeliw (2017). "The Role of Off-farm Labor Participation Decision of Farm Couples on Farm Direct Marketing in Taiwan." The Developing Economies 55(1): 3-22 (SCIE, leading article of the issue).


55.            Hung-Hao Chang*, Chad D. Meryerhoefer (2016). "The Causal Effect of Education on Farm-Related Disability: Evidence from a Compulsory Schooling Reform in Taiwan." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98(5): 1545-1557 (SCIE & SSCI).


56.            Hung-Hao Chang*, Tzu-Chin Lin (2016). "Does the Minimum Lot Size Program Affect Farmland Values? Empirical Evidence Using Administrative Data and Regression Discontinuity Design in Taiwan." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98(3): 785-801 (SCIE & SSCI).


57.            Yi-Ju Su, Hung-Hao Chang* (2016). "The Effects of Government Employment Programs and Self-Migration Decisions on Economic Wellbeing of Aborigines in Taiwan." Taiwanese Journal of Applied Economics 100: 105-148 (TSSCI, in Chinese).

Ĭ©É¦p¡B±i§»¯E* (2016)¡A¡u´N·~»²¾É»P¾E±p¦æ¬°¹ï­ì¦í¥Á¥Í¬¡ºÖ§Q¤§¼vÅTµû¦ô¡v¡CÀ³¥Î¸gÀÙÂO¥Z 100: 105-148¡]TSSCI¡^.


58.            Hung-Hao Chang, Yi-Ju Su (2016). "Economic Fluctuation and Farm Household Labor Supply in Taiwan." Comptroller Monthly Review 723: 32-38 (in Chinese).


59.            Pei-An Liao, Hung-Hao Chang*, Jiun-Hao Wang, Lih-Chyun Sun (2016). "What Are the Determinants of Rural-Urban Digital Inequality among Schoolchildren in Taiwan? Insights from Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition." Computers & Education 95: 123-133 (SSCI).


60.            Hung-Hao Chang, Yungho Weng* (2015). "Working in the Dark: A Look At the Violence Risk of the Street Prostitution Service." Journal of Social Service Research 41(4): 545-555 (SSCI).


61.            Hung-Hao Chang*, Jiun-Hao Wang, Ashok Mishra (2015). "Do Farmers' Old Age Pension Programs Affect Farm Production? Empirical Evidence of Dairy Farms in Taiwan." Agricultural Economics (AGRICECON) 61(11): 533-541 (SCI).


62.            Hung-Hao Chang*, Pei-An Liao (2015). "Are Immigrant Wives Happy in Taiwan? A Look at the Role of Bargaining Power within the Married Couples." Journal of Happiness Studies 16(2): 295-312 (SSCI).


63.            Pei-An Liao, Hung-Hao Chang, Jiun-Hao Wang*, Min-Chen Wu (2015). "Change in Weight Status and Academic Performance among Senior High School Students in Taiwan." Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 24(1): 110-117 (SCIE).


64.            I-Chun Chen, Hung-Hao Chang, Jerome Geaun* (2015). "How Does the Older Farmer Pension Payments Affect Household Income? Empirical Evidence of Taiwanese Farm Household." Journal of Agricultural Association of Taiwan 16(1): 67-83 (in Chinese).


65.            Hung-Hao Chang*, David Zilberman (2014). "On the Political Economy of Allocation of Agricultural Disaster Relief Payments - Application to Taiwan." European Review of Agricultural Economics 41(4): 657-680 (SCIE & SSCI).


66.            Yongwu Dai, Hung-Hao Chang*, Weiping Liu (2014). "Do Forest Producers Benefit from the Forest Disaster Insurance Program? Empirical Evidence in Fujian Province of China." Forest Policy and Economics 50: 127-133 (SCIE).


67.            Tsu-Tan Fu, Hung-Hao Chang (2014). "Editorial Introduction of the Special Issue of Agricultural Survey Data." Survey Research - Method and Application 32: 5-8 (TSSCI).

³Å¯ª¾Â¡B±i§»¯E (2014)¡A¡u¯S¥Z¾ÉŪ-¹A·~½Õ¬d¬ã¨s¯S¥Z¡v¡C½Õ¬d¬ã¨s-¤èªk»PÀ³¥Î 32: 5-8 (TSSCI).


