陳穎練 助理教授
微生物遺傳  抗真菌藥物篩選及研發
(02) 3366-1763 、 (02)33664598
(02) 2363-6490

1. 鐮孢菌之分子遺傳學、致病機制及防治方法探討
鐮孢菌(Fusarium)為一全球性重要的植物病原真菌,主要病原菌包括尖鐮孢菌(F. oxysporum)、茄形鐮孢菌(F. solani)、禾穀鐮孢菌(F. graminearum)等,其可存在活的或腐敗的植物體及土壤中,同時亦可造成人類眼睛及皮膚等處之感染。在植物病害方面,尖鐮孢菌為第五重要之病原真菌,主要造成香蕉黃葉病(病原為F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense)、番茄萎凋病(病原為F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici)及西瓜蔓割病(病原為F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum)等重要病害。目前對於尖鐮孢菌引之植物病害致病機制的了解仍有侷限,也無有效方法防治,常導致作物生產業穸角j的損失。實驗室目前進行尖鐮孢菌訊號傳遞、致病機制及防治策略之研究。

2. 馬鈴薯瘡痂病之綜合防治探討
馬鈴薯(Solanum tuberosum ) 自日治時期引進至今,已成為台灣重要作物之一,主要產區位於台中、雲林、嘉義等地。馬鈴薯瘡痂病(Potato scab)是近年來影韖x灣馬鈴薯產業甚鉅的細菌性病害,造成馬鈴薯表皮破裂,後期隆形成圓形褐色的瘡痂病斑,嚴重時病斑結合,形成網狀龜裂,影騋邦a薯的品質、產量及商業價值。而造成馬鈴薯發病的病原菌Streptomyces scabies為土傳性病害,若經特定的處理方式有效減低其病原性,可使馬鈴薯免於受其危害,將促進台灣馬鈴薯產業蓬勃,使其產量、品質均能提高。實驗室擬開發生物防治、化學防治及有機防治法,以達到抑制瘡痂病菌活性,有效減少瘡痂病之危害。

3. 抗真菌之藥物研發與作用機制鑑定
現今由於抗生素之濫用、愛滋病及癌症患籵陶t增加,造成免疫功能缺乏的病患逐漸增多,且抗藥菌株易產生,然而對抗人類病原真菌(如念珠菌、隱球菌及煙麴黴菌)之臨床用藥仍侷限於四大類(triazole, echinocandin, amphotericin B, flucytosine)藥劑。植物病原真菌可造成約70%的植物病害,其中由尖鐮孢菌引之香蕉黃葉病及番茄萎病凋病在台灣及全球造成嚴重損失,雖有多種殺真菌性農藥(如待克利及亞托敏)可供選擇施用,然療效仍不佳。實驗室擬系統性篩選天然素材庫、FDA-approved藥庫及農藥庫,並評估其對植物及人類病原真菌之抑制效果。經初步篩選而得之候選藥物,將進一步利用基因突變株庫進行藥物之作用機制鑑定。期望透過本研究,找到對病原菌有效且天然或低毒性之素材。

4. 念珠菌之分子生物學、致病機制及藥物開發



◆ 念珠菌與隱球菌之遺傳、訊號傳遞及致病機制

◆ 抗真菌藥物之篩選與研發

◆ 鐮刀菌之分子生物學

2004年8月-2009年5月 博士,美國田納西大學   微生物學系
1996年9月-1998年6月 碩士,國立台灣大學     植物病蟲害學系
1994年9月-1996年6月 學士,國立屏東技術學院 植物保護學系
1989年9月-1994年6月 專科,國立嘉義農專     植物保護學科

