G E O M E T R Y I ,
F A L L 2 0 1 4
Course Information
- Syllabus
- Information
- Ceiba
- Lectures: Wednesday, 16:30 ~ 17:20 and Friday 10:20 ~ 12:10 at Astro-Math 102
- Office hours: Tuesday 11:00 ~ 11:45 and 16:00 ~ 17:00, or by appointment, at Astro-Math 458
Office hour during the exam week: 16:00 ~ 17:00 on January 13th and 14th (Tuesday and Wednesday).
- Grading scheme:
- Homework 30%
You have three jokers: the lowest three grades will be discarded.
- Midterm 30%
- Final Exam 35%
The final exam will be held on January 16th (Friday), from 9:30 to 12:10.
- Course participation 5%
- Course Assistant: Yu-Ching Sun, whose office is Astro-Math 445.
- CA office hour: Thursday, 16:00 ~ 17:00.
- References:
- [T] Clifford Taubes, Differential geometry. Bundles, connections, metrics and curvature. MR
- [dC] Manfredo do Carmo, Riemannian Geometry. MR
- [CE] Jeff Cheeger and David Ebin, Comparison theorems in Riemannian Geometry. MR
- [W] Frank Warner, Foundations of differentiable manifolds and Lie groups. MR
- [BT] Raoul Bott and Loring Tu, Differential forms in algebraic topology. MR
Lecture summaries and references
- (9/17) topological manifolds and smooth manifolds. Reference: [T, §1]
- (9/19) submanifolds, immersion and embedding, projective space. Reference: [T, §1]
- (9/24) partition of unity and exhaustion function. Reference: [T, §1] and note0924
- (9/26) embedding into Euclidean spaces, Lie group, matrix groups. Reference: [T, §2]
- (10/01) vector bundles, tautological bundle. Reference: [T, §3]
- (10/03) tangnet bundle and cotangent bundle. Reference: [T, §3]
- (10/08) vector field and derivation, maps between vector bundles. Reference: [T, §3]
- (10/15) subbundle and quotient bundle. Reference: [T, §4] and note1015
- (10/17) pull-back bundle, symmetric square and exterior powers of cotangent bundle, push-forward and pull-back, exterior derivative. Reference: [T, §4, §5 and §12.1]
- (10/22) exterior derivative, orientation and integration, de Rham cohomologies. Reference: [T, §12.1 and §12.2] and [BT, §3]
- (10/24) manifold with boundary, Stokes theorem, the notion of left/right invariant for Lie groups, exponential map for matrix groups. Reference: [BT, §3] and [T, §5.4 and §5.5]
- (10/29) exponential map (continued), almost complex structure. Reference: [T, §2.4 and §6]
- (10/31) complex vector bundle, orientation for vector bundle, metric on vector bundle. Reference: [T, §6 and §7]
- (11/05) Riemannian manifold, geodesics. Reference: [T, §8]
- (11/07) examples of geodesics: hypersurface, special orthogonal group. Reference: [T, §8]
- (11/12) (geodesic) exponential map. Reference: [T, §9]
- (11/14) exponential map (continued), Gaussian coordinate and Gauss lemma, properties of geodesics. Reference: [T, §9] and [CE, §1.2 ~ §1.3]
- (11/19) properties of geodesics (continued), spherical geometry and hyperbolic geometry. Reference: [T, §9]
- (11/21) Midterm
- (11/24 ~ 11/28) fall break
- (12/03) principal G-bundle. Reference: [T, §10]
- (12/05) group action, associated vector bundles. Reference: [T, §10]
- (12/10) covariant derivative. Reference: [T, §11]
- (12/12) covariant derivative (continued), connection on principal G-bundle, corresponding covariant derivative on associated bundle. Reference: [T, §11]
- (12/17) local expression of connection on principal G-bundle. Reference: [T, §11]
- (12/19) Lie derivative, Cartan formula, curvature of covariant derivative. Reference: [T, §12]
- (12/24) curvature of connection on principal G-bundle, curvature and commuting derivatives, Frobenius theorem. Reference: [T, §12~13]
- (12/26) Frobenius theorem and flat connection, flat connection over the circle, holonomy map. Reference: [T, §13]
- (12/31) holonomy and curvature, construction of first Chern class from curvature. Reference: [T, §13~14]
- (1/07) example for first Chern class, total Chern class. Reference: [T, §14]
- (1/09) example for second Chern class, Pontryagin class. Reference: [T, §14]
- Homework 01: due September 24.
- Homework 02: due October 1.
- Homework 03: due October 8.
- Homework 04: due October 15.
- Homework 05: due October 22.
- Homework 06: due October 29.
- Homework 07: due November 5.
- Homework 08: due November 12.
- Homework 09: due November 19.
- Homework 10: due December 3.
- Homework 11: due December 10.
- Homework 12: due December 17.
- Homework 13: due December 24.
- Homework 14: due December 31.
Last modified: January 9, 2015.
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