68.            Tai-Hsiung Hung, Pei-An Liao, Hung-Hao Chang, Jiun-Hao Wang*, Min-Chen Wu (2014). "Examining the Relationship between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Body Weight Status: Empirical Evidence from a Population-based Survey of Adults in Taiwan." The Scientific World Journal Article ID 463736, pages 1-7. doi:10.1155/2014/463736.


69.            Yi-Ju Su, Hung-Hao Chang*, Lih-Chyun Sun (2014). "Impact of the 2008-2009 Economic Recession on Low-Economic Status Group: A Look at Household Income and Consumption of the Aborigines in Taiwan." International Journal of Economic Issues 7(2): 279-294 (Econlit).


70.            Jiun-Hao Wang, Cheng-Fu Lu, Yu-Ting Chen, Hung-Hao Chang* (2014). "Incentive Mechanism for Environmental Friendly Agriculture: Empirical Study on Rice Environmental Subsidy." Annual Review of Land Economics 25, 1-37 (in Chinese).

¤ý«T»¨¡A§f®¶ºÖ¡A³¯¬R§Ê¡A±i§»¯E* (2014)¡A¡u¤Íµ½Àô¹Ò¹A·~»¤¦]¾÷¨î¤§¬ã¨s¡Ð¥H½_¦ÌÀô¹Ò¸É¶K¬°¨Ò¡v¡C¤g¦a¸gÀÙ¦~¥Z 25: 1-37


71.            Pei-An Liao, Hung-Hao Chang*, Yi-Ju Su (2014). "Is Tattooing A Risk Factor for Adolescents' Criminal Behavior? Empirical Evidence from an Administrative Dataset of Juvenile Detainees in Taiwan." Risk Analysis 34(12): 2080-2088 (SCIE).


72.            Hung-Hao Chang*, Rodolfo M. Nayga (2014). Childhood, Fast Food, Obesity, and Happiness. In Michalos AC (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, pp 772-775.


73.            Kannika Saeliw, Hung-Hao Chang* (2014). "Are Elementary School Children From Foreign Spouse Families Left Behind in Academic Performance? Empirical Evidence from Taiwan." The Empirical Economics Letters 13(4): 449-458 (Econlit).


74.            Kannika Saeliw, Li-Chyun Sun, Hung-Hao Chang* (2014). "Spatial Competition in the Bottled Liquefied Petroleum Gas Wholesale Market in Taiwan." Fair Trade Quarterly 22(3): 115-138 (TSSCI).


75.            Hung-Hao Chang* (2014). "Food Preparation for the School Lunch Programs and Body Weight of Elementary Schoolchildren in Taiwan." International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 17(1):  21-36 (SCIE).


76.            Hung-Hao Chang*, Chad D. Meyerhoefer, David R. Just (2014). "How Do Health and Social Insurance Programs Affect the Land and Labor Allocations of Farm Households? Evidence from Taiwan." Journal of Agricultural Economics 65(1): 68-86 (SCIE & SSCI).


77.            Hung-Hao Chang (2013). "Old Farmer Pension Program and Farm Succession: Evidence from a Population-based Survey of Farm Households in Taiwan." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 95(4): 976-991 (SSCI & SCIE).


78.            Hung-Hao Chang (2013). "Impact of the Economic Crisis on Income Inequality among Farm Households." China Agricultural Economic Review 5(3): 412-423 (SSCI & SCIE).


79.            Hung-Hao Chang (2013). "Functional Food Consumption and Depression among the Elderly -- What Can We Learn from A Longitudinal Survey?" Economic Modelling 33: 187-193 (SSCI).


80.            Pei-An Liao, Hung-Hao Chang*, Jiun-Hao Wang, Min-Chen Wu (2013). "Physical Fitness and Academic Performance: Empirical Evidence from the National Administrative Senior High School Student Data in Taiwan." Health Education Research 28: 512-522 (SSCI).


81.            Steven. T. Yen, Hung-Hao Chang*, Tsui-Fang Lin (2013). "Out-of-pocket Expenditures on Traditional and Western Medicines in Taiwan." International Journal of Public Health 58(4): 583-592 (SCIE).


82.            Yen-Tzu Huang, Hung-Hao Chang*(2013). "Is Obesity Associated With Chronic Disease Conditions? Empirical Evidence of Taiwanese Adults Aged 40 and Older in Taiwan." Taiwanese Journal of Applied Economics 93: 119-148 (TSSCI, in Chinese).