2013年02月 ─ 迄今           國立臺灣大學  植物病理與微生物學系  助理教授

2009年06月─2013年01月 美國杜克大學醫學中心 分子遺傳與微生物學系  博士後研究員

2004年08月─2009年05月 美國田納西大學  微生物學系  助教

2003年11月─2004年06月 華肝基因股份有限公司  研究員

2000年07月─2001年06月 國立台灣大學醫學院小兒部  研究助理

1998年08月─2000年05月 陸軍義務役

◆ 植物病理學實驗(合授)
◆ 農用生物製劑(合授)
◆ 植物病害與診斷(合授)
◆ 植物病毒學實驗(合授)
◆ 應用微生物學(合授)
◆ 遺傳學


Yu SJ, Chang YL, Chen YL. 2015. Calcineurin signaling: lessons from Candida species. FEMS Yeast Research. In Press.
Kim H, Jung KW, Maeng S, Chen YL, Shin J, Shim JE, Hwang S, Janbon G, Kim T, Heitman J, Bahn YS, Lee I. 2015. Network-assisted genetic dissection of pathogenicity and drug resistance in the opportunistic human pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans. Scientific Reports.5:8767.
Chen YL*, de Bernardis F, Yu SJ, Sandini S, Kauffman S, Tams RN, Bethea E, Reynolds TB*. (2015). Candida albicans OPI1 regulates filamentous growth and virulence in vaginal infections, but not inositol biosynthesis. PLoS One. 10(1):e0116974. [*Co-corresponding author]
Chen YL*, Yu SJ, Huang HY, Chang YL, Lehman VN, Silao FGS, Bigol UG, Bungay AAC, Averette A, Heitman J*. (2014) Calcineurin controls hyphal growth, virulence, and drug tolerance of Candida tropicalis. Eukaryotic Cell 13(7):844-854. [*Co-corresponding author] (Featured on the cover)
Ravu RR, Chen YL, Jacob MR, Pan X, Agarwal AK, Khan SI, Heitman J, Clark AM, and Li XC. (2013) Synthesis and antifungal activities of miltefosine analogs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 23(17):4828-4831.
Ding C, Festa RA, Chen YL, Espart A, Palacios Ò, Espín J, Capdevila M, Atrian S, Heitman J,  and Thiele DJ. (2013) Cryptococcus neoformans copper detoxification machinery is critical for fungal virulence. Cell Host & Microbe 13(3):265-276. Research highlights in Nature Reviews Microbiology, Science Daily, and Faculty of 1000.
Chen YL, Lehman VN, Averette AF, Perfect JR, and Heitman J. (2013) Posaconazole exhibits in  vitro and in vivo synergistic antifungal activity with caspofungin or FK506 against Candida albicans. PLoS ONE 8(3):e57672.
Chen YL, Lehman VN, Lewit Y, Averette A, and Heitman J. (2013) Calcineurin governs thermotolerance and virulence of Cryptococcus gattii. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics3(3):527-539.
Zhang J, Silao FGS, Bigol UG, Bungay AC, Nicolas MG, *Heitman J, *Chen YL. (2012) Calcineurin is required for pseudohyphal growth, virulence, and drug resistance in Candida  lusitaniae. PLoS ONE 7(8): e44192. [*Co-corresponding author]
Chen YL, Konieczka JH, Springer DJ, Bowen SE, Zhang J, Silao FGS, Bungay AC, Bigol UG, Nicolas MG, Abraham SN, Thompson DA, Regev A, Heitman J. (2012) Convergent evolution of calcineurin pathway roles in thermotolerance and virulence in Candida glabrata.G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 2:675-691. [Featured on the cover]
Singh-Babak SD, Babak T, Diezmann S, Hill JA, Xie JL, Chen YL, Poutanen SM, Rennie RP, Heitman J, and Cowen LE. (2012) Global analysis of the evolution and mechanism of echinocandin resistance in Candida glabrata. PLoS Pathogens 8(5):e1002718.
Zhang J, *Heitman J, *Chen YL. (2012) Comparative analysis of calcineurin signaling between Candida dubliniensis and Candida albicans. Communicative & Integrative Biology  5(2):122-126. [Featured on the cover] [*Co-corresponding author]
Cheon S, Jung KW, Chen YL, Heitman J, *Bahn YS, *Kang H. (2011) Unique evolution of the UPR pathway with a novel bZIP transcription factor, Hxl1, for controlling pathogenicity of Cryptococcus neoformans. PLoS Pathogens 7(8):e1002177.
Chen YL, Brand A, Morrison E, Silao F, Bigol U, Malbas F, Nett J, Andes D, Solis N, Filler S, Averette A, *Heitman J. (2011) Calcineurin controls drug tolerance, hyphal growth and virulence in Candida dubliniensis. Eukaryotic Cell 10:803-819.
Chen YL, Kozubowski L, Cardenas ME, *Heitman J. (2010) On the roles of calcineurin in fungal growth and pathogenesis. Current Fungal Infection Reports 4:244-255. Top 2 most downloaded/popular CFIR paper .
Chen YL, Montedonico AE, Kauffman S, Dunlap JR, Menn FM, *Reynolds TB. (2010) Phosphatidylserine synthase and phosphatidylethanolamine decarboxylase are essential for cell wall integrity and virulence in Candida albicans. Molecular Microbiology 75:1112-32.
Chen YL, Kauffman S,*Reynolds TB. (2008) Candida albicans uses multiple mechanisms to acquire the essential metabolite inositol during infection. Infection and Immunity 76:2793-2801.
Huang HP, Tsuei DJ, Wang KJ, Chen YL, Ni YH, Jeng YM, Chen HL, Hsu HY, Chang MH. (2005) Differential integration rates of hepatitis B virus DNA in the liver of children with chronic hepatitis B virus infection and hepatocellular carcinoma. J. Gastroenterology & Hepatology 20:1206-14.
