
Welcome to Romain
May 24, 2019
Welcome to Romain Vaucher, Postdoc Mobility Fellow from Applied Research in Iconology and Sedimentology, Simon Fraser University. He will conduct the research at Houlong Rivere and Da’an Gorge to resolve the cyclically of Foreland Basin and preservation of extreme events based on sedimentology and geochemical data.
Welcome to Romain Vaucher, Postdoc Mobility Fellow from Applied Research in Iconology and Sedimentology, Simon Fraser University. He will conduct the research at Houlong Rivere and Da’an Gorge to resolve the cyclically of Foreland Basin and preservation of extreme events based on sedimentology and geochemical data.

Bye-bye Yuyen!!
May 24, 2019
Our cheerish and lovely member leaving Taiwan to pursue her dream as Science Communicator and will start PhD program at Simon Fraser University, Canada.
See you in the future, Yuyen!!!
Our cheerish and lovely member leaving Taiwan to pursue her dream as Science Communicator and will start PhD program at Simon Fraser University, Canada.
See you in the future, Yuyen!!!

Applause for Bor Jiun!!!
May 24, 2019
Congratulations to Bor Jiun who was chosen as The Best Poster at The First PalaeoArc International Conference 2019 in Poland.
“The Poster was clear, well presented, and very promising for the future,” the committee said.
Once again, congratulation Bor Jiun!!!
Congratulations to Bor Jiun who was chosen as The Best Poster at The First PalaeoArc International Conference 2019 in Poland.
“The Poster was clear, well presented, and very promising for the future,” the committee said.
Once again, congratulation Bor Jiun!!!

Applause for Tsai Wen!!
April 17, 2019
Congratulations to Tsai Wen, she has passed the oral defense very well.
“Dream big and dare to fail”
Congratulations to Tsai Wen, she has passed the oral defense very well.
“Dream big and dare to fail”

Applause for Graham!!
April 8, 2019
Graham got the best presenter award in the 38th Youth Forum hosted by NTU Geosciences Department. Congratulations !!!
Graham got the best presenter award in the 38th Youth Forum hosted by NTU Geosciences Department. Congratulations !!!

Applause for Tsai-Wen and Yuyen!!
January 30, 2019
Tsai Wen got the best presenter award in the 37th Youth Forum hosted by NTU Geosciences Department. Also, finally, Yuyen graduated. Congratulations!!!
Tsai Wen got the best presenter award in the 37th Youth Forum hosted by NTU Geosciences Department. Also, finally, Yuyen graduated. Congratulations!!!

Weiya dinner and welcome for Shahin & Masa
January 29, 2019
Wish us a successful adcademic year in 2019! Thank you Masa for being a judge at Yuyen’s oral defense, and Prof. Shahin who will do a sabbatical semester here until June. Get ready for field and lab work!!
Wish us a successful adcademic year in 2019! Thank you Masa for being a judge at Yuyen’s oral defense, and Prof. Shahin who will do a sabbatical semester here until June. Get ready for field and lab work!!

Bye-bye Kweku and Shawn
November 12, 2018
Bye-bye Kweku and Shawn. Check will start a new post-doc at Birmingham University and Shawn is going to Australia for Master and PhD’s degree. Looking forward to collaborate in future projects!!
Bye-bye Kweku and Shawn. Check will start a new post-doc at Birmingham University and Shawn is going to Australia for Master and PhD’s degree. Looking forward to collaborate in future projects!!

Bye-Bye Dinner
July 26, 2018
Bye-bye Bei-Chen, Jason and Sutieng. Bei-Chen will study a master degree in the UK and Jason is going to Denmark for a master's degree.
Bye-bye Bei-Chen, Jason and Sutieng. Bei-Chen will study a master degree in the UK and Jason is going to Denmark for a master's degree.

Congratulations to Tsai-Wen!
June 21, 2018
Tsai-Wen has bee awarded the best student oral presentation in the IPA IAL 2018 conference, hosted by International Paleolimnology Association. Congratulations to Tsai-Wen!
Tsai-Wen has bee awarded the best student oral presentation in the IPA IAL 2018 conference, hosted by International Paleolimnology Association. Congratulations to Tsai-Wen!