¶À«Û·O¡B±i§»¯E* (2013)¡A¡uªÎ­D¹ï¿©±wºC©Ê¯f¦³¼vÅT¶Ü¡H»OÆW40·³¥H¤W¦¨¤H¤§¹êÃÒ¤ÀªR¡v¡CÀ³¥Î¸gÀÙÂO¥Z 93: 119-148 (TSSCI).


83.            Feng-An Yang, Hung-Hao Chang* (2013). "Do Consumers Really Care About Biodiversity? Large Scale Choice-Experimental Evidence of Genetically Modified Soymilk in Taiwan." Survey Research - Method and Application 29: 81-103 (TSSCI).


84.            Wei-Chih Lin, Chen-Fu Lu*, Hung-Hao Chang (2013). "Empirical Analysis of Time Allocation Among Farm Women in Taiwan." Agriculture and Economics 49: 71-97 (TSSCI, in Chinese).

ªL«Â§Ó¡B§f®¶ºÖ*¡B±i§»¯E (2013)¡A¡u¥xÆW¹A®a°ü¤k®É¶¡¤À°t¤§¹êÃÒ¬ã¨s¡v¡C¹A·~»P¸gÀÙ 49: 71-97 (TSSCI).


85.            Jiun-Hao Wang, Ming-Chen Wu, Hung-Hao Chang* (2013). "Urban-Rural Disparity of Physical Fitness of Elementary Schoolchildren in Taiwan." Pediatrics International 55(4): 346-354 (SCIE).


86.            Pei-An Liao, Hung-Hao Chang, Jiun-Hao Wang*, Tai-Hsiung Horng (2013). "Do Rural Students Really Perform Worse than Urban Students? Empirical Evidence of a University Entrance Program in Taiwan." Rural Sociology 78(1): 109-131 (SSCI).


87.            Hung-Hao Chang, Jiun-Hao Wang* (2013). "Distinguish the Effects of Temperature and Electricity Price on Home Electricity Bill -- Empirical Evidence from a National Household Survey in Taiwan." International Journal of Economic Issues 6(2): 91-105 (Econlit).


88.            Manxiu Ning, Hung-Hao Chang* (2013). "Migration Decisions of Parents and the Nutrition Intakes of Children Left at Home in Rural China." Agricultural Economics (AGRICECON) 59(10): 467-477 (SCIE).


89.            Hung-Hao Chang (2012). "Consumption Inequality between Farm and Nonfarm Households in Taiwan: A Decomposition Analysis of Differences in Distribution." Agricultural Economics 43(5): 487-498 (SSCI).


90.            Hung-Hao Chang (2012). "Does the Use of Eco-labels Affect Income Distribution and Income Inequality of Aquaculture Producers in Taiwan?" Ecological Economics 80: 101-108 (SSCI).


91.            Hung-Hao Chang (2012). "Distinguish the Effects of Food Availability and Food Prices on Fat Intakes of the Chinese Adults." Modern Economy 3(4): 437-443 (Econlit).


92.            Hung-Hao Chang*, Yungho Weng (2012). "What is More Important for Prostitute Price? Physical Appearance or Risky Sex Behavior?" Economics Letters 117(2): 480-483 (SSCI).


93.            Hung-Hao Chang*, Steven T. Yen (2012). "Association between Obesity and Depression: Evidence from a Longitudinal Sample of the Elderly in Taiwan." Aging & Mental Health 16(1/2): 173-180 (SCIE).


94.            Jiun-Hao Wang, Hung-Hao Chang*, Chen-Fu Lu, Ling-Fang Chang, Chih-Hung Tan (2012). "How Important Are Climate Characteristics to the Estimation of Rice Production Function?" African Journal of Agricultural Research 7(35): 4867-4875.


95.            Pei-An Liao, Hung-Hao Chang*, Feng-An Yang (2012). "Does the Universal Health Insurance Program Affect Urban-Rural Differences in Health Service Utilization Among the Elderly? Evidence from a Longitudinal Study in Taiwan." Journal of Rural Health 28(1): 84-91 (SCIE).


96.            Pei-An Liao, Hung-Hao Chang, Lih-Chyun Sun* (2012). "National Health Insurance Program and Life Satisfaction of the Elderly." Aging & Mental Health 16(8): 983-992 (SCIE).


97.            Ashok K. Mishra, Hung-Hao Chang* (2012). "Can Off Farm Employment Affect the Privatization of Social Safety Net? The Case of Self-Employed Farm Households." Food Policy 37(1): 94-101 (SCIE).


