國立臺灣大學歷史學系  Department of History, National Taiwan University
學術演講 2018.6.20公告
Prof. Adam Mestyan主講:Islam and Nationalism in the First World War

Prof. Adam Mestyan介紹
(圖片來源:Duke University, Department of History)


  • 講 題:Islam and Nationalism in the First World War
  • 主講人:Prof. Adam Mestyan/Duke University, Department of History
  • 主持人:張瑞林/臺大歷史系助理教授
  • 時 間:2018年6月28日(週四)14:30-16:30
  • 地 點:臺大歷史系會議室
  • 演講摘要:
    Islam and Arab Nationalism In the First World War
    The period 1916-1920 is the pre-Mandate moment of reconfiguring and imaging Arab sovereignty. What type of political system would rule the British-occupied, post-Ottoman Syrian and Iraqi territories? This paper argues that race and religion was united in a unique monarchical vision in the Arabic official journals of the Hashemite monarchies in Mecca and Damascus between 1916 and 1921. These brief Hashemite polities and their propaganda fitted in what I call “the monarchical order” in the Euro-Asian world: the making of new states in monarchical form which European imperial governments preferred as part of their system of sovereignty management. Following the local discourse about Arab monarchies through the ideas of their main propagandist in the period, Muhibb al-Din al-Khatib (1885-1969), the paper contributes to discussions of layered sovereignty in modern empires.




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