Assistant Professor, Chih-Hsin Cheng


Soil Biogeochemistry


Office: Forest Product Hall 301A

Tel: +886-2-3366-4652





Our researches focus on the studies of biogeochemical processes in forest ecosystems. We particularly emphasize on soil carbon cycle and the related structures and ecological functions of soil organic mater. Major objectives are:

 (1) To expand the understanding of terrestrial ecosystems from nanoscale biogeocomplexities to landscape biogeochemistry.

(2) To advance state-of-the-art technologies to increase access to environmental chemistry biogeochemical processes and to mitigate climate change and protect the environment.

(3) To strengthen the functions of forestry/agroforestry ecosystems for enhancing carbon sequestration potential, providing bioenergy, and also stabilizing carbon through biochar application in soil.

Specific research projects include:

1. Ecological functions of black carbon in forest ecosystems.

2. Natural and anthropogenic effects on soil properties.

3. Renewable biomass, biofuel, and biochar.




Ph.D., Cornell University (2003-2007), Crop and Soil Sciences

MS, National Taiwan University (1994-1996), Agricultural Chemistry

BS, National Taiwan University (1990-1994), Agricultural Chemistry



Experiences and Awards

Visiting Fellow, Cornell University (2007-2008)

Assistant researcher, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute (1998-2003)


2007 Henry W. Wu Fellowships, Cornell University

2006 Biogeochemistry and Environmental Biocomplexity, Small Grant, Cornell University

2006 Agricultural Ecology Program: Upper Susquehanna River Basin, Mini-grant, Cornell University 2006 Henry W. Wu Fellowships, Cornell University

2005 Research Travel Grant, Cornell University

2005 Graduate Student Research Grants, Geological Society of America, Colorado

2005 Kieckhefer Adirondack Fellowships, Cornell University

2004 Kieckhefer Adirondack Fellowships, Cornell University

2002 Government scholarship for studying abroad, Ministry of Education, Taiwan

2002 The Article of the Soil and Fertilizer Society, Society of Soil and Fertilizer Sciences, Taiwan




Undergraduate Course

  Forest Soil and Lab.

    Course No. 605 21300 / 3 Credits




◎ Peer-reviewed publications


Cheng, C.H., J. Lehmann, J. E. Thies, and S.D. Burdon. 2008. Stability of black carbon in soils across a temperature gradient. J. Geophy. Resear. Accepted (Impact Factor:2.800, 9/131)

Cheng, C.H., J. Lehmann, and M.H. Engelhard. 2008. Natural oxidation of black carbon in soils: changes in molecular form and surface charge along a climosequence. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2008.01.010 (Impact Factor: 3.751, 3/59)

Cheng C.H., J. Lehmann, J.E. Thies, S.D. Burton, and M.H. Engelhard. 2006. Oxidation of black carbon by biotic and abiotic processes. Organic Geochemistry, 37:1477-1488 (Impact Factor: 2.331, 14/59)

Cheng, C.H., S.Y. Chien, Y.C. Lee, and A.H. Chang. 2001. Determination of organic carbon in water extract and humic substances to establish evaluation indices for the degree of maturity of compost. Soil and Environment 4:171-182 (in Chinese).

Cheng, C.H., S.Y. Chien, Y.C. Lee, and A.H. Chang. 2000. Relationships between total organic carbon, oxidable carbon, and organic matter in compost. Soil and Environment 3:345-352 (in Chinese).

Cheng, C.H., and S.Y. Chien. 2000. Evaluation and discussion for maturity of compost. Science Agriculture 48:263-268 (in Chinese).

Cheng, C.H., Z.S. Chen, and H.Y. Guo. 2000. Application of a soil-landscape model for mapping soil class of depth to concretion and mottles. Taiwanese Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Food Science 38: 402-411 (in Chinese).

Cheng, C.H., Z.S. Chen, and H.Y. Guo. 1999. Calibration and validation of a soil-landscape model for predicting soil depth of iron and manganese concretions and grey mottles. Journal of Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society 37: 498-515 (in Chinese).

Cheng, C.H., S.H Liao, D.Y. Lee, C.F. Hsieh, and Z.S. Chen. 1996. Spatial distribution of soil properties in Nan-Zen Mountain in Taiwan. Journal of Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society 34:547-559.


◎ Conference

Lehmann J, Cheng C.H., Nguyen B, Liang B, Major J and Smernik R. 2007. Permanency and long-term changes of bio-char in soil. International Agrichar Initiative (IAI) 2007 Conference, April 27-May 2 2007, Terrigal , Australia . p. 23.

Cheng, C.H., and J. Lehmann. 2007.Oxidation of black carbon along a climosequence. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly, Vienna. (Oral presentation).

Lehmann J, Rondon M, Major J, Kimetu J, Cheng CH, Trujillo L, Day D, Liang B, Gaunt J, Sohi S, Solomon D and Luizão F. 2006. Terra Preta: Opportunities for Meeting Global Challenges of Soil Degradation and Climate Change. AAAS Annual Meeting, 16-20 February 2006, St. Louis, MI. Booklet p. 117, abstract CD ROM .

Cheng C.H., and Lehmann J. 2006. Oxidation of Black Carbon Along a Climosequence. In World Congress of Soil Science, 9-14 July 2006, Philadelphia . Abstract 16584, poster 145-28.

Cheng C.H., Lehmann J. and Thies J. 2005. Biotic and abiotic influences on black carbon properties in soil. In: Analysis and Characterization of Black Carbon in the Environment, Annual Meeting of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, 24-29 April 2005, No. EGU05-A-01023.

Cheng C.H., Lehmann J. and Thies J. 2004. Soil chemical properties influenced by water-washed charcoal: abiotic and biotic processes. In Energy and Agricultural Carbon Utilization – Sustainable Alternatives to Sequestration, June 10-11 2004, Athens, Georgia. Abstract Poster.