98.            Hung-Hao Chang*, Steven T. Yen (2011). "Full-time, Part-time Employment and Life Satisfaction of the Elderly." Journal of Socio-Economics 40(6): 815-823 (Econlit).


99.            Pei-An Liao, Hung-Hao Chang*, Chun-Yen Chang (2011). "Why is the Food Traceability System Unsuccessful in Taiwan? Empirical Evidence from a National Survey of Fruit and Vegetable Farmers." Food Policy 36(5): 685-692 (SCIE).


100.        Kang Liu, Hung-Hao Chang*, Wen S. Chern (2011). "Examining Changes in Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Consumption over Time and across Regions in Urban China." China Agricultural Economic Review 3(3): 276-296 (SCIE & SSCI).


101.        Hung-Hao Chang*, Steven T. Yen (2011). "Mental Health and the Employment of the Elderly in Taiwan: A Simultaneous Equation Approach." Pacific Economic Review 16(4): 504-519 (SSCI).


102.        Hung-Hao Chang*, Ashok K. Mishra (2011). "Does the Milk Income Loss Contract Program Improve Technical Efficiency of the U.S Dairy Farms?" Journal of Dairy Science 94(6): 2945-2951 (SCIE).


103.        Hung-Hao Chang (2011). "Does Too Much or Too Little Sleep Make People Obese? A Population-based Study of Taiwanese Adults." The Empirical Economics Letters 10(5): 487-494 (Econlit).


104.        Hung-Hao Chang*, Rodolfo M. Nayga, Kung-Chi Chan (2011). "Gendered Analyses of Nutrient Deficiencies Among the Elderly." Journal of Family and Economic Issues 32(2): 268-279 (Econlit).


105.        Hung-Hao Chang*, Yu-Hui Chen (2011) "Are Participators in the Land Retirement Program Likely to Grow Energy Crops?" Applied Energy 88(9): 3183-3188 (SCIE).


106.        Ashok K. Mishra, Hung-Hao Chang* (2011). ¡§Tax-deferred Retirement Savings of Farm Households: An Empirical Investigation.¡¨ Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 36(1): 160-176 (SCIE).

107.        Hung-Hao Chang*, Rodolfo M. Nayga (2011). "Mother's Nutritional Label Use and Children's Body Weight." Food Policy 36(2): 171-178 (SCIE).


108.        Hung-Hao Chang*, Fang-I Wen (2011)."Off-farm Work, Technical Efficiency, and Rice Production Risk in Taiwan." Agricultural Economics 42(2): 269-278 (SCIE & SSCI).


109.        Hung-Hao Chang, Steven T. Yen* (2010). "Off-farm Employment and Food Expenditures at Home and away from Home." European Review of Agricultural Economics 37(4): 523-551 (SCIE & SSCI).


110.        Chen-Yu Hsu, Hung-Hao Chang* (2010). "Spatial Analysis of the Farm Household Income in Taiwan." Taiwanese Agricultural Economic Review 16(1): 79-107 (TSSCI, in Chinese).

³\æШ|¡B±i§»¯E*(2010)¡A¡u¥xÆW¹A®a¹A·~©Ò±o¤§ªÅ¶¡¨Ì¦s«×¤ÀªR¡v¡C¹A·~¸gÀÙÂO¥Z16(1): 79-107 (TSSCI).


111.        Jiun-Hao Wang, Hung-Hao Chang* (2010). "Who Benefits from the Farmers' Old Age Pension Program? Evidence from National Insurance Data in Taiwan." The Empirical Economics Letters 9(8): 827-834 (Econlit).


112.        Hung-Hao Chang*, Richard N. Boisvert, Ling-Yi Hung (2010). ¡§Land Subsidence, Production Efficiency, and the Decision of Aquacultural Firms in Taiwan to Discontinue Production.¡¨ Ecological Economics 69(12): 2448-2456 (SSCI).


113.        Jiun-Hao Wang, Hung-Hao Chang* (2010). "Examining the Types and Payments of the Disabilities of the Insurants in the National Farmers' Health Insurance Program in Taiwan." BMC Public Health 10: 646 (SCIE).


114.        Hung-Hao Chang*, Michele L. Ver Ploeg, Biing-Hwan Lin (2010). "Changes in the Propensity of Overweight U.S. Women to Under-assess Their Body Weight Status." Food Policy 35(4): 358-364 (SCIE).


