Assistant Professor, Far-Ching Lin |
Far-Ching Lin Laboratory of Bio-Material Mechanics and Processing TEL:+886-2-33663848 E-mail:
The mission of the laboratory is to meet the requirements of the development of wooden structure and the utilization of bio-material, also the traditional wood processing techniques. So, the researches are focused on the production, manufacturing, and management of wood and furniture industries. The major research areas of our laboratory are: 1. The development, processing, and application of bio-materials. 2. The mechanics behavior research of wood and bio-material composites. 3. Furniture structure and wooden structure. 4. Wood Biology: specified in the relationship between environment and wood quality. Some suggestion for the students who are interested in our research area : Computer skill : High level computer language, (VB, or Fortran, or C) Required courses : Mechanics of material, Structural analysis. Elective courses: Applied mechanics (Statics), Engineering mathematics, Business and Management, Economics, Operations Management, Marketing, Strategic Management. |
Purdue University, Indiana, U.S.A.(1997) Dept. of Forestry and Natural Resources Ph.D. National Taiwan University, R.O.C.(1992) Dept. of Forestry, Division of Forest Products M.S. National Taiwan University, R.O.C.(1990) Dept. of Forestry, Division of Forest Industry B.S. |
08/05- now Assistant Professor, School of Forestry and Recourse Conservation, National Taiwan University 05/03- 07/05 Assistant Research Fellow, Administration of Experimental Forest, National Taiwan University 09/97-08/02 Post Doctor Research Fellow, National Taiwan University 01/02-05/02 Committee, The Investigating Group on Lumber Yield and Cost of Russian Logs, The 921 Earthquake Re-Construction Council, Executive Yuan. 06/01-now Supervisor, The Association of Wooden Construction, R.O.C. 02/99- 07/03 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Forestry, National I-Lan Institute of Technology (part-time) |
Wang, S.Y., Lin, F.C. Lin M.Y.,(2001) The Thermal Properties of Interior Decorative Material and Contacted Sensory Warmth (II) The Relationship among Heat flux of Materials, Temperature Changes, and Contacted Sensory Cold-Warmth. J. of Wood Science 47(5):109-141 (NSC-88-2313-B002-110-A09) Eckelman, C.A., Lin F.C., Zhang, J.(2002) A Technique for Structural Modeling of front Rail of Sofas. Holz als Roh und Werkstoff 60:60-65. Lin C.J., Lin F.C., Wang S.Y., (2003) Effect of Moisture Content on Drill Resistance Value in Taiwania Plantation Wood. Wood and Fiber Sci. 35(2):234-238. Wang .S.Y., Chang F.C., Lin F.C. (2005) The Amount of Wooden Material in the Closed Room and its Effect on the Reverberation Time. J.of Wood Science 50 (5):474-479 (NSC-91-2313-B-002-396) Yang T.H., Wang S.Y., Lin C.J., Tsai M.J., Lin F.C. (2007) Effect of the Laminate Configuration on the Modulus of Elasticity of Glulam Evaluated using a Strain Gauge Method. J.of Wood Science 52 (in press)