Promotion Qualifications and Application Materials

申請資格     升等審查     申請資料


1.  本校編制內之專任教師依規定通過(最近一次)教師評鑑或奉校方核定免辦評鑑。

2.  升等當學年第二學期在校有實際任教授課之事實者 。或經核准借調,且於借調期間依規定返校義務授課者。

3.  需符合教育人員任用條例第十六、十六之一、十七、十八條規定需附教師證書影本

  • 申請升等教授者,應具備副教授年資 4 年,或博士後從事與所習學科有關之研究、專門職業10 年以上;

  • 申請升等副教授者,應具備助理教授教授年資 4 年,或博士後從事與所習學科有關之研究、專門職業5 年以上;

    但副教授年資未滿4年或博士後未滿10年、助理教授年資未滿4年或博士後未滿5年者,應檢附認定具體傑出表現事實與說明(如獲 國科會(科技部)傑出獎或研究獎項、教育部所頒學術獎、國家講座獎項等事蹟。)


  •  年資計算 :至升等當年7月31日止。

4.   教師自取得前一等級教師資格起至本次申請升等之學期止,應具備下列事蹟:

  • 主持專題研究計畫:執行經國科會(科技部)審查核定之專題研究計畫且擔任計畫主持人或共同主持人(不含協同主持人)至少一次。 (專業技術人員以作品、具體事蹟、特殊造詣或成就代替專門著作送審者,得計建教合作案。需附佐證資料
    本校編制內之專任助理教授、講師升等申請期限前連續五年申請 國科會(科技部)專題研究計畫未獲核定者,除升等著作外以一級期刊及二級期刊各一篇,或已出版且經審查之專書代替一次 國科會(科技部)專題研究計畫。

  • 國際化:應有出國研究半年以上(可分段累積),或參與重要國際會議發表1次以上,或參與國際合作計畫之實績。需附佐證資料


  • 服務申請升等當學期前五年內(109-1至113-2)至少 項服務工作方可得80分及格,其中至少須參與本系、院、校服務工作四項。需附佐證資料













  1. 根據109219日外文系教評會決議:自110年起,責成系辦提供「系務會議出席率」作為升等「服務」評分參考。但出席率自發佈日起算,不溯及既往。

  2. 本系、院、校、政府機關委派工作,一件得列一項。論文評審、論文口試、計畫審查不列入計分項目。


5.   其他:應符合外國語文學系教師評審委員會評審作業要點所列規定。





請參考「文學院升等著作審查意見表」 (注意意見表第2頁外審專家審查重點。)



  • 由申請人擇定送審著作至多六篇,曾為代表作送審者,不得再作升等時之代表作。

    • 教授者為2篇一級代表作、4篇二級以上參考作 。

    • 副教授 、助理教授者至少2篇一級代表作、2篇二級以上參考作。

    • *備註本校編制內之專任助理教授、講師升等申請期限前連續五年申請 國科會(科技部)專題研究計畫未獲核定者,除升等著作外以一級期刊及二級期刊各一篇,或已出版且經審查之專書代替一次 國科會(科技部)專題研究計畫。

  • 出版證明發給日期預定出版日期:送審著作若尚未出版者,須於系教評會開會日期(12/13)前出具出版證明正本,說明該論文將於一年內定期出版者(自證明函之日期起算1年內)出版

  • 已出版或出具將出版證明之論文集、專書、專書論文應檢附經審查通過後出版之相關證明

    • 視同一級期刊論文者,應檢附出版社提供之專業審查證明(proof of peer review)及(原則上) 2 份審查意見

    • 視同二級期刊論文者,應檢附出版社提供之專業審查證明(proof of peer review)


請注意 (NOTES):

  1. 送審著作切勿「自我抄襲」(含抄襲自己著作或博士論文),違者視同違反學術倫理,須送校審理及懲處。
    Works submitted for promotion review must not be "self-plagiarized" (including copying or paraphrasing the applicant's own work or doctoral dissertation). Violators are deemed to have violated academic ethics and must be sent to the school for review and punishment.

  2. 送審著作不得為學位論文之一部分。惟屬學位論文延續性研究者,經出版並提出說明,由專業審查認定 (須至遲於提出升等申請前一學期先送審請專家認定)著作具相當程度創新者,不在此限。
    Degree dissertations, in whole or in part, cannot be submitted as part of an application for promotion. However, this limitation will be lifted if the applicant can prove that the submitted work is an extensive research of the dissertation. It should be submitted by the DFLL Teachers' Evaluation Committee to external experts for review one semester prior to promotion application at the latest to certify that it has considerable innovations as compared with the dissertation.

