Holotype for Vol. one (2018)

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1. Lilium x shimenianum  S.S. Ying石門百合


2. Polygonium hohuanshanense S.S. Ying, 合歡山蓼


3. Ehretia lengshuikengensis S.S. Ying冷水坑厚殼樹


4. Callery songgangensis S.S. Ying松崗雞血藤


5. Richardia shaoyoukengensis S.S. Ying小油坑鴨舌癀


6. Thyrocarpus cuifengensis S.S. Ying翠峰盾果草


7. Clinopodium cuifengense S.S. Ying翠峰光風輪


8. Mimulus tenellus var. nepalensis forma taiwanensis台灣溝酸漿


9. Adenophora taiwaniana S. S. Ying台灣沙參


10. Adenophora triphylla (Thunb.) A. DC. forma albiflora S.S. Ying白花輪葉沙參


11. Wahlenbergia taiwaniana  S.S. Ying台灣蘭花參


12. Cocculus taiwanianus  S.S. Ying台灣木防己


13. Viola betonicifolia Sm. var.yuanfengia  S.S. Ying細紋三色菫


14. Viola nantouensis  S.S. Ying南投三色菫