Applause for Yu-Yen!
April 27, 2018
Yu-Yen has been awarded the citation on the excellent academic performance in the 36th Youth Forum, hosted by NTU Geosciences Department. The presenter is Prof. Kuo-Yen Wei (魏國彦). Well done Yu-Yen!
Yu-Yen has been awarded the citation on the excellent academic performance in the 36th Youth Forum, hosted by NTU Geosciences Department. The presenter is Prof. Kuo-Yen Wei (魏國彦). Well done Yu-Yen!

Limnological sampling in Thailand!
April 19, 2018 - April 29, 2018
Kweku and Tsai-wen with some of our Thai colleagues are now in Thailand collecting lake sediments for Asian Monsoon study.
Kweku and Tsai-wen with some of our Thai colleagues are now in Thailand collecting lake sediments for Asian Monsoon study.

Welcome our visitors from Germany and Canada, Dr. Christian Zeeden and Prof. Shahin Dashtgard!
Apr 18, 2018 - May 07, 2018
Christian Zeeden and Shahin Dashtgard will give several interesting talks in NTU Geosciences Department, and also will join Taiwanese Geoscience Meeting and field trips during their stay in Taiwan.
Christian Zeeden and Shahin Dashtgard will give several interesting talks in NTU Geosciences Department, and also will join Taiwanese Geoscience Meeting and field trips during their stay in Taiwan.

Bye-Bye Dinner
Mar 08, 2018
Bye-bye our dear Stefanie! Stefanie will move back to Germany and start a new Post-doc position in Heidelberg. We already miss your voice during all the meetings. And, bye-bye Chung-Ping and welcome Akanksha!
Bye-bye our dear Stefanie! Stefanie will move back to Germany and start a new Post-doc position in Heidelberg. We already miss your voice during all the meetings. And, bye-bye Chung-Ping and welcome Akanksha!

Welcome our new PhD student Akanksha!
Feb 26, 2018

Congratulations to Chung-Ping!
Jan 31, 2018
Finally! Chung-Ping finished his Master thesis:
Quantitative Morphological Analysis of the Trace Fossil Ophiomorpha isp. in Nangang Formation, Northeast Coast of Taiwan
Finally! Chung-Ping finished his Master thesis:
Quantitative Morphological Analysis of the Trace Fossil Ophiomorpha isp. in Nangang Formation, Northeast Coast of Taiwan

WeiYa (尾牙) Dinner
Jan 22, 2018
Wish us a very successful academic year in 2018!
Wish us a very successful academic year in 2018!

Welcome our visitor from Norway, Dr. Wei-Li Hong!
Dec 12, 2017 - Jan 03, 2018
Dr. Wei-Li Hong, former NTU student, will have a short visit in Taiwan and will give two talks in NTU and Academia Sinica:
Dec 13: How early diagenesis changes sedimentary records?
Dec 21: Beyond methane seeps in the European high Arctic: Episode II- Global significance
Dr. Wei-Li Hong, former NTU student, will have a short visit in Taiwan and will give two talks in NTU and Academia Sinica:
Dec 13: How early diagenesis changes sedimentary records?
Dec 21: Beyond methane seeps in the European high Arctic: Episode II- Global significance

Welcome students and teachers from Taipei Municipal Chenggong High School
Oct 25, 2017
Students and earth science teachers from Chenggong High School came visit NTU Geosciences Department today and had an ichnology lecture given by Ludvig.
Students and earth science teachers from Chenggong High School came visit NTU Geosciences Department today and had an ichnology lecture given by Ludvig.

Bye-Bye to our friend Steven!
Sep 23, 2017
Steven will start his new post-doc position in Austria. Let’s wish him a bright future in his scientific career!
Steven will start his new post-doc position in Austria. Let’s wish him a bright future in his scientific career!

Welcome our new Post-doc Kweku!
Sep 15, 2017

Welcome our new master studnet Graham!
Aug 31, 2017

Bye-Bye Sassa!
Jun 01, 2017
Our lovely tiny Sassa will move to Sweden soon. Wish you all the best and a bright future ahead of you!
Our lovely tiny Sassa will move to Sweden soon. Wish you all the best and a bright future ahead of you!

Successful end to IIWXIV!
May 07, 2017
14th International Ichnofabric Workshop was rounded off with a wonderful and cozy field trip around Taiwan. See you all next time in Alabama!
14th International Ichnofabric Workshop was rounded off with a wonderful and cozy field trip around Taiwan. See you all next time in Alabama!