  3. 取得助理教授資格(含取得資格以前)之博士論文不得列為升等高一職級之代表作或 參考作。
    Ph.D. dissertations, including those completed before one acquires the Assistant Professor teaching certificate, cannot be designated one's major or secondary works when applying for promotion to a higher rank.

  4. 新聘時送審之代表作(無論新聘前取得該等級教師資格與否)請勿在升等時再度提為代表作。
    Representative works submitted for recruitment review (no matter they were used for the teaching certificate application or not) cannot be selected as one's representative works for promotion review.

  5. 上次送審教師資格之代表作參考作(包括檢附接受證明之論文) 均不得重複作為升等高一職級之代表作參考作。   


    送審之「專門著作」為送審人取得前一等級教師資格後所出版或發表者;送審人曾於境外擔任專任教師之年資,經採計為升等年資者,其送審專門著作、作品 、成就證明或技術報告得予併計。
    Publications (including accepted journal papers) already submitted for review in recruitment or in the last promotion cannot be designated again as one's major or secondary works in the application for promotion to a higher rank, according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education.


  1. 教授英、德、法、西、俄文者:代表作應至少有一篇以所授語文撰寫, 參考作不限以所授語文撰寫;

  2. 教授前述五種語文以外者:代表作及參考作不限以所授語文撰寫








  • 2篇以上 發表於本系一級期刊


(一)    凡收錄於AHCISSCISCI之期刊,皆為第一級期刊。

(二)    凡收錄於TSSCITHCI核心期刊,且經本系教評會認定者,得為第一級期刊。

(三)    凡由素負國際聲譽之學術出版機構所出版之期刊為一級期刊,請參閱附表一

(四)    凡本校其他系所核定為一級或二級期刊,且經本系教評會認定者,亦視同相同等級期刊。

(五)    其餘經系、院、校教評會核定之優良期刊及其分級請見附表二(本系所列一級期刊)。


  • 其單篇頁數不得少於15頁;惟期刊有規定字數限制者,經報系教評會核定後,可不予適用。

  • 尚未出版、但已接受出版期刊論文可列為代表作 :

  1. 但須附出版證明正本(出版證明之日期 須為系科所教評會開會日期(12月13日)前,且註明將於 出版證明開立後一年內定期出版。)。

  2. 升等審查後,須於一年內正式出版 ,且須繳送正式出版後之期刊論文至人事室查核。

期刊論文等級請按右邊超連結:外文系優良期刊目錄」 。


視同一級期刊論文之專書論文亦可列為代表作, 相關規定如下:

  1. 素負國際聲譽之學術出版機構出版公開發行,或出具將出版證明專書論文可列為代表作,應檢附經審查通過後出版之相關證明,包括出版 機構提供之 1) 專業審查證明 、2) 二份專家學術審查書面意見,並須經系教評會認定

    ※請參考三級三審通過之一級國際聲譽之學術出版機構名單: internatinal publishers.pdf

  2. 以專書論文為代表作者,須由系教評會認定等同一級期刊論文,且最多採計一篇


已出版公開發行,或出具將出版證明之論文集、專書,得作為代表作送審,應檢附出版社提供經審查通過後出版之相關證明,包括出版公司提供之專業審查證明 、二份專家學術審查書面意見

  • 出版證明之日期須為系科所教評會開會日期(12月13日)前,且註明將於一年內定期出版(自證明函之日期起算1年內)





參考作須為 申請人取得前一等級教師資格後之著作。




1. 升教授至少須有二級以上參考作 4

2. 升副教授、助理教授至少須有二級以上參考作 2



 註 (2)學術著作等級請按右邊超連結:外文系優良期刊學術著作等級目錄」 。




會議論文集(會後經審查並正式出版者,須有ISBN NO.須提具審查證明

  1. 素負國際聲譽之學術出版機構所出版之會議論文集,檢附審查通過後出版之相關證明,並經系教評會認定者,視同一級期刊。

  2. 其他經正式審查通過並出版之會議論文集,檢附審查通過後出版之相關證明,視同二級期刊。

  3. 文學院不接受未正式出版之會議論文集作為升等送審著作。

其他經正式審查出版之學術論文集、專書及單篇專書論文,檢附出版社提供之專業審查證明,視同二級期刊,可作為參考作(尚未出版者,請檢附 一年內出版之接受出版證明正本)
















  • 申請升等當學期前五年內(不含升等當學期)至少 項服務工作方可得80分及格,其中至少須參與本系、院、校服務工作四項。需附佐證資料













  • 如有重要社會、文化、國際事務方面之貢獻,應提供資料與說明。



1.     email 已填妥之「國立臺灣大學教師升等推薦表」電子檔 to
Please email Michelle a completed electronic file of the “NTU Faculty Promotion Recommendation Form.

