Professor, Hsiao-Wei Yuan |
Hsiao-Wei Yuan LAB:WILDLIFE ECOLOGY LAB TEL:+886-2-33664634 E-mail: Website:
Bird behavior and ecology, Wildlife management, Wildlife Conservation. |
2013-2016, Chairman, Dept. Forestry and Resource Conservation, National Taiwan Univ. 2005-now, Professor, Dept. Forestry and Resource Conservation, National Taiwan Univ. 2005-2007, Director, Personal Counseling Section, National Taiwan Univ. 1994-2005, Associate Professor, Dept. Forestry and Resource Conservation, National Taiwan Univ. 1993-1994, Assistant Professor, Dept. Forestry and Resource Conservation, National Taiwan Univ. |
(* Correspondent author) Shen, S.-F., H.-W. Yuan, and M. Liu. 2016. Taiwan yuhinas: unrelated joint-nesters cooperate in unfavorable environments. In Cooperative Breeding: Studies of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior. (W.D. Koenig and J. Dickinson, eds)(Book Chapter, in press) Liu, M., Q.-D. Zhong, Y.-R. Cheng, S.-H. Li, S. Fang, C.-E. Pu, H.-W. Yuan*, S.-F. Shen*. 2015. Genetic relatedness in groups of the joint-nesting Taiwan yuhinas: Low relatedness groups with preference of accepting male kin. PLOS ONE 10: e0127341 (SCI) Shiao, M.-T., M.-C. Chuang, H.-W. Yuan, and W. Ying. 2015. Effects of weather variation on the timing and success of breeding in two cavity-nesting species in a subtropical montane forest in Taiwan. Auk 132: 671-684. (SCI) Chen, C.-P., C.-L. Chuang, T.-S. Lin, C.-Y. Liu, J.-A. Jiang, H.-W. Yuan, C.-R. Chiou, and C.-H. Hong. 2014. TernCam: An Automated Energy-efficient Visual Surveillance System. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 9(1): 44-54. (EI) Shieh B.-S., S.-H. Liang, H.-W. Yuan and C.-C. Chen. 2013. Experimental evidence that distinct song phrases in the Grey-cheeked Fulvetta Alcippe morrisonia permit species and local dialect recognition. IBIS 155:32-41. (SCI) Hsu, H.-H., S.-T. Ding, Y.-Y. Chang, M.-C. Chao, H.-S. Tsao, F.-T. Chan, C.-C. Hsu, H.-W. Yuan, and P.-H. Wang. 2012. Development of 24 new microsatellites markers in the Crested Serpent Eagle (Spilornis cheela hoya). Conservation Genet. Resour. DOI 10.1007/s12686-012-9817-0 (SCI) Wang, P.-H., H.-A. Hsu, M.-C. Chao, F.-T. Chan, L.-M. Wang, P.-I. Lin, H.-S. Tsao, H.-W. Yuan, C. C. Chen, and S. T. Ding. 2012. Sex identification in the Collared Scops Owl (Otus bakkamoena) with novel markers generated by random amplified polymorphic DNA. Conservation Genetic Resources. DOI 10.1007/s12686-012-9778-3 (SCI) Chan, W.-P., H.-W. Yuan, C.-Y. Huang, C.-H. Wang, S.-D. Lin, Y-C. Lo, B.-W. Huang, K. A. Hatch, H.-J. Shiu, C.-F. You, Y.-M. Chang, and S.-F. Shen. 2012. Regional scale high resolution d18O prediction in precipitation using MODIS EVI. PLOS ONE 7(9) e0045496. (SCI) Shen, S.-F*., S. L. Vehrencamp, R. A. Johnstone, H.- C. Chen, S.-F. Chan, W.-Y. Liao, K.-Y. Lin and H.-W. Yuan*. 2012. Unfavorable environment limits social conflict and prevents the tragedy of the commons. Nature Communications. 3:885 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1894. (SCI) Chang, Y.-Y., M.-C. Chao, S.-T. Ding, E.-C. Lin, H.-S. Tsao, H.-W. Yuan, and P. H. Wang. 2012. Development of microsatellite markers in an ungulate mammal, the Formosan serow (Capricornis swinhoei). Conservation Genetic Resources. 4(3): 455-457.. (SCI) Weng, Y.-S., H.-W. Yuan*, C.-T. Yao, and C.-F. Hsieh. 2012. Male and female Steere’s liocichlas respond differently to solo and stereo duet playback. Animal Behaviour 83(2): 487-493. (SCI) Surmacki, A., L. Siefferman., and H.-W. Yuan. 2011. Effects of sunlight exposure on carotenoid and structural coloration of the Blue-tailed Bee-eater. Condor 113: 590-596. (SCI) Lin, E.-C., H.-A. Hsu, M.-C. Chao, F.-T. Chan, L.-M. Wang, H.-S. Tsao, C.-H. Chang, P.-Y. Lin, B.-J. Wang, H.-W. Yuan, S.-T. Ding, and P.-H. Wang. 2011. Application of CHD1 gene and EE0.6 sequences to identify sexes of several protected bird species in Taiwan. Taiwania 56(2): 105-110. Chang, Y.-M., K. A. Hatch, H.-L. Wei, H.-W. Yuan, C.-F. You, D. Eggett, Y.-H. Tu, Y.-L. Lin, and H.-J. Shiu. 2011. Stable nitrogen and carbon isotopes may not be good indicators of altitudinal distributions of montane passerines. Wilson Bulletin 123:33-47. (SCI) McKay, B. D.*, H. L. Mays, Y.-W. Peng, K. H. Kozak, C.-T. Yao, and H.-W. Yuan*. 2010. Recent range-wide demographic expansion in a Taiwan endemic montane bird, Steere’s Liocichla (Liocichla steerii). BMC Evolutionary Biology 10:71. (SCI, Shen, S.