The Student Counseling Center of the university was established in 1964 to help students work through their adjustment problems and promote their mental health and psychological well-being.
Crisis intervention and problem-solving counseling are regularly provided for any student who walks in. Individual counseling sessions with further psychotherapeutic approach, if necessary, could be arranged with our counselors. The Center opens 8.00a.m.-5.00p.m. weekdays and closes on weekends and holidays. Please contact us at (02)3366-2181~2 #11 or via E-mail: ntuscc1@ntu.edu.tw. The Department of Psychiatry of the University Hospital stands to facilitate the service system. Psychiatric out-patient care and emergency service are also provided by the University Hospital.
There are currently a director, 11 full-time counselors, 15 part-time counselors
including 2 professional counselors to provide international students who need
counseling and assistance, and one full-time administrator in the Center. Graduate students in clinical psychology of the university also help administering psychological tests and interpreting the results. More than 1,000 individual counseling sessions are provided for the students every year.
The Student Counseling Center also offers professional consultation to university staff and faculty.
Individual Counseling
Student Counseling Center offers individual counseling to university students and staff. Our counselors on duty will provide the in-take interview and initial counseling for those who walk in seeking professional help. Further individual counseling sessions will be arranged when necessary.
Group Counseling and Workshops
As a major branch of the university student affair division, Student Counseling Center not only offers individual counseling to help students work through maladjustments or traumatic experiences but also devotes to promoting students’ general mental health. Various workshops or group counseling sessions are conducted each semester to enhance the participants’ self-growth, development and socialization.
Mental Health Survey & Psychological Tests
The Center conducts a general survey of physical/mental status of the freshmen when they enter the university. These data are used to follow up the well-being of the students during their school years. The Center also offers various personality tests, tests related to career development, and health assessment for those who want to further their self-understanding.
The Resource Unit
The Resource Unit was established under the Student Counseling Center (SCC) in 2000. Its major tasks are to provide a variety of assistances for students with disabilities and to create a comfortable, friendly, and barrier-free campus for them. This unit is located next to the Dormitory Service. Please contact the unit at (02)3366-3236~9 or via e-mail at rer@ntu.edu.tw. The office hour is from 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m., Monday through Friday.
Currently there are four full-time counselors in the Resource Unit. Besides regular counseling work shared with SCC, the main services of this unit are as follows:
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General living counseling: to provide guidance and assistance regarding school and social adjustment, curriculum studies, and to arrange barrier-free dormitory and classroom; |
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Psychological counseling: to provide personal counseling regarding self exploration, interpersonal relationships, family issues, romantic relationship, and etc.; |
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Career counseling: to organize workshops and panels on career planning and to provide personal career counseling; |
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Group counseling and workshops: to hold a variety of groups and workshops, including self-growth group, school adjustment group, physical therapy workshop, and etc.; |
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Special class organization: to organize swimming class, wheelchair tennis class, computer class, English class, and etc; |
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Recreational activities holding: to organize annual tour and extracurricular activities; |
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Financial aids provision: to provide financial aids for students and teachers who assist students with disabilities; |
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Information announcement: to announce updated information about scholarships, activities, and welfare policies; |
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Barrier-free environment improvement: to investigate barriers on campus and to cooperate with the construction unit to renovate and repair periodically; |
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Assistive technology device lending: to access each student’s need of assistive technology devices, and to lend appropriate aids to students; |
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Learning equipment provision: to provide facilities for study, including computers, printers, copy machine, recorder, and etc. |
General Services
Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 am- 5 pm
Tel: (02)3366-2181/3366-2182 #11
E-mail: ntuscc1@ntu.edu.tw