Money and Banking (Spring 2012)


6/14(Thu.) Office Hour: 13:00~16:00, and by appointment

期末考看考卷時間6/22(Fri.) 13:30~15:00 @研究大樓313 (陳南光老師辦公室)



1.      The Fed's Supply of Liquidity during the Crisis

2.      Banking and the Management of Financial Institutions

3.      Economic Analysis of Banking Regulation

4.      The Banking Industry Structure and Competition

5.      Money, Liquidity, and Monetary Policy

6.      Money Supply and Tools of Monetary Policies

7.      Structure and Target(s) of Central Banks

8.      Monetary Policies Goals, Strategy, and Tactics

9.      Currency Board and Dollarization

10.  Transmission Mechanisms of Monetary Policy