  •      請務必填寫最後一頁學院意見的「(三)綜合意見」欄
    Be sure to fill out the data in "
    (三)綜合意見" table at the bottom of page 8 for the Collegiate comment.

  •      請務必在升等推薦表「四、服務」申請升等教師確認簽章處親筆簽名,並填寫簽名日期
    Be sure to SIGN in the "申請升等教師確認簽章" at the bottom of the "四、服務" section and write/type the completed date.

  •      請確實填寫升等推薦表各項資料(特別三、研究(八)簡述研究重點與成果(以不超過1頁為原則),此頁「研究重點與成果」,會連同升等著作,一起寄給審查人參考
    Please also fill out all of the personal data in the Recommendation Form in detail, especially III. Research (三、研究) Item 8 (簡述研究重點與成果): describe your research topics and achievements, which should be presented in one page in principle, which will be submitted to external reviewers for reference along with your major and secondary works.

 (Download: please right-click the following hyperlink  國立臺灣大學教師升等推薦表)





2.   代表作與參考作一式  6。(著作格式如上)。
Six (6) copies of the major works and the secondary works (please see the required Format of the Publications).  
Please upload the electronic files of all of your major and secondary works (including their acceptance letter, if any) to the "Promotion Works for Review" folder in your cloud drive and provide the link to Michelle.

  • 請將 6份送審著作依「升等著作目錄順序」標注 代表作1代表作2參考作1參考作2參考作3參考作4.
    Please mark Major Work 1, Major Work 2, Secondary Work 1, Secondary Work 2, Secondary Work 3, Secondary Work 4 in each of the Six dossiers of promotion works for review, in accordance with the order of the applicant's promotion publication list.


  • 送審著作均須顯示出版 (或接受出版)時間
    All works submitted for review must display their publication Year and Month:

  • 如為期刊論文, 請送「抽印本」;或於送審著作前面加附「封面」、「目錄」及 載明出版年、月之「版權」頁(如無出版月份,請務必取得出版月份證明,例如上網查詢列印)。
    Please submit offprints for journal papers; or attach a copy of the cover, the contents, and the copyright page with the publication date in front of each publication instead (the publication date should display both the year and the "month"; if not, the applicant must provide a document to show the publication year and month, e.g., search on the Internet and print the webpage.)

  • 升等送審著作「一年內即將出版者」,請於論文完稿最前面檢附接受出版證明1份 作為該著作封面:教師升等案之送審著作,應於系級教評會開會日前出版或接受出版者,始得列入處理。
    For works accepted for scheduled publication within one year, please attach the acceptance letter in front of the work.



3.     email此次送審之著作目錄電子檔
  Email a publication list of the works one submits for review to Michelle:

  • 請依MLA書目格式出版年份順序, 以「數字」分別標示代表作與參考作;
    in MLA bibliography format; Please type out and designate one's major work(s) and secondary works, which must be numbered according to the publication dates.

  • 送審著作亦請標號順序須與此送審著作目錄一致
    The applicant must also number and arrange the six copies of the promotion works in accordance with the order of this publication list.

  • 教師自前一等級至本次申請等級期間其他研究成果」欄:其他此次未送審,但確為教師自前一等級至申請升等高一等級期間其他個人在專業或學術上之成果,得列為參考資料,但不須送審
    One can also list in the last column 教師自前一等級至本次申請等級期間其他研究成果(Other research performances accomplished within the period between the applicant’s present rank and the time of the application for promotion to a higher rank).  Research performances listed in this section, including conference papers, will be provided for the reviewers' reference only, and these works need not/will not be sent out for review by external readers.

*Please right-click HERE to download a sample file


4.   Download and email五年內研究計畫名稱表
Download and email to Michelle the Form for Research Projects within 5 years.


       (Please right-click the hyperlink to download the form.)


