Network Diffusion Modeling

WEN, Tzai-Hung (NTU Geography)

Source: EpiModel Tutorials


1. Basic ICMs with EpiModel: SI Model Stochasticity

stochastic individual contact models (ICMs) are designed to be agent-based microsimulation.

param <- param.icm(inf.prob = 0.2, act.rate = 0.25)
init <- init.icm(s.num = 500, i.num = 1)
control <- control.icm(type = "SI", nsims = 10, nsteps = 300)
mod <- icm(param, init, control)
## * Starting ICM Simulation
## Sim = 1/10
## Sim = 2/10
## Sim = 3/10
## Sim = 4/10
## Sim = 5/10
## Sim = 6/10
## Sim = 7/10
## Sim = 8/10
## Sim = 9/10
## Sim = 10/10
## EpiModel Simulation
## =======================
## Model class: icm
## Simulation Summary
## -----------------------
## Model type: SI
## No. simulations: 10
## No. time steps: 300
## No. groups: 1
## Model Parameters
## -----------------------
## inf.prob = 0.2
## act.rate = 0.25
## Model Output
## -----------------------
## Compartments: s.num i.num num
## Flows: si.flow
summary(mod, at = 125)  # at time step 125
## EpiModel Summary
## =======================
## Model class: icm
## Simulation Details
## -----------------------
## Model type: SI
## No. simulations: 10
## No. time steps: 300
## No. groups: 1
## Model Statistics
## ------------------------------
## Time: 125 
## ------------------------------ 
##            mean       sd    pct
## Suscept.  258.3  114.450  0.516
## Infect.   242.7  114.450  0.484
## Total     501.0    0.000  1.000
## S -> I      5.0    2.667     NA
## ------------------------------
head(, out = "mean"))
##   time s.num i.num num si.flow
## 1    1 499.3   1.7 501     0.0
## 2    2 499.3   1.7 501     0.0
## 3    3 499.3   1.7 501     0.0
## 4    4 499.2   1.8 501     0.1
## 5    5 499.2   1.8 501     0.0
## 6    6 499.1   1.9 501     0.1
tail(, out = "vals", sim = 1))
##     time s.num i.num num si.flow
## 295  295     0   501 501       0
## 296  296     0   501 501       0
## 297  297     0   501 501       0
## 298  298     0   501 501       0
## 299  299     0   501 501       0
## 300  300     0   501 501       0

Standard plotting output includes the means across simulations along with the inter-quartile range of values; both are smoothed values by default.


plot(mod, y = "i.num", sim.lines = TRUE, mean.smooth = FALSE, qnts.smooth = FALSE)

2. Simulating Disease Epidemics over Dynamic Networks

Independent One-Mode SIS Model: a model of a Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible (SIS) epidemic in a closed population

2.1 Network Estimation and Diagnostics:

Specify a network structure, including features like size and compositional traits. Here, we construct an empty network of 1000 nodes with two races of equal node size.

nw <- network.initialize(n = 1000, directed = FALSE)
nw <- set.vertex.attribute(nw, "race", rep(0:1, each = 500))
  1. Model Parameters
formation <- ~edges + nodefactor("race") + nodematch("race") + concurrent
target.stats <- c(250, 375, 225, 100)
coef.diss <- dissolution_coefs(dissolution = ~offset(edges), duration = 25)
## Dissolution Coefficients
## =======================
## Dissolution Model: ~offset(edges)
## Edge Duration: 25
## Crude Coefficient: 3.178054
## Adjusted Coefficient: 3.178054
## Death rate: 0
  1. Model Fit
est1 <- netest(nw, formation, target.stats, coef.diss, edapprox = TRUE)
## Starting maximum likelihood estimation via MCMLE:
## Iteration 1 of at most 20: 
## The log-likelihood improved by 0.005906 
## Step length converged once. Increasing MCMC sample size.
## Iteration 2 of at most 20: 
## The log-likelihood improved by 0.008107 
## Step length converged twice. Stopping.
## This model was fit using MCMC.  To examine model diagnostics and check for degeneracy, use the mcmc.diagnostics() function.
## ==========================
## Summary of model fit
## ==========================
## Formula:   nw ~ edges + nodefactor("race") + nodematch("race") + concurrent
## <environment: 0x000000000d7d54b8>
## Iterations:  2 out of 20 
## Monte Carlo MLE Results:
##                     Estimate Std. Error MCMC % p-value    
## edges             -9.8304138  0.2286235      0  <1e-04 ***
## nodefactor.race.1  0.6255021  0.0859362      0  <1e-04 ***
## nodematch.race     2.0113224  0.2196785      0  <1e-04 ***
## concurrent        -0.0001165  0.1727395      0   0.999    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Log-likelihood was not estimated for this fit.
## To get deviances, AIC, and/or BIC from fit `object$fit` run 
##   > object$fit<-logLik(object$fit, add=TRUE)
## to add it to the object or rerun this function with eval.loglik=TRUE.
## Dissolution Coefficients
## =======================
## Dissolution Model: ~offset(edges)
## Edge Duration: 25
## Crude Coefficient: 3.178054
## Adjusted Coefficient: 3.178054
## Death rate: 0

c.Model Diagnostics

dx <- netdx(est1, nsims = 5, nsteps = 500, nwstats.formula = ~edges + nodefactor("race", base = 0) + nodematch("race") + concurrent)
## Network Diagnostics
## -----------------------
## - Simulating 5 networks
##   |*****|
## - Calculating formation statistics
## - Calculating duration statistics
##   |*****|
## - Calculating dissolution statistics
##   |*****|
## EpiModel Network Diagnostics
## =======================
## Diagnostic Method: Dynamic
## Simulations: 5
## Time Steps per Sim: 500
## Formation Diagnostics
## ----------------------- 
##                   Target Sim Mean Pct Diff Sim SD
## edges                250  260.518    0.042 15.458
## nodefactor.race.0     NA  130.068       NA 15.011
## nodefactor.race.1    375  390.968    0.043 26.356
## nodematch.race       225  234.894    0.044 14.659
## concurrent           100  105.957    0.060 12.066
## Dissolution Diagnostics
## ----------------------- 
##                Target Sim Mean Pct Diff Sim SD
## Edge Duration   25.00   23.646   -0.054 23.071
## Pct Edges Diss   0.04    0.040    0.003  0.012
par(mar = c(3,3,1,1), mgp = c(2,1,0))

par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(dx, type = "duration")
plot(dx, type = "dissolution")

2.2 Epidemic Simulation over Dynamic Networks

param <- = 0.1, act.rate = 5, rec.rate = 0.02)

status.vector <- c(rbinom(500, 1, 0.1), rep(0, 500))
status.vector <- ifelse(status.vector == 1, "i", "s")
init <- = status.vector)
control <- = "SIS", nsteps = 500, nsims = 10, = "race")

sim1 <- netsim(est1, param, init, control)

Simulation output: Tables

## EpiModel Simulation
## =======================
## Model class: netsim
## Simulation Summary
## -----------------------
## Model type: SIS
## No. simulations: 10
## No. time steps: 500
## No. NW modes: 1
## Model Parameters
## -----------------------
## inf.prob = 0.1
## act.rate = 5
## rec.rate = 0.02
## Model Output
## -----------------------
## Compartments: s.num s.num.race0 s.num.race1 i.num 
## i.num.race0 i.num.race1 num num.race0 num.race1
## Flows: is.flow si.flow
## Networks: sim1 ... sim10
## Transmissions: sim1 ... sim10
summary(sim1, at = 500)
## EpiModel Summary
## =======================
## Model class: netsim
## Simulation Details
## -----------------------
## Model type: SIS
## No. simulations: 10
## No. time steps: 500
## No. NW modes: 1
## Model Statistics
## ------------------------------
## Time: 500 
## ------------------------------ 
##             mean      sd    pct
## Suscept.   498.4  27.633  0.498
## Infect.    501.6  27.633  0.502
## Total     1000.0   0.000  1.000
## S -> I       9.5   2.718     NA
## I -> S       9.2   2.098     NA
## ------------------------------
head(, n=10)
##    time s.num s.num.race0 s.num.race1 i.num i.num.race0 i.num.race1  num
## 1     1 931.0       431.0       500.0  69.0        69.0         0.0 1000
## 2     2 925.7       427.1       498.6  74.3        72.9         1.4 1000
## 3     3 923.8       426.5       497.3  76.2        73.5         2.7 1000
## 4     4 921.8       425.3       496.5  78.2        74.7         3.5 1000
## 5     5 920.3       425.0       495.3  79.7        75.0         4.7 1000
## 6     6 919.5       425.1       494.4  80.5        74.9         5.6 1000
## 7     7 918.7       425.4       493.3  81.3        74.6         6.7 1000
## 8     8 918.9       426.0       492.9  81.1        74.0         7.1 1000
## 9     9 918.0       425.8       492.2  82.0        74.2         7.8 1000
## 10   10 917.6       426.8       490.8  82.4        73.2         9.2 1000
##    num.race0 num.race1 is.flow si.flow
## 1        500       500     0.0     0.0
## 2        500       500     1.4     6.7
## 3        500       500     1.2     3.1
## 4        500       500     1.6     3.6
## 5        500       500     1.1     2.6
## 6        500       500     1.4     2.2
## 7        500       500     2.0     2.8
## 8        500       500     1.8     1.6
## 9        500       500     1.4     2.3
## 10       500       500     1.8     2.2
head(, out = "vals", sim = 2)) # 2nd run
##   time s.num s.num.race0 s.num.race1 i.num i.num.race0 i.num.race1  num
## 1    1   931         431         500    69          69           0 1000
## 2    2   923         425         498    77          75           2 1000
## 3    3   921         424         497    79          76           3 1000
## 4    4   919         424         495    81          76           5 1000
## 5    5   919         425         494    81          75           6 1000
## 6    6   920         427         493    80          73           7 1000
##   num.race0 num.race1 is.flow si.flow
## 1       500       500       0       0
## 2       500       500       1       9
## 3       500       500       0       2
## 4       500       500       0       2
## 5       500       500       1       1
## 6       500       500       4       3
nw <- get_network(sim1, sim = 1)
## NetworkDynamic properties:
##   distinct change times: 502 
##   maximal time range: -Inf until  Inf 
##  Dynamic (TEA) attributes:
##   Vertex TEAs: 
## Includes optional net.obs.period attribute:
##  Network observation period info:
##   Number of observation spells: 2 
##   Maximal time range observed: 1 until 501 
##   Temporal mode: discrete 
##   Time unit: step 
##   Suggested time increment: 1 
##  Network attributes:
##   vertices = 1000 
##   directed = FALSE 
##   hyper = FALSE 
##   loops = FALSE 
##   multiple = FALSE 
##   bipartite = FALSE 
##   net.obs.period: (not shown)
## = 
## = 
##   total edges= 5471 
##     missing edges= 0 
##     non-missing edges= 5471 
##  Vertex attribute names: 
##     active race vertex.names 
##  Edge attribute names not shown

Simulation output: Charts


plot(sim1, mean.line = FALSE, qnts = FALSE, sim.lines = TRUE)

plot(sim1, y = c("i.num.race0", "i.num.race1"), leg = TRUE)

Simulation output: Graphs

par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(sim1, type = "network", at = 1, col.status = TRUE, sims = 1, main = "Prevalence at t1")
plot(sim1, type = "network", at = 50, col.status = TRUE, sims = 1, main = "Prevalence at t50")

plot(sim1, type = "network", at = 100, col.status = TRUE, sims = 1, main = "Prevalence at t100")
plot(sim1, type = "network", at = 500, col.status = TRUE, sims = 1, main = "Prevalence at t500")

Export to images

m = 1
while (m <= 100){
filename = paste(“Epidemic_Day”, m, “.png”)
plot(sim1, type = “network”, at = m, col.status = TRUE, sims = 1)
title(paste(“Prevalence at Day”, m))
m = m + 1}