National Taiwan University Fund
Statement of Projected Incomes and Expenses
                                           2009 Unit: Thousand in NTD
Item Projected for the year
Operating Incomes                                                    13,439,227 100.00
 Service Income                                                151,448 1.13
 Sales Income                                                 87,745 0.65
 Teaching Income                                              6,561,712 48.83
 Medical Treatment Income                                                    75,000 0.56
 Other Operating Incomes                                             6,563,322 48.84
Operating Costs and Expenses                                       13,618,847 101.34
 Service Cost                                                 73,965 0.55
 Sales Cost                                                 84,634 0.63
 Teaching Cost                                                  11,051,630 82.23
 Medical Treatment Cost                                                    56,600 0.42
 Public Funds and Grants for Students 538,200 4.00
 Marketing and Operating Expense                                       4,500 0.03
 Management and General Affairs Expense                                               1,631,565 12.14
 R&D and Training Expense                                           127,753 0.94
 Other Operating Expenses                                          52,000 0.39
Operating Profit (Loss-)                                              -179,620 -1.34
Non-operating Incomes                                                862,704 6.42
 Financial Income                                                 122,200 0.91
 Other Non-operational Incomes                                        740,504 5.51
Non-operating Expenses                                                   545,002 4.06
 Financial Expense                                                8,300 0.06
 Other Non-operating Expenses                                              536,702 3.99
Non-operating Profit (Loss-)                                            317,702 2.36
The Year's Profit (Loss-)                                              138,082 1.03