




週五 9:10-12:10, 博雅103


N. Gregory Mankiw (2012),  Principles of Economics, 6th. ed., Cengage Learning.


吳聰敏(2010),《經濟學原理》,一版,上冊, 翰蘆圖書公司。


張清溪、許嘉棟、劉鶯釧、吳聰敏 (2010),《經濟學--- 理論與實際》,六版,上冊, 翰蘆圖書公司。


習題 10%,小考10%,期中考 35%,期末考 45%


隨課程進度, 習題會公布在網頁上,助教將在實習課講解習題、補充上課內容或小考。
實習課分為二班上課,上課時間分別為週一10:20-11:10 和 11:20-12:10。



2012/9/ 14, 21, 28,

10/5, 12, 19, 26,


11/9, 期中考

11/16, 23, 30,

12/7, 14, 21, 24, 28,

1/7, 期末考



I. Introduction (2 weeks)

  1. Principles of Economics.
  2. Thinking Like an Economist.
  3. Interdependence and Gains from Trade.

II. Supply and Demand I: How Markets Work (3 weeks)

  1. Demand and Supply.
  2. Elasticity.
  3. Government Policies.

III. Supply and Demand II: Markets and Welfare (2 weeks)

  1. Consumers, Producers and Efficiency of Markets.
  2. Cost of Taxation.I
  3. International Trade.

VI. The Economics of Public Sector (2 weeks)

  1. Externalities.
  2. Public Goods and Common Resources.
  3. Design of the Tax System.

V. Firm Behavior and the Organization of Industry (4 weeks)

  1. The Costs of Production.
  2. Competitive Markets.
  3. Monopoly.
  4. Monopolistic Competition.
  5. Oligopoly.

VI. The Economics of Labor Markets (2 weeks)

  1. Factors of Production.
  2. Earnings and Discrimination.
  3. Income Inequality and Poverty.


  9 21 日:Chapter 1, Chapter 2 (~p.12)

  9 28 日:Chapter 2 (p.13~), Chapter 3

 10 5 日:Chapter 4, Chapter 5 (~p.11)

 10 12 日:Chapter 5 (p.12~), Chapter 6 (~p.31)

10 19 日:Chapter 6 (p.32~), Chapter 7

10 26 日:Chapter 8, Chapter 9 (~p.29)

11 2 日:Chapter 9 (p.30~), Chapter 10

11 9 日:期中考

11 16 日:Chapter 11, 教育經費哪裡去了?

11 23 日:Chapter 12, 經濟學與公共政策

11 30 日:Chapter 13, Chapter 14(~p.29)

12 月 7 日: Chapter 14 (p.30~), Chapter 15 (~p.38)

12 月 14 日:Chapter 15(p.39~), Chapter 16, Chapter 17 (~p.22)

12 月 21 日:Chapter 17 (p.23~),Chapter 18, Chapter 19 (~p.6)

12 月 24 日:Chapter 19 (p.7~),Chapter 20 (~p.8)

12 月 28 日:Chapter 20 (p.9~), 公司部門勞動報酬的比較教育經濟學





    期中考:2011年題目解答; 2010年題目解答; 2009年題目解答; 2008年題目解答; 2007年題目解答; 2006年題目解答2005年題目解答2004年。

    期末考:2011年題目解答; 2010年題目解答; 2009年題目解答; 2008年題目解答; 2007年題目解答; 2006年題目解答2005年題目解答2004年題目解答


(9/21) 離島住宅用電免費 蘭嶼用電爆量誰來管?

          蘭嶼人 不怕費電 怕冷氣操壞

          台電員工:蘭嶼 白天不關燈 冷氣不關窗

          利息逾2000元扣健保費 引發定存拆單潮

(9/28) Trade is Made of WinPart I: Wealth CreationPart II: Cooperation,Par III: Conservation

          Power of the Market--- The Pencil

          上億濱海遊憩區養蚊 今拆除

(10/5) 老闆親自向社會大眾致歉! 鬍鬚張滷肉飯不漲了

          公猴買春 梳毛換嘿咻

              不滿教育政策跳票 10萬教師928黑衣抗議

(10/12) Is Price Gouging Immoral? Should It Be Illegal?

            Smoking Bans: Banning Freedom

            發願掃黃 收購淫書焚毀


            Are We Running Out of Resources?

