Microeconomics Lecture Outline

Lecture 9: Externality, Information, and Uncertainty

  • Externality

    1. Pecuniary v. Physical externality

    2. Market Failure due to market absence (lack of price mechanism)

      • Producer to producer
      • Producer to consumer
      • Consumer to consumer
      • Consumer to producer

    3. Optimality condition: MSB = MSC (Fig. 9-1)

    4. Remedy#1: Pigouvian taxation (Fig. 9-2)

    5. Remedy#2: Coasian bargaining (Fig. 9-3)

    6. Network externality (Fig. 9-4)

      • Join the bandwagon:
        • Language: Mandarin v. Taiwanese
        • Computer system: Windows v. Unix
        • Web auction platform: Yahoo v. eBay
        • Cell phone: CHT v. FET
        • Others: exam cheating, jay walking, traffic light, end-of-show applause

      • Stand out alone: dressing, hair style, holiday.

  • Information Asymmetry

    1. The used-car market: lemon v. plum
      (Used car market)Buyer valueSeller price

      * Remedies: pre-sale mechanic check, used-car warranty (as signal)

    2. Adverse selection: pre-contract hidden info problem
      • Social security
      • National health insurance: mandatory risk-sharing

    3. Moral hazard: post-contract hidden action problem
      • Unemployment insurance
      • National health insurance: co-payment/deductibles

    4. Principal-agent problem: firm owners v. manager

    5. Signaling: education/degree (sheepskin effect)

  • Uncertainty

    1. Contingent (conditional) consumption: expected utility maximization

    2. Actuarially fair gamble (expected profit = 0)
      • Risk-averse: concave utility
      • Risk-loving: convex utility
      • Risk-neutral: linear utility

    3. Investment diversification: (Modigliani, Nobel 1985)
      1. Stock A (umbrella) v. stock B (Swimwear)
        (Return)Rain (prob 50%)Shine (prob 50%)
        A "umbrella" $10020050
        B "swimwear" $10050200

        (1) Expected retuen from A or B: $125
        (2) Diversification ($50 on A, $50 on B): sure return of $125

      2. 愛國獎券: 同號四聯 v. 四張不同號

    4. Risk spreading

    5. Stock market: the "random walk" theory

    6. Optimal tax evasion decision