115.        Hung-Hao Chang*, Richard N. Boisvert (2010). ¡§Accounting for the Market and Non-market Values of Multifunctional Outputs in Evaluating Water Transfers to Non-agricultural Uses - Empirical Evidence from Taiwanese Rice Production.¡¨ Water Policy 12 (4): 528-542 (SCIE).


116.        Hung-Hao Chang*, Rodolfo M. Nayga (2010). ¡§Childhood Obesity and Unhappiness: The Influence of Soft Drink and Fast Food Consumption.¡¨ Journal of Happiness Studies 11(3): 261-275 (SSCI, leading article of the issue).


117.        Hung-Hao Chang*, David R. Just, Biing-Hwan Lin (2010). "Smoking, Drinking, and the Distribution of Adult Body Weight." The Social Science Journal 47(2): 372-391 (SSCI).


118.        Hung-Hao Chang*, Tung-Liang Chiang (2009). "Depressive Symptoms, Smoking, and Cigarette Price Elasticity: Results from a Population-Based Survey in Taiwan." International Journal of Public Health 54(6): 421-426 (SCIE).


119.        Ashok K. Mishra, Hung-Hao Chang*(2009). ¡§Factors Affecting Precautionary Savings of Self-Employed Farm Households.¡¨ Agricultural Finance Review 69(3): 300-313 (Econlit).


120.        Hung-Hao Chang*, Rodolfo M. Nayga (2009). ¡§Television Viewing, Fast Food Consumption and Children¡¦s Obesity.¡¨ Contemporary Economic Policy 27(3): 293-307 (SSCI, leading article of the issue).


121.        Satoru Shimokawa, Hung-Hao Chang*, Per Pinstrup-Andersen (2009). ¡§Understanding the Differences in Obesity among Working Adults between Taiwan and China.¡¨ Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 18(1): 88-95 (SCIE).


122.        Hung-Hao Chang*, David R. Just (2009). ¡§Internet Access and Farm Household Income - Empirical Evidence using a Semi-parametric Assessment in Taiwan.¡¨ Journal of Agricultural Economics 60(2): 348-366 (SCIE).


123.        Hung-Hao Chang, Richard N. Boisvert* (2009). ¡§Distinguishing between Whole-farm vs. Partial-farm Participation in the Conservation Reserved Program.¡¨ Land Economics 85(1): 144-161 (SSCI).


124.        Hung-Hao Chang*, Richard N. Boisvert (2009). ¡§Are Farmers¡¦ Decisions to Work off the Farm Related to Participate in the Conservation Reserve Program?¡¨ Applied Economics 41(1): 71-85 (SSCI).


125.        Hung-Hao Chang, Ashok K. Mishra* (2008). ¡§Impact of Off-Farm Labor Supply on Food Expenditures of the Farm Household.¡¨ Food Policy 33(6): 657-664 (SCIE & SSCI).


126.        Michele L. Ver Ploeg*, Hung-Hao Chang, Biing-Hwan Lin (2008). ¡§Over, Under, or About Right: Misperception of Body Weight Among Food Stamp Participants.¡¨ Obesity 16(9): 2120-2125 (SCIE).


127.        Hung-Hao Chang, Dayton M. Lambert, Ashok K. Mishra* (2008). ¡§Does Participation in the Conservation Reserve Program Impact the Economic Well-being of Farm Households?¡¨ Agricultural Economics 38(2): 201-212 (SCIE & SSCI).


128.        Hung-Hao Chang, David R. Just* (2007). ¡§Health Information Availability and the Consumption of Eggs: Are Consumer Bayesians?¡¨ Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 32(1): 77-92 (SCIE & SSCI).


129.        Hung-Hao Chang*, Richard Boisvert (2006). ¡§Accounting for Geographic Heterogeneity of Multifunctional Rice Policy in Taiwan.¡¨ Paddy and Water Environment 4(4): 229-234 (Outstanding journal article of the year).


130.        Hung-Hao Chang, Richard N. Boisvert*, David Blandford (2005). ¡§Achieving Environmental Objectives under Reduced Domestic Agricultural Support and Trade Liberalization ¡V An Empirical Application to Taiwan.¡¨ Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 34(1): 16-31 (Outstanding journal article of the year).


131.        Hung-Hao Chang*, Loren W. Tauer (2005). ¡§Semi-Parametric and Parametric Estimations and Tests of Adoption-An Application to Bovine Somatotropin Technology.¡¨ Agriculture and Economics 35: 1-26 (TSSCI, leading article of the issue).