5.  11/15前應事先送人事室查核之資料文件各一份
Required documents to be submitted to the Personnel Office for qualification verification by November 15:

  • 身份證(或居留證)正、反面影本1份:請印在A4紙上。
    A copy of the applicant's ID card/ARC card (both front and back sides): please print on A4 size paper.

  • 博士學位證書(最高學歷證明)影本1份:請印在A4紙上。
    A copy of the applicant's PhD diploma: please print on A4 size paper.

  • 現職教師證書影本一份 :請印在A4紙上。
    A copy of the applicant's Teaching Certificate at the current rank: please print on A4 size paper.

  • 現職3年聘書影本服務證明正本1份 (擇1)
    A copy of the applicant's NTU contracts at the current rank in the latest 3 years or an original "employment certificate" that certifies the applicant has served at the current rank for at least 3 years.

  • 代表作合著人證明正本1份:合著人均應親自簽名蓋章,若代表作無合著者則免送。(請至人事室 下載「代表著作合著人證明」(網址:
    An original certificate of the co-authors' contribution to the applicant's representative work: All of the co-authors must sign the certificate (please download the co-authorship form from the website of the Personnel Office at; no need to supply if the applicant doesn't submit any co-authored representative works.

  • 教師資格審查履歷表」正本1份:
    A hardcopy of the applicant's completed "Teacher Qualification Resume"

    1) 請至教育部高教司教師資格及學術審查科大專教師送審通報系統(網址:下載,經核准後(初次使用本系統者,請電洽人事室 陳怡婷小姐開通帳號,電話:33667284進行填寫,並請先參閱該系統之使用說明,現職資料請填「擬升等職別」。不符合代表作及參考作規定者請勿列入。 (「學歷」請填博士、碩士、學士;「經歷」請填台大外文系現職)
    The applicant must get on the website of the Ministry of Education to fill out the "Teacher Qualification Resume" (教師資格審查履歷表) at (foreign teachers will need to ask their assistants for help with translation because the MOE does not provide an English version for the website).

    • If the applicant has never used this MOE website before, please register first, and be sure to contact Ms. Chen Yi-Ting of the Personnel Office at her office phone number at 02-33667284 in order to activate one's account (the applicant will receive an email notice after activation).

    • For "學歷" (Education), please enter one's PhD, MA, and BA degrees.

    • For "經歷" (Work Experience), please be sure to enter one's current rank at NTU as the first item.

    ※因教育部系統只能填寫一筆代表作,第二篇代表作請放在參考作第1,著作標題後面加註 (代表作2)
    As the applicant can only enter one representative work on the MOE webpage, please enter the 2nd representative work in the place of the first item of the secondary works and add a note (代表作2) after the title to designate it as one's second representative work.


    2) 教師資格審查履歷表填寫完畢, 請儲存並email PDF檔給Michelle確認無誤後,再貼上2吋照片簽章。 (另請email相片電子檔給Michelle)
    After the "Teacher Qualification Resume" is completed online, please save as PDF file and email to Michelle for checking. Then print it out if everything is correct, SIGN, and glue a 2-inch ID photo on the printout form. (Please also email a digital copy of your ID photo to Michelle.)


  • 以著作送審教師資格查核表正本1份:請記得在最後一頁「送審人簽章」處簽名。
    Download and fill out a checklist for submission of the applicant's professional publications for an accreditation review: please be sure to SIGN in the "送審人簽章" column on the last page.



6.  113學年度文學院教師升等資料檢查表1份
Submit a hard copy of a Faculty Promotion Dossier Checklist form required by the College.

並將下列升等資格證明文件上傳雲端硬碟:請建立「文學院升等資料檢查表」資料夾 ,並提供雲端資料夾連結
Upload the following certificates/documents required by the College to your Cloud drive: Please create a folder named "文學院升等資料檢查表" in your cloud drive and place all the following e-files in this folder. The applicant must provide the link for the College to review the e-files in their cloud drive.)

  • 評鑑通過證明(我會掃描email給老師,再請老師上傳雲端硬碟)
    A certificate to prove the applicant has passed the latest evaluation (I'll email the certificate to you, so that you can upload this e-file to your could drive).

  • 執行國科會(科技部)專題研究計畫證明文件
    Documents to prove that the applicant has carried out at least one research project funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (Assisting Project Investigator/Assisting PI are excluded).

