Online Application for Going Abroad



Updated: 97.11.21



attend an international conference


give a speech




go abroad during winter/summer vacation


go to mainland China

Please note that from the year 2007, faculty who plan to go abroad must apply online at this website: http://misweb.cc.ntu.edu.tw/abroad/topframe.aspx.  Moreover, those who are going abroad to attend an international conference must read the 2nd NOTE below, submit their application to LINDA.

Below is a simple instruction for the online operation

  1. When you enter the homepage, you’ll be asked to type in your “使用者名稱” (your Faculty ID No, the number above the photo of your Faculty ID) and “密碼,” which is the last four digits of your ROC ID No (for foreign faculty, last 4 digits of their ARC No).  使用者名稱」為教職員編號4者請於前面加0),首次登入者「密碼」身分證字號後四碼 。

  2. After the system authorizes your access, please click the  出國申請  on the left column (the 1st option from the top).  After getting into the page, please remember to click the “新增” button so that you’ll be able to start typing in the details.

  3. Please note that under the category of  代理人  (someone who will stand in for you), if you will make up classes later, you must click the option box to make all the options pop up, roll down to the bottom, and choose the "blank" one

  4. Under the category of  請假類別 , if you need to apply for travel expenses refund afterwards, please choose the “出差” (on business) option.  However, for those who are going abroad on official business but DO NOT need to apply for travel expenses refund, please choose “公假.

  5. After filling in every item, please click the  確認  button for confirmation.

  6. At last (and most important of all), BE SURE TO click the  列印申請單  in order to print out the application form, which should be taken to the Department office for the Chair to certify and stamp on it.

If you still do not understand how to operate this online system after reading my poor explanation, please visit the website to see an online manual to this new system: http://ccms.ntu.edu.tw/%7Epersadm/table2/noticeonline.doc.



1.   寒暑假期間出國亦須申請, 但不扣薪 All faculty of NTU must apply before they go abroad, no matter for what reason they are leaving the country.  Faculty must apply to go abroad even if it's during the summer or winter vacation (they will still receive their paychecks during the summer/winter vacation, with only a small amount of transportation subsidies deducted from their salary.)  Moreover, please pay attention to the following details:

    1) Under the 課程安排 (course arrangement) category, please choose "寒暑假" (for summer/winter vacation).

    2) Under the 請假類別 (category of leave), please choose "寒 假" (for winter vacation) or "暑 假" (for summer vacation).

    3) Under the 代理人 (substitute) category, please click the option box to make all the options pop up, roll down to the bottom,

         and choose the "blank" one


2.  出國開會者請注意 If you are going abroad to attend an international conference,

                                                        please submit the following materials to LINDA (phone: 3366-3220).

       1) 線上申請出國 : First of all, apply online to go abroad. Please press the "新增" (New addition) button to start the application.


    2) 線上填寫出國參加國際會議申請表,並按確認鍵:


a) One must choose "國際會議" (international conference) under the "出國事由" (reason for going abroad) category to activate the "出國參加國際會議申請表" (application form for attending an international conference), which is placed underneath.


b) After filling out the form for international conference, remember to press 確認 button for confirmation.


    3) 另請檢附會議主辦單位邀請函 or 會議日程等有關資料影本 3份

        Please also attach 3 copies of the invitation letter or the conference agenda,


        4) If you need to apply for reimbursement of travel expenses, please choose the "出差" (on business) option

            under the 請假類別 (category of leave).


        5) 列印申請單2份並簽章: Remember to print out TWO copies of the application form by clicking the 列印 button.   Remember to SIGN or STAMP in your NAME column.


        6) 將2份申請表及3份邀請函或議程送交系辦廖敏編審:At last, please submit TWO copies of the application form and THREE copies of the invitation letter or the conference agenda to LINDA at the DFLL Office.

3.   須申請「差旅費補助」者請注意 :Those who need to apply for travel expenses refund afterwards, please choose the “出差” (on business) option under the category of leave taking (請假類別). 

4.  「因公出國」而無須申請差旅費補助者請注意 For those who are going abroad on official business (such as being invited to give a talk) but DO NOT need to apply for travel expenses refund, please choose “公假” (official leave) under the category of leave taking (請假類別). Please be sure to provide related documents such as the invitation letter when submitting the  application form.

5.  出國講學研究進修1個月以上者 :Those who have been approved of teaching, study, and research leave for more than 1 month DO NOT NEED to apply online again for going abroad. 

6.  After approval, the application form WON'T BE RETURNED to the applicant unless the applicant is applying for going abroad on business (for a meeting) or going to the mainland China, or the applicant is an administrative director at the University (such as the  Department Chair or the Dean).

7.  前往大陸地區者 :If faculty are going to mainland China, they also need to apply online for going abroad, and please pay attention to the following regulations:

     1) 未兼行政職務之教師 For faculty who are NOT an administrative director or clerk, they don't need to fill out another form in order to get into mainland China.  They only have to apply online to go ABROAD. 



     2) 教師兼任行政職務者,以及助教、職員 For faculty who also work as an administrative director at NTU (including those who receive an extra paycheck for their administrative work) and all of the NTU clerks and teaching assistants, the rules are different:

     (2a) 因公赴大陸地區(指利用公假或公費) If they are going to mainland China on official business (i.e., on official leave or will receive official reimbursement), they MUST apply online for going abroad (線上「出國申請」) first.  Upon approval, please fill out and fax a form entitled "臺灣公務員及特定身分人員進入大陸地區申請表 (許可用表)" as well as the approved NTU copy to the IMMIGRATION OFFICE (入出境管理局, Fax No.: 23310594) (The form for "臺灣公務員及特定身分人員進入大陸地區申請表(許可用表)" is downloadable at the bottom of the online application webpage.)


     (2b) 非因公務赴大陸地區 If they are going to mainland China for other matters such as sightseeing or family visits, they still need to apply online for going abroad (線上「出國申請」) and submit another form entitled "國立臺灣大學教職員赴大陸地區申請表(非公務事由用表)." (The form is also downloadable at the bottom of the same webpage.)

8.   一學年 7 天事假 Faculty are allowed to take 7 days' personal leave in one academic year.