            Does the Minimum Wage Hurt Workers?

            The Unpaid Intern, Legal or Not

            網徵無薪實習生 挨轟壓榨

            扯 奧美徵無薪實習生

(10/19) As Drugs Are Smuggled Into the U.S., Cheese Is Being Smuggled Into Canada


            Healthy food policy at school jumpstarts chocolate syrup trade



            Organ transplants: The gap between supply and demand



(10/26) 新莊蕭小姐

(11/2)   Markets in Kidneys: A Moral Case

                The Price System, Part 1: Information

            The Price System, Part 2: Profits & Losses

            Negative Externalities and the Coase Theorem

            Slavery, Snakes, and Switching: The Role of Incentives in Creating Unintended Consequences

            Do bans on texting while driving actually increase accidents?

(11/16) Tragedy of The Commons

            African Elephants and Tire Fires: How Property Rights Affect Everyday Decisions


(11/23) Third-Party Payment Problem

            新生人數掛蛋 澎湖小門國小廢校

            扯 馬祖徵1師 百人考到半夜 


            Why Is There Corn in Your Coke?   Concentrated Benefits and Dispersed Costs

            Public Choice: Why Politicians Don't Cut Spending

(11/30) 桃園升格 編制人員可增兩千人



            全運會器材「租比買」貴28倍 租1顆籃球4千

            Should Majorities Decide Everything?,  Kelo v. City of New London

            If Government Ordered Your Lunch, Would You Get What You Want?

            人間異語:你敢運轉核四 我逃命去

(12/7)   Public Choice--- A Primer pdf 檔

                Are Corporations People?

(12/14) Is Capitalism "Pro-Business?"

            Crony Capitalism, Cronyism, Crony Chronicles


            桑德爾演講 9成以上聽眾反對媒體壟斷


(12/21) Review of Michael J. Sandel's What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limit of Markets

            Deirdre McCloskey

            Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?

            Who Exploits You More: Capitalists or Cronies?


            現今青年抱負與理想 張忠謀:不如20年前



            4大超商咖啡聯漲被罰 法院判免罰

            鮮乳聯合漲價 3業者挨罰3000萬

(12/24) Why Is Higher Education So Expensive?

            How much will that college really cost?

            Do Women Earn Less than Men?


(12/28) Is there Income Mobility in America?

            Walter Williams on Social Justice


                Social Justice and Its Critics

           What's Right About Social Justice

           地下油行囂張 胡志強:這什麼政府?              

           「漁船油」 參考牌價表


            Ronald Reagan .. "Government is the problem"

            新北市創舉! 飢童可免費到4大超商吃到飽 

           首創!新北上萬低收入戶 有線電視免費看

           Thomas Sowell on first lesson of politics          


國考補習 僵化未來公僕

年租金16億! 太百控陸房東:割地賠款

中鋼資源多多 權貴眼中搖錢樹




   Trade is Made of WinPart I: Wealth CreationPart II: Cooperation,Par III: Conservation

  Power of the Market--- The Pencil

  Smoking Bans: Banning Freedom

  Is Price Gouging Immoral? Should It Be Illegal?

  Does the Minimum Wage Hurt Workers?

  Markets in Kidneys: A Moral Case

  Are We Running Out of Resources?

  What You Should Know About Drug Prohibition

  The Price System, Part 1: Information

  The Price System, Part 2: Profits & Losses

  The Unbelievable Truth about Sweatshops

  Top 3 Ways Sweatshops Help the Poor Escape Poverty

  Why Is There Corn in Your Coke?

  Negative Externalities and the Coase Theorem

  Tragedy of The Commons

  Should Majorities Decide Everything? Kelo v. City of New London

  African Elephants and Tire Fires: How Property Rights Affect Everyday Decisions

  Public Choice: Why Politicians Don't Cut Spending

  If Government Ordered Your Lunch, Would You Get What You Want?

  Are Corporations People?

  Is Capitalism "Pro-Business?"

  Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?

  Who Exploits You More: Capitalists or Cronies?

  Do Women Earn Less than Men?


  Social Justice and Its Critics

  What's Right About Social Justice











Milton and Rose Friedman, Free to Choose 英文版中文版

      Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom, 英文版中文版

      Michael Sandel, Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do, 中文版

      Greg Mankiw's Blog