  • 國際化證明:例如參與重要國際會議發表論文之會議agenda
    Proof of Internationalization: for example, the applicant can provide the agenda to prove that one has attended and presented a paper at an important international conference.

  • 服務證明:申請升等當學期前五年內109-1至113-2學期至少 5 項服務工作方可得80分及格,其中至少須參與本系、院、校服務工作 4 項。需附佐證資料
    Proof of Service: The applicant must provide documents to prove that they have had no less than 5 items of service within 5 years before one applies for promotion (dated from 107-1 to 111-2 semesters) in order to reach the passing score of 80, in which at least four items of service must have been done in the Department, Collegiate, or the University within the last five years before one submits a promotion application.


7.   申請升等當學期前五年內109-1至113-2學期教學、服務等資料 須雲端化,請於2/1前上傳雲端硬碟並提供教學、服務資料網址連結
Please submit Dossiers about Teaching and Service performances within the last 5 years before one submits an promotion application  (dated from 109-1 to 113-2 semesters) . All the Teaching and Service materials must be electronic and submitted to your cloud drive. Please follow the directions below and provide the link to your Teaching and Service folders by February 1, 2026.

  • 教學」資料︰請將 申請升等當學期前五年內109-1至113-2學期之 1)課程大綱與進度、2)作業設計3)試題、4)學生評鑑資料、5) 教學重要創新(if any)等資料上傳升等「教學」雲端資料夾
    教學」資料夾,並在教學資料夾下分別建立「課程大綱與進度 」、「作業設計」、「試題」、「學生評鑑資料」、5)「 教學重要創新(if any)」等子資料夾,再將各項教學資料電子檔上傳相關資料夾。
    Teaching: Please create a "Teaching" folder in your cloud drive first, and then establish 4 to 5 sub-folders named  1) course descriptions and syllabi, 2) assignment designs, 3) samples of exams, and 4) student evaluation reports, as well as significant teaching innovations (if any), as required by the College. Upload the e-files (from 109-1 to 113-2 semesters) to related sub-folders and provide the link to the "Teaching" folder in your cloud drive.

    • 教學評鑑值:請至tpo查詢(myNTU-tPo-編修歷程檔-C.學生評鑑)列印「五年內教學評鑑值」(109-1至113-2學期)
      Student evaluation reports: Please look up at your tPo at myNTU and print out the student evaluation reports from 107-1 to 111-2 semesters. (For those who don't know where to look up these data, please contact TA Winnie for help.)

    • 最次一次升等未滿五年者,自升等後起算。
      If you haven't served for 5 years after your last promotion or after you entered NTU, please provide the above materials dated from your last promotion date or the date you became an NTU full-time  teacher.

  • 服務」資料︰請將申請升等當學期前五年內109-1至113-2學期服務項目一覽表」及 服務相關證明文件置放於雲端硬碟「服務」資料夾。 (服務項目請編號,並與服務證明文件一致,以便文學院查核)

  1. 請先建立「服務」資料夾
    : Please create a "Service" folder in your cloud drive first.

  2. 上傳服務項目一覽表」電子檔及 服務相關證明文件(109-1113-2)可利用「升等推薦表」服務那一頁作為服務項目一覽表,在各項目前或後「標號」,並在檢附之證明文件標號」( 標號應一致),方便系、院核對,置放於雲端硬碟「服務資料夾。
    隨後檢附服務證明文件:所附證明文件請依升等推薦表所填寫「服務」項目編號,檔名為附件1、附件2、附件3......),分別置入 雲端硬碟「服務」資料夾。
    Make a list of service items "服務項目一覽表" from 109-1 to 113-2 semesters. The applicant can
    1) use the "Service" section in the Promotion Recommendation Form to make the service item list within 5 years,
    2) "number" each service item on the list (either in front or in back of the items), and
    3) "name" related documents/certificates as attachment 1, 2, 3 . . . in accordance with the number of each service item on the service list within the last five years (from 107-1 to 111-2 semesters),
    4) and then upload the service item list and the related e-files as proof to the "
    Service" folder for the College to verify the service items.

  3. 於服務證明文件,請您分學年()詳列服務項目。滿1學年為1項,1學期為0.5項。
    Regarding the documents provided as proof for the service, the applicant should list the service items by academic year/year. Serving as a committee member or an administrative director at NTU for a year is counted as one item, and 0.5 item  for a semester.