Huang WZ, Chung FC, Chen YL, Huang CH, and Chang YC. (2005) Development and comparison of three detection methods for calla lily-infecting Dasheen mosaic virus. Plant Pathology Bulletin 14 (4): 239-250.
Chang YC, Chen YL, Chung FC. (2001) Mosaic disease of calla lily caused by a new potyvirus in Taiwan. Plant Disease 85:1289.
Chao YC, and Chen YL. (1997) Influence of fluorescent pseudomonads isolated from eggplant roots on the growth and the disease development of bacterial wilt of eggplant. Bulletin of National Pingtung Polytechnic Institute 6(2):101-112.
Chen YL. Fungal pathogens: from basic biology to drug discovery. Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica. November 7, 2012 (Invited talk by Professor Jung-Hsiang Tai)
Chen YL. Fungal pathogens: from basic biology to drug discovery. National institute of infectious diseases and Vaccinology, National Health Research Institutes. November 8, 2012 (Invited talk by Professor Hsiu-Jung Lo)
Chen YL, Konieczka JH, Springer DJ, Bowen SE, Zhang J, Silao FGS, Bungay AC, Bigol UG,Nicolas MG, Abraham SN, Thompson DA, Regev A, Heitman J. Convergent evolution of  calcineurin pathway roles in thermotolerance and virulence in Candida glabrata. 11th ASM conference on Candida and Candidiasis. San Francisco, CA, USA. Mar. 29 - Apr. 2, 2012 (Oral)
Chen YL, Konieczka JH, Springer DJ, Bowen SE, Zhang J, Silao FGS, Bungay AC, Bigol UG, Nicolas MG, Abraham SN, Thompson DA, Regev A, Heitman J. Convergent evolution of calcineurin pathway roles in thermotolerance and virulence in Candida glabrata. Keystone symposia Global Health Series (Fungal pathogens: from basic biology to drug discovery), Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. Jan. 15-20, 2012. (Poster)
Chen YL. Convergent evolution of calcineurin pathway roles in thermotolerance and  virulence in Candida glabrata. Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), Duke University. September 28, 2011 (Invited talk by Dr. Herman Staats)
Chen YL, Konieczka JH, Springer DJ, Bowen SE, Zhang J, Silao FGS, Bungay AC, Bigol UG, Nicolas MG, Abraham SN, Thompson DA, Regev A, Heitman J. Convergent evolution of calcineurin pathway roles in thermotolerance and virulence in Candida glabrata. The  retreat of MGM department, Duke University Medical Center. Sept. 24, 2011 (Poster)
Chen YL. Distinct roles of calcineurin pathway in Candida species. Duke University Mycology Research Unit (DUMRU). April 1, 2011 (Invited talk by Dr. Joseph Heitman)
Chen YL and Heitman J. Calcineurin is essential for virulence and thermal stress tolerance in pathogenic Candida species  10th ASM conference on Candida and Candidiasis. Miami, FL, USA. Mar. 22-26, 2010 (Poster)
Chen YL, de Bernadis F, Kauffman, and Reynolds TB. The Rsp1 gene regulates morphogenesis, secreted aspartyl protease transcription, and virulence in Candida albicans. 9th ASM conference on Candida and Candidiasis. Jersey City, NJ, USA. Mar. 24-28, 2008 (Oral)
Chen YL, Kauffman S, and Reynolds TB. Phosphatidylserine synthase (CaCho1p) is required for virulence and cell wall integrity in Candida albicans Southeastern Regional Yeast Meeting. Gatlinburgh, TN, USA. Mar. 7-9, 2008 (Oral)
Chen YL, Kauffman S, Becker JM, and Reynolds TB. RSP1, a gene related to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene OPI1, controls morphogenesis, secreted aspartyl protease transcription and virulence in Candida albicans. Southeastern Regional Yeast Meeting. University of Alabama. AL, USA. Mar. 31- Apr. 1, 2007 (Oral)
Chen YL, Kauffman S, and Reynolds TB.The Rsp1 gene regulates morphogenesis, secreted aspartyl protease transcription, and virulence in Candida albicans. Microbial Pathogenesis & Host Responses. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY, USA. Sept. 15-19, 2007  (Poster)
Chen YL, Kauffman S, and Reynolds TB. SAA1, a protein related to the Saccharomyces  cerevisiae gene OPI1, controls morphogenesis, secreted aspartyl protease transcription and virulence in Candida albicans. Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology. Princeton University, NJ, USA. Jul. 25-30, 2006 (Poster)
Chen YL, Chung FC, Chang YC. (1998) Molecular cloning and characterization of dasheen mosaic potyvirus from aroid plants in Taiwan. Plant Pathology Bulletin 7(4):226-227.
.張雅君, 陳穎練, 鍾芳珠. 2001。 海芋病毒分子檢測系統之研發與應用。生物科技在農業上之應用。研討會論文集。 139-155頁。
陳昌平,陳穎練,陳盈智,鍾宜書。2004。解毒基因(CYP,GST)維護肝臟的健康。中國醫藥研究叢刊 25:12-19。
Chen YL. (2009) The roles of phospholipid biosynthesis in Candida albicans virulence. PhD dissertation. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA.