Mapping The Dengue Epidemic in Tainan City, 2015
|Dengue Incidence| Dengue intensity| Larvae Breeding| Insecticide
spraying| Sewage Systems|
地圖繪製: 溫在弘 (台大地理系)
資料來源: 台南市政府資料開放平台
Last updated on Aug. 29, 2015
MAP 1: Spatial Diffusion of Dengue Cases
map 2: Spatial Diffusion of Dengue Cases
(Daily Incidence)
map 3: Spatial Association between Larva Survey Data
and the Dynamics of Dengue
Intensity (Cumulative)
map 4: Spatial Association between Insecticide
and the Dynamics of Dengue
Intensity (Incidence)
map 5: Spatial Association between
Sewage Systems and
Larvae Breeding in the Ares of High Dengue Incidence