  4. 依文學院要求,每一項服務必須持續「一段期間」始得採計(僅一日之服務不計入),請務必註明「起日」(自收到委任通知日起算)及「迄日」,請詳細填寫服務 開始結束 之「年、月、日」。
    According to the requirement of the College, each service item must continue for a period of time (one day service is not counted). Therefore, please provide the "start date" (counted from the day you received the commission notice) and "end date" of each service item in detail (including the year, month, and day).

  5. 升等推薦表所列項目必須與證明文件相符;無法證明者,請自推薦表刪除。
    If the applicant cannot provide any documents to prove their service, the items must be deleted from the Promotion Recommendation Form.

另請見下列注意事項 (Other notes about service)

  •  採計範圍為109-1113-2(最次一次升等未滿五年者,自升等後起算)

  • 升等推薦表請依「學年」或「年」分別「詳實」填列如下,做滿一年 請每年列一項計分請勿多年合併為一項);請註明「起迄年月日」,每一年均須提供證明文件。

  • 若屬一整學年之委員會委員或學校行政工作, 僅擔任其中一學期,並能提出證明文件,得採記為0.5項。

  • 本系、院、校、政府機關委派工作,一件得列一項,請註明服務「起 、迄之年、月、日」

  • 論文評審、論文口試、計畫審查不列入計分項目

  (一)系內服務(Service done for the Department)

項    目
Service item

Position taken

from yyyy/mm/dd
to yyyy/mm/dd

獎 勵
received (If any)

















 (二)校內服務(Service done for the College and the University)

項    目



獎 勵

















Service done outside the University (only academic service counts): please do not include non-academic service items under this category.

單 位/項 目
Organization/Service item

Position taken

from yyyy/mm/dd
to yyyy/mm/dd

獎 勵
received (If any)


















  • 每一()年所列均需證明文件,無法提供證明文件之年度,請勿列入
    The applicant must provide a related document to prove a service item for each (academic) year. If one cannot find any related proof for a year, that year will not be counted, and please do not place it on the list.

  • 服務證明亦可以email通聯代替。如為系上委託服務,真的找不到相關證明,可自行文字條列說明再請系辦人員在每一項服務後面核章, 再上傳雲端硬碟。
    The applicant can provide an email as proof of service. If a service item was commissioned by the Department but no related proof can be found, the applicant can list those items one by one, ask the office staff member to stamp for the service item as proof, and upload this list with Department office staff's stamps as one of the proof attachments to the "Service" folder in their cloud drive.

  • 每年外文系系通訊2月號均載有「校院系級委員會委員名錄」,可上網下載:, 標示服務項目(例如將自己的服務 highlight 劃底線), 附件編號後上傳雲端硬碟「服務資料夾」,作為服務證明。
    The applicant can find online in the February issue of the DFLL newsletter for the "Name List of University, College, Department, and GPTI Committee Members" at One can download the issue, highlight or underline one's own service, "number" it in accordance with the number of the service item list, and upload it to the "Service" folder as attachment to prove one's service.

  • 服務項目之採計標準如下:
    Credits are given to SERVICE items as follows

    Administrative positions at NTU

    Memberships in University/Collegiate/Departmental committees, or other elected/selected committee members

    Coordinators, vice coordinators, or secretaries of Departmental committees

    Editors-in-chief or editorial board members of academic journals

    Organizers of large academic conferences

    Supervisors of NTU student clubs

    Voluntary work in academic or cultural organizations

    Service assigned or commissioned by the Department, College, University, and governmental organizations


  1. 根據109219日外文系教評會決議:自110年起,責成系辦提供「系務會議出席率」作為升等「服務」評分參考。但出席率自發佈日起算,不溯及既往。
    The promotion applicant's attendance rate of the DFLL Department Affairs Meeting (announced 2020/02/19) will be implemented from year 2021, and more importantly, the attendance rate will be counted from 2020/02/20 onwards, which means the TEC will not count the records before this policy was announced.

  2. 論文評審、論文口試、計畫審查不列入計分項目
    Sitting on a thesis defense committee and reviewing papers or projects do not count as service items.





  外文系優良期刊 學術著作等級目錄母法  請按左邊超連結
Please click the right hyperlink for "DFLL Regulations on Ranking of Academic Publications"
Attached please see the "Promotion Score Formula" for calculation of the points in the 5 Review comments on the applicant's Research Works submitted for external review, Teaching score, and Service score.

