National Taiwan University Fund
Statement of Projected Incomes and Expenses
  Unit: Thousand in NTD
Item Projected for the year
Operating Incomes                  12,927,866 100.00
 Service Income                                                150,977 1.17
 Sales Income                                                 74,282 0.57
 Teaching Income                                              6,169,222 47.72
 Medical Treatment Income  60,240 0.47
 Other Operating Incomes                                             6,473,145 50.07
Operating Costs and Expenses  12,981,687 100.42
 Service Cost                                                 68,287 0.53
 Sales Cost                                                 76,779 0.59
 Teaching Cost                                                  10,546,760 81.58
 Medical Treatment Cost  39,780 0.31
 Public Funds and Grants for Students 370,000 2.86
 Marketing and Operating Expense  1,459 0.01
 Management and General Affairs  Expense 1,706,640 13.20
 R&D and Training Expense                                           126,982 0.98
 Other Operating Expenses                                          45,000 0.35
Operating Profit (Loss-)  -53,821 -0.42
Non-operating Incomes         687,854 5.32
 Financial Income                                                 74,950 0.58
 Other Non-operational Incomes  612,904 4.74
Non-operating Expenses               453,064 3.50
 Financial Expense                                                5,300 0.04
 Other Non-operating Expenses  447,764 3.46
Non-operating Profit (Loss-) 234,790 1.82
The Year's Profit (Loss-)   180,969 1.40