Dr. Shih-Wei Tsai - Publications in Referred Journals
Last Update:  12/28/2014

1. S.W. Tsai and S.S. Que Hee (1997): Permeation of xylene isomers through nitrile gloves. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 63: 1713-1721. (SCI)
2. S.W. Tsai and S.S. Que Hee (1999): A new passive sampler for aldehydes. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 60:463-473. (SCI) (Journal title changed to Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene in 2004, SCI)
3. S.W. Tsai and S.S. Que Hee (1999): A new passive sampler for regulated workplace aldehydes. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. 14: 255-262.  (Journal title changed to Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene in 2004, SCI)
4. S.W. Tsai and S.S. Que Hee (2000): A new passive sampler for regulated workplace ketones. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 61: 808-814. (SCI) (Journal title changed to Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene in 2004, SCI)
5. S.W. Tsai and S.S. Que Hee (2002): Vapor/solid chemisorption model for passive sampling of aldehydes. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. 17(8)551-560. (Journal title changed to Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene in 2004, SCI)
6. S.W. Tsai* and T.A. Chang (2002): Time-weighted average sampling of airborne n-valeraldehyde by the solid-phase microextraction device. Journal of Chromatography A. 954, 1-2, 191-198. (Corresponding author) (NSC 89-2314-B-039-034) (SCI).
7. H.J. Lin, W.C. Chen, F.J. Tsai, S.W. Tsai (2002): Distributions of p53 Codon 72 polymorphism in primary open angle glaucoma. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 86, (7):767-770. (SCI)
8. S.W. Tsai* and K.K. Wu (2003): Determination of ethylene oxide by solid-phase microextraction device with on-fiber derivatization. Journal of Chromatography A. 991, 1-11 (Corresponding author) (NSC 90-2320-B-039-034) (SCI) (TPHA Outstanding Research Award, 2003). 
9. S.W. Tsai* and C.M. Chang (2003): Analysis of aldehydes in water by solid-phase microextraction with on-fiber derivatization. Journal of Chromatography A. 1015, 43-150. (Corresponding author) (SCI)
10. H.J. Lin, F.J. Tsai, W.C. Chen, Y.R. Shi, S.A. Hsu, S.W. Tsai (2003): Association of Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha-308 Gene Polymorphism with Primary Open Angle Glaucoma in Chinese, Eye, 17:31-34 (SCI).
11. H.J. Lin, C.C. Lin, S.W. Tsai, H.C. Lin, B.H. Su (2003): Risk factors of retinopathy of prematurity in low birth body weight infants. Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei), 66,662 ~ 668. (MI).
12. F.J. Tsai, H.J. Lin, W.C. Chen, C.D. Hsu, S.W. Tsai (2004): A codon 31ser-arg polymorphism of the WAF-1/CIP-1/p21/tumour suppressor gene in Chinese primary open-angle glaucoma. Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica. 82(1): 76-80 (SCI).
13. S.W. Tsai*, S.T. Tsai, V.S. Wang, J.S. Lai (2004) Laboratory and field validations of a solid-phase microextraction device for the determination of ethylene oxide. Journal of Chromatography A. 1026: 25-30. (Corresponding author) (NSC91-2320-B-039-022) (SCI).
14. H.J. Lin, C.H. Tsai, F.J. Tsai, W.C. Chen, S.W. Tsai, S.S. Fan (2005) Distribution of Oxidation Enzyme eNOS and Myeloperoxidase in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma, Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis, 19:87-92. (SCI)
15. H.J. Lin, F.J. Tsai, P. Hung, W.C. Chen, H.Y. Chen, S.S. Fan, S.W. Tsai (2006) Association of E-Cadherin gene 3'-UTRC/T polymorphism with primary open angle glaucoma. Ophthalmic Research, 38(1):44-48. (SCI)
16. Y.K. Cheng, C.D. Lin, W.C. Chang, G.Y. Hwang, S.W. Tsai, L. Wan, M.H. Tsai, J.P. Tsai, F.J. Tsai (2006) Increased prevalence of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene polymorphism in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. Archives of Otolaryngology-Head&Neck Surgery, 132:285-290. (SCI)
17. Y.K. Cheng, G.Y. Hwang, C.D. Lin, M.H. Tsai, S.W. Tsai, W.C. Chang (2006) Altered expression profile of superoxide dismutase isoforms in nasal polyps from nonallergic patients. Laryngoscope, 116:417-422. (SCI)
18. S.W. Tsai* and K.Y. Kao (2006) Diffusive sampling of airborne furfural by solid-phase microextraction device with on-fiber derivatization. Journal of Chromatography A. 1129, 1, 29-33 (Corresponding author) (NSC 93-2320-B-039-012) (SCI).
19. C.Y. Lai, T.J. Wu, F.C. Tang, Y.L. Yan, S.W. Tsai, D.T. Tang, H.C. Wu (2007) Monitoring the Evolution of Volatile Gases from Pickle Tanks-laboratory Pickling Simulations. Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, 15(4): 340-352.
20. I.S. Lee and S.W. Tsai* (2008) Passive sampling of ambient ozone by solid-phase microextraction with on-fiber derivatization. Analytica Chimica Acta. 610:149-155. (Corresponding author) (NSC 95-2314-B-002-329) (SCI)  (Cover Article; Invited Article).
21. S.W. Tsai*, M.W. Shih and Y.P. Pan (2008) Determinations and residual characteristics of triclosan in household food detergent of Taiwan. Chemosphere. 72(9): 1250-1255. (Corresponding author) (DOH94-TD-F-113-019) (SCI).
22. Y.P. Pan and S.W. Tsai* (2008) Solid Phase Microextraction Procedure for the Determination of Alkylphenols in Water by On-Fiber Derivatization with N-tert-butyl-dimethylsilyl-N-methyltrifluoroacetamide Analytica Chimica Acta.624: 247-252.  (Corresponding author) (DOH95-TD-F-113-026) (SCI).
23. S.W. Tsai* and M.L. Huang (2008) Solid phase microextraction procedure for the determination of furoic acid and creatinine in urine by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Journal of Occupational Safety and Health,16(4): 373-386 (Corresponding author) (NSC 92-2320-B-039-049).
24. Y.P. Pan and S.W. Tsai* (2009) Determinations and residual characteristics of alkylphenols in household food detergent of Taiwan.  Chemosphere. 76(3):381-386. (Corresponding author) (DOH95-TD-F-113-026) (SCI).
25. H.J. Lin, L. Wan, Y. Tsai, S.C. Liu, W.C. Chen, S.W. Tsai, F.J. Tsai (2009) Sclera-related gene polymorphisms in high myopia. Molecular Vision, 15:1655-1663. (SCI)
26. H.J. Lin, L. Wan, Y. Tsai, W.C. Chen, S.W. Tsai, F.J. Tsai (2009) Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 1 gene polymorphisms associated with high myopia. Molecular Vision, 15:1774-1780. (SCI).    
27. T.Y. Chang, S.J. Lin, R.H. Shie, S.W. Tsai, H.T. Hsu, C.T. Tsai, C.F. Chiang, J.S. Lai (2010) Characterization of volatile organic compounds in the vicinity of an optoelectronics industrial park in Taiwan. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 60, 55-62 (SCI).

