NTU THz optoelectronics group 台大太赫茲光電實驗室
We are interested in all sorts of terahertz (THz) science and technology. Terahertz waves can be applied to fundamental science study, nondestructive imaging, chemical sensing, communications, etc. Our group studies THz waves and their applications with two different approaches: the electronic approach and the photonic approach. For THz electronics, we design and fabricate both active and passive components for high-speed communications. For THz photonics, we generate terahertz pulses using femtosecond lasers and apply them to spectroscopy and imaging. Please check our publications page for more details. If you are interested in joining us, please email Prof. Yu-Hsiang Cheng with your CV and your transcript. If you want to know more about Prof. Cheng, you may check his YouTube channel, his online course, or his interview (1, 2, 3).
Internship for international students