File IO 檔案讀寫

  • 這邊介紹python 內建的開啟檔案與檔案讀寫指令,在處理文字為主的檔案時比較方便
  • 如果需要讀取的資料是排列整齊的大量數值資料,NumPy提供更方便的檔案讀寫功能,會在NumPyFileIO單元介紹
  • Here we will introduce the file open, Input, and Output functions built-in in Python. These functions are usefull when processing text files with strings.
  • If the data files contains a large amount of numbers in well-organized format, the NumPy toolbox provides even more handy functions for IO, and we will introduce those in the NumPyFileIO topic

python 內建的讀檔指令

Before you read or write a file using the python built-in read/write function, you need to "open" the file first.


語法為 fo = open('filename', 'open_mode_option')<br> (fo可以是自己決定的變數名稱,指向被開啟的檔案,稱為fileObject,後續讀取檔案的時候會使用到)

針對文字檔,幾種比較常用到的open mode options:

  • r : for both reading only. 只讀檔,檔案要先存在,從頭開始讀
  • r+ : for both reading and writing. 可讀可寫,檔案要先存在,從頭開始讀。
  • w : for writing only. Overwrites existing file; if nonexisting, creates a new file. 只可寫出,從頭覆蓋既有檔案,檔案如果不存在就新增。
  • w+ : for both writing and reading. Overwrites existing file; if nonexisting, creates a new file.可讀可寫,從頭覆蓋既有檔案,檔案如果不存在就新增。
  • a : for appending at the end of the file if the file exists. If nonexisting, creates a new file. 接續既有檔案寫出,檔案如果不存在就新增。
  • a+ : for both appending and reading at the end of the file if the file exists. If nonexisting, creates a new file. 接續既有檔案寫出與讀取,檔案如果不存在就新增。

其他的open mode options可以在這邊找到:

The file Object Attributes

Once a file is opened and you have one file object, you can get various information related to that file.

Here is a list of all attributes related to file object:

Attribute Description
file.closed Returns true if file is closed, false otherwise.
file.mode Returns access mode with which file was opened. Returns name of the file.

Example of opening a file, and checking its status

In [1]:
# Open a file
fo = open("foo.txt", "wb")              # Open for writing in binary format. Overwrites existing file.
print("Name of the file: ",    # Let's check if the file name is correct
print("Opening mode : ", fo.mode)       # Check the read/write/binary mode status
print("Closed or not : ", fo.closed)    # Check the open/close status
Name of the file:  foo.txt
Opening mode :  wb
Closed or not :  False

close() 關閉檔案

The close() method of a file object flushes any unwritten information and closes the file object, after which no more writing can be done.

Python automatically closes a file when the reference object of a file is reassigned to another file. It is a good practice to use the close() method to close a file.




In [2]:
# Open a file
fo = open("foo.txt", "wb")
print("Closed or not : ", fo.closed)    # Check the open/close status

# Close opend file
print("Closed or not : ", fo.closed)    # Check the open/close status again
Closed or not :  False
Closed or not :  True

write() 輸出到檔案

The write() method writes any string to an open file. It is important to note that Python strings can have binary data and not just text.<br>

The write() method does not add a newline character ('\n') to the end of the string automatically. In order to output multiple lines, add a '\n' character at the position of the end of each line.




In [3]:
# Open a file
fo = open("foo.txt", "w")   # open for writing only
fo.write("This is the first output.")  # output string to the file. 
# As no \n is included at the end of the string , 
# the next __write()__ will continue to output to the same line.

fo.write("This is the second output.\n")  # Continue the first line.
# A \n is included at the end. The next __write()__ will start a new line

fo.write("Python is a great language.\nYeah its great!!\n")  #write two new lines to the file

# Close opend file

read() 讀取檔案

The read() method reads a string from an open file. It is important to note that Python strings can have binary data, not only text data.

Syntax (語法) 括號內count填入你要讀入的字串長度(字元數)



In [4]:
fo = open("foo.txt", "r")  # open for readingly only; read from the beginning
This is
 the first

readline and readlines 單列或多列讀取

Syntax (語法)

fileObject.readline() 一次readline()只讀取一列,整列會讀成一個string fileObject.readlines() 檔案如果有多列,所有內容讀成一個list ,換列處補上\n,一列為一個string


In [25]:
fo = open("foo.txt", "r")  # open for reading only; read from the beginning
A=fo.readline()  # read only the first line in the file

B=fo.readlines() # read the rest of the file (2nd~3rd lines) as a python list
print(len(B))    # checking the size of the list
print(B)         # the elements are separated by'\n' in the string
print(B[1])      # the second element in the list
This is the first output.This is the second output.

['Python is a great language.\n', 'Yeah its great!!\n']
Yeah its great!!


使用readline或readlines讀入後,一列會是一個string 可以使用split功能,進一步再切割成好幾個elements

Syntax (語法)

var.split(delimiter, number of element) 根據分隔符號將var字串區分成不同的element


In [35]:
fo = open("foo.txt", "r")  # open for readingly only; read from the beginning
A=fo.readline()  # read only the first line in the file
As=A.split(' ')

Bs=B[1].split(' ')
This is the first output.This is the second output.

['This', 'is', 'the', 'first', 'output.This', 'is', 'the', 'second', 'output.\n']
Yeah its great!!

['Yeah', 'its', 'great!!\n']