Y.T. Liu and S.W. Tsai* (2010) Assessment of dietary furan exposures from heat processed foods in Taiwan. Chemosphere. 79(1): 54-59 (Corresponding author) (DOH97-TD-F -113-97001) (SCI)

29. H.J. Lin, L. Wan, Y. Tsai, W.C. Chen, S.W. Tsai, F.J. Tsai (2010) The association between lumican gene polymorphisms and high myopia. Eye, doi: 10.1038/eye.2009.254 (SCI)
30. P.C. Hung, S.F. Cheng, S.H. Liou, and S.W. Tsai* (2011) Biological Monitoring of Low-Level 2-Butoxyethanol Exposure for Decal Transfer Workers in Bicycle Manufacturing Factories. Occupational Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 68:777-782 (Corresponding author) (SCI)
31. S.W. Tsai* and K.Y. Kao (2012) Determination of Furfural in Beers, Vinegars and Infant Formulas by Solid-Phase Microextraction and Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 92, 1, 76-84 (Corresponding author) (NSC 93-2320-B-039-012) (SCI).
32. H.C. Shih, S.W. Tsai*, C.H. Kuo (2012) Time-Weighted Average Sampling of Airborne Propylene Glycol Ethers by a Solid-Phase Microextraction Device. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. 9:427-436.  (Corresponding author) (SCI)
33. T.S. Chu, S.F. Cheng, G.S. Wag, S.W. Tsai* (2013) Occupational exposures of airborne trichloromine at indoor swimming pools in Taipei. Science of the Total Environment. 461-462 (Corresponding author) (SCI)
34. L.T. Lin, W.C. Cheng, C.W. Kuo,  S.W. Tsai*(2013) Survey on the safety of food-use detergents. Ann. Rept. Food Drug Res. 4: 104-109 (Corresponding author) 
35. I.T. Wang, S.F. Cheg,  S.W. Tsai* (2014) Determinaitons of airborne synthetic musks by polyurethane foam coupled with triple quadrupole gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometer. Journal of Chromatography A, 1330: 61-68 (Corresponding author) (SCI)

L.T. Lin, A.L. Tsai. Y.M. Tseng,  S.W. Tsai*(2014) Passive sampling of airborne furan indoors by solid-phase microextraction. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. DOI:10.1080/03067319.2014.983438 (Corresponding author) (SCI)

37. H.Y. Lu, S.F. Cheng, S.W. Tsai*  (2014) Air sampling and analysis of 1,4-dioxane. Journal of Occupational Safety and Healtth, 363-377  (Corresponding author) (NSC 93-2320-B-039-012).
T.S. Chu, H.C. Chang, L.Y. Lin, W.C. Cheng, S.W. Fang, F.C. Hsiao, C.K. Pan, S.W. Tsai*(2014) Current standards and regulations for dishwashing detergents worldwide. Ann. Rept. Food Drug Res. 5: 356-364 (Corresponding author)