-F., H.-C. Chen, S. L. Vehrencamp, and H.-W. Yuan*. 2010. Group provisioning limits sharing conflict among nestlings in joint-nesting Taiwan Yuhinas. Biology Letters 6: 318-321. (SCI) Hsu, H.-A., P.-H. Wang, M.-C. Chao, F.-T. Chan, L.-M. Wang, P.-I. Lin, C.-H. Chang, H.-W. Yuan* and S.-T. Ding*. 2009. Use of random amplified polymorphic DNA to identify several novel markers for sex identification in the crested serpent eagle and crested goshawk. Theriogenology 72:755-764. (SCI) Saenz, D., H. V. Podlipny, P.-Y. Tasi, D. B. Burt and H.-W. Yuan. 2009. A survey of reptiles and amphibians on Kinmen Island, Taiwan. Herpetological Bulletin 108: 3-9. Wang, Y.-P., L. Siefferman, Y.-J. Wang, T.-S. Ding, C.-R. Chiou, B.-S. Shieh, F.-S. Hsu, and H.-W. Yuan.* 2009. Nest site restoration increases the breeding density of blue-tailed bee-eaters. Biological Conservation 142:1748-1753. (SCI) Chang, Y.-M., K. A. Hatch, T.-S. Ding, D. Eggett, and H.-W. Yuan. 2008. Using stable isotopes to unravel and predict the origins of great cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) overwintering at Kinmen. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 22:1235-1244. (SCI) Ding, T.-S., H.-C. Liao, and H.-W. Yuan.* 2008. Breeding bird community composition in different successional vegetation in the montane coniferous forests zone of Taiwan. Forest Ecology and Management 255: 2038-2048. (SCI) Siefferman L, Y.-J. Wang, Y.-P. Wang, and H.-W. Yuan.* 2007. Sexual dichromatism, dimorphism, and condition dependent coloration in Blue-tailed Bee-eaters. Condor 109(3): 577-584. (SCI) Yuan, H.-W.*, S.-F. Shen, and H.-Y. Hung. 2006. Morphology and breeding Chronology of Joint-nesting Taiwan Yuhinas. Wilson Bulletin 118(4): 558-562. (SCI) Yuan, H.-W., D. B. Burt, L.-P. Wang, W.-L. Chang, M.-K. Wang, C.-R. Chiou and T.-S. Ding. 2006. Colony site choice of blue-tailed bee-eaters: influences of soil, vegetation and water quality. Journal of Natural History 40: 485-493. (SCI) Yuan, H.-W., M.-K. Wang., W.-L. Chang, L.-P. Wang, Y.-M. Chen and C.-R. Chiou. 2006. Soil composition affects the nesting behavior of blue-tailed bee-eaters (Merops philippinus) on Kinmen Island. Ecological Research 21: 510-512. (SCI) Mays, H. L. Jr., C.-T. Yao, H.-W. Yuan*. 2006. Antiphonal duetting in Steere's Liocichla (Liocichla steerii): Male song individuality and correlation between habitat and duetting behavior. Ecological Research 21: 311-314. (SCI) Mays, H. L. Jr., S. Doucet, C.-T. Yao, and H.-W. Yuan*. 2006. Sexual dimorphism and dichromatism in Steere’s Liocichla (Liocichla steerii). Journal of Field Ornithology 77(4): 1-7. (SCI) Ding, T.-S., H.-W. Yuan, S. Geng, and P.-F. Lee. 2006. Primary productivity and isolation as the major determinants of bird species richness in East Asia. Journal of Biogeography 33: 683-693. (SCI) Yuan, H.-W., T.-S. Ding, and H.-I. Hsieh. 2005. Short-term response of animal communities to thinning in Cryptomeria (Cryptomeria japonica) plantation. Zoological Studies 44(3): 393-402. (SCI) Yuan, H.-W., S.-F. Shen, K.-Y. Lin, and P.-F. Lee. 2005. Group size effects and parental investment strategies during incubation in joint-nesting Taiwan Yuhinas (Yuhina brunneiceps). Wilson Bulletin 117(3): 306-312. (SCI) Lee, P.-F., S.-F. Shen, T.-S. Ding, C.-R. Chiou, and H.-W. Yuan* . 2005. Habitat selection of the cooperative breeding Taiwan Yuhina (Yuhina brunneiceps) in a fragmented forest habitat. Zoological Studies 44: 497-504. (SCI) Lu, D.-J., Y.-F. Chou, and H.-W. Yuan*. 2005. Paradigm shift in the institutional arrangement of protected areas management in Taiwan - a case study of Wu-Wei-Kang Waterfowl Wildlife Refuge in Ilan, Taiwan. Environmental Science and Policy 8: 418-430. (SCI) Ding, T.-S., H.-W. Yuan, S. Geng, Y.-S. Lin, and P.-F. Lee. 2005. Energy flux, body size, and density in relation to bird species richness along an elevational gradient in Taiwan. Global Ecology and Biogeography 14: 299-306. (SCI) Yuan, H.-W.*, M. Liu, and S.-F. Shen. 2004. Joint-nesting of Taiwan Yuhinas (Yuhina brunneiceps): A rare case for passerine. The Condor 106(4): 862-872. (SCI) Yuan, H.-W. 1996. Habitat selection of Lesser Skylarks (Alauda gulgula wattersi) in Taiwan. Acta Zoologica Taiwanica 7(2):9-18. Yuan, H.-W. 1993. Possible evidence of double-brooding in Common Terns (Sterna hirundo) at Oneida Lake, New York. Colonial Waterbirds 16(1):83-87. (SCI)