National Taiwan University Fund
Statement of Projected Cash Flows
                                      2015 Unit: Thousand in NTD
Item Projected
Cash Flows from Operating Activities                                           1,644,929
  The Year's Profit (Loss-)                                              (477,355)
  Non-cash Items Adjustment                                 2,122,284
  Net Cash Inflows (Outflows-) of OperatingActivities                                  1,644,929
Cash Flows from Investing Activities                                         (1,509,010)
  Increases in Fixed Assets and Depletable Assets                                (1,491,791)
  Increases in Intangible Assets                         (17,219)
  Net Cash Inflows (Outflows-) of Investing Activities                               (1,509,010)
Cash Flows from Financing Activities                                        810,846
        Increases in current liabilitiesother liabilities and deferred credit 10,000
  Increases in Funds and Reserve Funds                      920,893
  Decreases in Long-term Liabilities                                              120,047
  Net Cash Inflows (Outflows-) of Financing Activities                                    810,846
Net Increase (Net Decrease-) in Cash and Cash Equivalent                           946,765
Beginning Cash and Cash Equivalent                                           9,474,957
Final Cash and Cash Equivalent                                      10,421,722