132.        Hung-Hao Chang, Lily Tang, Kow-Tong Chen et al. (2001). ¡§Risk Factors of Illicit Drug Abuse-An Economist¡¦s Perspective.¡¨ Taiwan Journal of Public Health 20(6): 423-432 (in Chinese, TSSCI).


133.        Lily Tang, Hung-Hao Chang, Kow-Tong Chen, Ren-Sung Lin (2001). ¡¨Coal-Powered Plants and Human Health.¡¨ Chinese Journal of Occupational Medicine 8(4): 187-193 (in Chinese)


Selected Activity in Antitrust and Competition Law

1.          Presenter, Seminar in Market Definition in Digital Economy and Antitrust Law Enforcement, Organized by Institute for Information Industry, November 2019, Taipei, Taiwan  (¥DÁ¿¤H¡A¼Æ¦ì¸gÀÙªº¥«³õ¬É©w»P¤½¥­Ävª§¡A¸êµ¦·|Á|¿ì¡A»OÆW¥x¥_)¡C

2.          Presenter, Platform Competition Conference organized by HKU-Lingnan-Florida University, June 20-21, 2019, Hong Kong.

3.  Discussant, Seminar in Digital Economy and Competition Law Enforcement, Organized by the National Communications Commission and Institute for Information Industry, September 5, 2018, Taipei, Taiwan  (»P½Í¤H¡A¼Æ¦ì¸gÀÙ¹J¤WÄvª§ªk·|ij¡A°ê®a³q°T©e­û·|©M¸êµ¦·|¦@¦PÁ|¿ì¡A»OÆW¥x¥_)¡C

4.  Invited Instructor, Training program of Economic Analysis in Competition Law Enforcement, Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC), August 14-16, 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  (Á¿®v¡A¸gÀÙ¤ÀªR¦bÄvª§ªkªºÀ³¥Î¡A°¨¨Ó¦è¨ÈÄvª§©e­û·|¡A°¨¨Ó¦è¨È¦N¶©©Y)

5.  Invited Presenter, "Room Sharing Economy and Housing Market in Taiwan", paper presented in the 16th Annual Conference of Land Studies, Taipei, Taiwan, June 1, 2018  (½×¤åµoªí¤H¡A»OÆW©Ð«Î¦@¨É¸gÀÙ¹ï©Ð»ù¤§¼vÅT¡A¤g¦a¸gÀپǷ|¦~«×¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡A»OÆW¥x¥_)

6.  Section Host, annual conference of Taiwan Fair Trade Law Society, May 26, 2018, National Taiwan University, Taipei city, Taiwan  (¤p²Õ¥D«ù¤H¡A¤½¥­¥æ©öªk¾Ç·|¬ã°Q·|¡A»OÆW¥x¥_)

7.  Invited Speaker, OECD-ICN Competition Economics Workshop for Chief and Senior Economists, May 2-4, 2018, Seoul city, South Korea  (µoªí¤H¡AÄvª§¾÷Ãö­º®u¸gÀپǮa°ª®p·|ij¡AÁú°ê­ºº¸)

8.  Country Representative of TFTC, OECD Competition Committee and Global Forum of Competition. Paris city, France, October 2015, June 2016, December 2016, June 2017, and December 2017  (¤½¥­·|¥Nªí¡AOECDÄvª§©e­û·|¨Ò·|»P¥þ²yÄvª§½×¾Â¡Aªk°ê¤Ú¾¤)

9.  Discussant, Section "Digital Economy and Competition Law", conference of Taiwan Fair Trade Law Society, December 1, 2017, National Taiwan University, Taipei city, Taiwan (»P½Í¤H¡A¼Æ¦ì¸gÀÙ»PÄvª§ªk¡A»OÆW¤½¥­¥æ©öªk¾Ç·|¡A»OÆW¥x¥_)

10.  Invited Speaker, East Asia Top Level Officials' Meeting on Competition Policy (EATOP) meeting, September 6-7, Bali, Indonesia  (³ø§i¤H¡BªF¨ÈÄvª§¾÷Ãö°ª®p·|¡A¦L¥§¤Ú¨½®q)

11.  Instructor, TFTC's Training Program of International Antitrust to top 100 enterprises in Taiwan, November 2017, October 2016  (Á¿®v¡A¤½¥­·|µ×­^Ävª§ªk¬ã²ßÀç)

12.  Invited Speaker and Moderator, "The Effects of Antitrust Fines on Market Concentration and Firms' Business Outcomes -- the Ruling Cases of Taiwan Fair Trade Commission", paper presented in the International Conference of Competition Law Enforcement, Taipei, Taiwan, June 20-27, 2016  (½×¤åµoªí¤H»P¥D«ù¤H¡A°ê»ÚÄvª§ªk¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡A»OÆW¥x¥_)

13.  Organizer, Program Chair and Keynote Speaker, TFTC's Outreach Program in Southern Asia Regions, Joined hosted with Competition Authority of Singapore (CCCS) in 2017, with Indonesia (KPPU) in 2016, and with Malaysia (MyCC) in 2015  (¥D«ù¤H»P¥Nªí¹Î¹Îªø¡AªF«n¨È°Ï°ì¬ã°Q·|¡A°¨¨Ó¦è¨È¡B¦L¥§»P·s¥[©Y)

14.  Invited Speaker, "Economics of Platform and Competition Law", TFTC, Taipei, Taiwan, August 2017  (ºtÁ¿¤H¡A¸gÀÙ¤ÀªR©ó¥­¥x°Ó·~¼Ò¦¡»PÄvª§ªk¤ÀªR¡A»OÆW¥x¥_)

15.  Invited Speaker, "Ex-post Evaluation of Competition Enforcements", TFTC, Taipei, Taiwan, April 2016  (ºtÁ¿¤H¡AÄvª§ªk°õªkªº¨Æ«áµû¦ô¡A»OÆW¥x¥_)

16.  Invited Speaker, "Economic Analysis of Uber: Implication in Competition Enforcement", TFTC, Taipei, Taiwan, August 2016  (ºtÁ¿¤H¡AUBERªº¸gÀÙ¤ÀªR¡G¹ïÄvª§ªk°õªk·N²[¡A»OÆW¥x¥_)


Selected Activity in Agricultural Economics

1.  Moderator, APEC workshop on Reducing Food Loss and Waste along the Food Value Chain in APEC during and post COVID-19 Pandemic. Taipei, Taiwan. June 30, 2021.

2.  Invited Speaker, 12th OECD Rural Development Workshop, Seoul City, Sep 24-25, 2019, South Korea.

3.  Participant and Invited Speaker, APEC meeting on Agriculture and Rural Areas, Chili, August 15-25, 2019  (¹A©e·|¥Nªí¹Î¦¨­û¥H¤å³¹µoªí¤H¡AAPEC ¹A·~·|ij¡A´¼§Q)    

4.  Presenter, ¡§Estimating the Across Planform Externality¡XEmpirical Study of A Farm Product Sale Platform in Taiwan.¡¨ Conference in the Empirical Application of Big Data Technique in Economics, Shih-Hsin University, Taipei, Taiwan, October 20, 2018  (¤å³¹µoªí¤H¡Aµoªí©ó¡uÀ³¥Î¤j¼Æ¾Ú©ó¸gÀÙ¤ÀªR¡v¬ã°Q·|¡A¥@·s¤j¾Ç¡A»OÆW¥x¥_)¡C

5.  Invited Presenter, "The effects of disasters on farmland prices: Empirical evidence in Taiwan", paper presented in the 30th International Conference of International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), Vancouver, Canada, July 28-August 2, 2018  (½×¤åµoªí¤H¡A¹A·~¤ÑµM¨a®`¸É§U¬Fµ¦¹ï¹A¦a»ù®æ¤§¼vÅT¡Aµoªí©ó°ê»Ú¹A·~¸gÀپǦ~·|º[¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡A¥[®³¤j·Å­ôµØ)

6.  Invited Panelist, "Shortage of Labor Force in Agriculture", National Taiwan University, Taipei city, Taiwan, July 2017  (»P½Í¤H¡A¸Ñ¨M¹A·~¯Ê¤u°ÝÃDª½¼½·|ij¡A¦æ¬F°|¹A·~©e­û·|Á|¿ì¡A»OÆW¥x¥_)

7.  Invited Presenter, "Competition and Accessibility to Food Outlets on Healthcare Use: Empirical Evidence in Taiwan." The annual meeting of the American Agricultural Economic Association (AAEA), Chicago, USA, 2017   (½×¤åµoªí¤H¡A»OÆW¶W°ÓÄvª§»P«K§Q©Ê¹ï¥Á²³ÂåÀø¨Ï¥Î¤§¼vÅT¡Aµoªí©ó¬ü°ê¹A·~¸gÀپǦ~·|º[¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡A¬ü°êªÛ¥[­ô)

8.  Invited Presenter, "The impact of the 2008-2009 economic recession on labor supply of the family farms in Taiwan", paper presented in the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economic Association (AAEA), Boston, USA, July 30-August 2, 2016  (½×¤åµoªí¤H¡A2008-2009¦~¸gÀÙ°I°h¹ï¹A®a³Ò°Ê¤O¤§¼vÅT¡Aµoªí©ó¬ü°ê¹A·~¸gÀپǦ~·|º[¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡A¬ü°êªi¤h¹y)

9.  Invited Presenter, "What are the medical costs of food allergy among children? ", paper presented in the 90th Annual Meeting of the Western Economic Association International (WEAI). Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 29-July 3, 2015  (½×¤åµoªí¤H¡A«Äµ£­¹ª«¹L±Ó¹ïÂåÀø¨Ï¥Î¤§¼vÅT¡Aµoªí©ó¬ü¦è¸gÀپǦ~·|º[¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡A¬ü°ê®L«Â¦i)

10.  Invited Presenter, "Does food consumption away from home make you happier ? Empirical evidence of elderly in Taiwan", paper presented in the annual meeting of the American Agricultural Economic Association (AAEA), Washington, DC, USA, August 4-6, 2013  (½×¤åµoªí¤H¡A¥~­¹·|Åý§A§ó§Ö¼Ö¶Ü¡Hµoªí©ó¬ü°ê¹A·~¸gÀپǦ~·|º[¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|¡A¬ü°êµØ²±¹y¯S°Ï)


Public Press and Magazine Report of My Research Outcomes

Ø     Do Elections Make You Sick?

** Media reported at https://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2020/01/do-elections-make-you-sick.html



Ø     What is the Competition Market for Uber? Empirical Evidence in Taiwan

** Invited report posted on Competition Blog, report available at http://competitionblog.blogspot.tw/2018/04/what-is-competition-market-for-uber.html


Ø     Fast Food Consumption on Children Obesity and Happiness

** Media news reported in more than 40 international media, such as New York Times,  Los Angeles Times,  United Press International,  Honolulu Advertiser,  Orlando Sentinel, ScienceBlog,  HandsNet,  PSYSORG.com, NEWSMAX.com, Bio-Medicine and other media in the U.S.

Also appear in some European media, such as Tagesschau.de, Berliner Umschau, Vienna, etc.

¬ã¨sµo²{¥ç¥i¨£©ó °ê¤ºÁp¦X³øªº±MÃD³ø¾É


Ø     Farmer Health and Pension Program on Farm Household Wellbeing in Taiwan

** Research outcomes have been presented in the invited Press Conference hosted by the National Science Council in Taiwan on Feb 15, 2012. Media news have been found in more than 10 Taiwanese media. See the link below.

Taipei Times (in English)   Phonenet   The Chinatimes   The Liberty Times


Ø     Physical Fitness and Academic Performance of Schoolchildren in Taiwan

** Reported in a major Taiwanese newspaper on Jan 24, 2014. See the link below



Ø     ¦æ¬F°|°ê¬ì·|¬ì§Þ¤jÆ[¶é¤§¤Hª«±M³X³ø¾É




Invited Reviewer Panel

  Reviewer, Annual Meeting of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (¼f¬d¤H¡A¬ü°ê¹A·~¸gÀÙ¦~·|µoªí½×¤å¼f¬d)

  Reviewer, International Association of Agricultural Economics Meeting (¼f¬d¤H¡A°ê»Ú¹A·~¸gÀÙ¦~·|µoªí½×¤å¼f¬d)

  Reviewer Panel of Grant Proposal, National Science Council in Taiwan (ªì¼f©e­û¡A°ê¬ì·|±MÃD¬ã¨s­pµe)

  Reviewer Panel of the Best Master Thesis Competition, Taiwanese Economic Association¡]¼f¬d©e­û¡A¥xÆW¸gÀپǷ|³Ì¨ÎºÓ¤h½×¤å¼ú¡^

  Reviewer Panel of the Best Master Thesis Competition, Taiwanese Agricultural Economic Association¡]¼f¬d©e­û¡A¥xÆW¹A§ø¸gÀپǷ|³Ì¨ÎºÓ¤h½×¤å¼ú¡^

  Evaluation Committee for TSSCI Economic Journal, National Science Council ¡]¼f¬d©e­û¡A°ê¬ì·|TSSCI¸gÀÙÃþ´Á¥Z¡^