

Establishment Guidelines and Implementing Details of the DFLL

Department Affairs/Curriculum Committee (Table of Comparisons)













Revised Articles

Translation of Revised Articles

*The revisions are underlined.


Old Articles


第一條        國立臺灣大學外國語文學系系務會議組織及議事規則(以下稱本規則)依本校組織規程第四十四第二項條訂定之。

I. The following establishment guidelines and implementing details of the DFLL Department Affairs/Curriculum Committee are based on the Item Two of Article Forty-fourth of the University’s organizational regulations.

第一條        國立臺灣大學外國語文學系系務會議組織及議事規則(以下稱本規則)依本校組織規程第九條第四項訂定之。


第二條        本系務會議每學期至少應召開一次,以討論系務,必要時得召開臨時會議。若有五位委員以上連署,亦得要求系主任召開之。

II. A Departmental meeting must be held at least once a semester to discuss Department affairs. If necessary, an additional meeting can be held. If there are five members or above who sign and call for a meeting, the Chair of the Department must convene one.

第二條        本系務會議每學期至少應召開一次,以討論系務,必要時得召開臨時會議。若有五位委員以上連署,亦得要求系主任召開之。


第三條        本系系務委員會成員採各職級代表制,以各職級教師人數四分之一為代表,四捨五入。如加上系主任後總人數為偶數,則教授代表加1系主任為會議主席及當然委員,其餘系務委員均由全系專任教師以無記名投票方式互選產生,任期一年,連選得連任一次。但該學年度休假、請假、借調或預定出國研究、進修超過半年以上之教師不得具委員資格。委員在任期中出缺時,得從候補名單中依得票數高低遞補,其任期以補足所遺任期為限。

III. The Committee is constituted by representatives from all ranks of the teaching faculty: one-fourth of each rank of the teaching faculty (rounded up to the nearest one) will be included as Committee members. If the total of the representatives, plus the Department Head, is even-numbered, then one more representative from the rank of professor will be added to the Committee. The Head of the Department acts as the chair of the meeting and the natual member; all the other members of the Committee will be elected by the whole full-time teaching faculty of the Department through anonymous vote. The appointment is for one year, but members can be re-elected and re-appointed for one additional term. Faculty members who are on sabbatical, on leave of absence, on a job transfer, or on research/study leave for more than half a year are not qualified for the Committee membership. If, a member of the Committee cannot fulfill their duties during their term of service, an alternative member must be selected in due order according to the waiting list of the election result to fill in the remnant of the term of the previous member.

第三條        本系務會議由教授八人、副教授七人、助理教授三人、講師二人及系主任共二十一位系務委員組成之,以系主任為主席。除系主任為當然委員外,其餘系務委員均由全系專任教師以無記名投票方式互選產生,任期一年,連選得連任一次。但該學年度休假、請假、借調或預定出國研究、進修超過半年以上之教師不得具委員資格。委員在任期中出缺時,得從候補名單中依得票數高低遞補,其任期以補足所遺任期為限。


第四條        研究生得選派一人列席系務會議,大學部則由系學會會長列席。

IV. Graduate students of DFLL may have one representative attend the meeting. For undergraduate students, the Chair of the DFLL Student Association will be the representative.

第四條        研究生得選派一人列席系務會議,大學部則由系學會會長列席。


第五條        本系系務委員兼為課程委員,協助系主任處理與課程有關之事宜。

V. Members of the Department Affairs Committee will also act as members of the Curriculum Committee, helping the Head of the Department deal with curriculum-related affairs.

第五條        本系系務委員兼為課程委員,協助系主任處理與課程有關之事宜。


第六條        系務會議開會時,系主任應就本系學術研究、課程、人事、財務、出國講學、進修及其他重要系務提出報告,並就每次會議議題以多數決進行議決。唯聘任與升等事宜,另行依規定成立本系「教師評審委員會」負責處理。

VI. In each meeting, the Head of the Department should give a report on research, curriculum, personnel, financial matters, and other important Departmental issues. The draft resolutions must be approved by more than half of the members present. According to the Department’s regulations, matters about faculty appointment and promotion will be discussed by the Department Teachers’ Evaluation Committee.

第六條        系務會議開會時,系主任應就本系學術研究、課程、人事、財務、出國講學、進修及其他重要系務提出報告,並就每次會議議題以多數決進行議決。唯聘任與升等事宜,另行依規定成立本系「教師評審委員會」負責處理;但仍應處理升等申訴案


第七條        系務委員如因故不能出席會議時,應以委託書全權委託其他系務委員代行職權,每委員每次只得代理一人,但每學期委託之次數不得超過兩次。如因出席人數不足而致流會時,或時程急迫,議案議決得改採通訊投票。

VII. If for some reason a member cannot attend the  meeting, this member should provide another Committee member with a letter of authorization so that the substitute member can act as his/her proxy. One Committee member can only represent one other member at a meeting; moreover, committee members cannot ask other members to act as proxy for more than twice each semester. If the number of members who can attend a meeting does not reach the requirement and the meeting is canceled accordingly, or when a matter of urgency arises, a draft resolution can be put to vote by correspondence.

第七條        系務委員如因故不能出席會議時,應以委託書全權委託其他系務委員代行職權,每委員每次只得代理一人,但每學期委託之次數不得超過兩次。如因出席人數不足而致流會時,得改採通訊投票。


第八條        系務會議經二分之一以上委員同意,得設臨時性之專案委員會,以處理某一特定事項。專案委員會於該專案處理完畢後即行解散。

VIII. As approved by more than half of the committee members, an ad hoc committee can be established in order to deal with specific matters. The ad hoc committee will be dismissed after the mission is completed.

第八條        系務會議經二分之一以上委員同意,得設臨時性之專案委員會,以處理某一特定事項。專案委員會於該專案處理完畢後即行解散。


第九條        非系務委員得申請列席系務會議,唯列席者不得參與表決。

IX. Those who are not members of the Committee can apply to attend the meetings but are not allowed to participate in voting.

第九條        非系務委員得申請列席系務會議,唯列席者不得參與表決。


第十條        本系務會議應有出席代表過半數出席始得開議,應有出席代表過半數同意始得決議。

X. More than half the members of the Committee must be present for a meeting to be held. A resolution is made by approval of more than half of the Committee members present.

第十條        本系務會議應有出席代表過半數出席始得開議,應有出席代表過半數同意始得決議。





第十一條                本規則如有未盡事宜,得於系務會議時修訂之。

XI. If there are any matters not covered by these guidelines and implementing details, the regulations can be revised accordingly by the Department Affairs Committee.

第十一條                本規則如有未盡事宜,得於系務會議時修訂之。


第十二條                本規則經系務會議通過後,應提報系務大會,並經院務會議通過後自發布日施行。

XII. These establishment guidelines and implementing details should be approved by the Department Affairs Committee and then reported at the Department General Meeting. Once approved by the Collegiate Affairs Committee and certified by the University Administrative Meeting, they then go into effect from the day of announcement.

第十二條                本規則經系務會議通過後,應提報系務大會,並經院務會議通過核備後施行,修正時亦同
