Liang-Chih Chen (CV)
E-mail: liangchih@ntu.edu.tw
Tel: 02-33665961, Fax: 02-23638127
區域經濟發展 Regional economic development
後進國家產業升級 Industrial upgrading of late-developed countries
產業研究 Industry studies
鄉村研究 Rural studies
2021.08 - 教授,國立台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
2007.12 都市及區域規劃博士,美國加州大學柏克萊分校 (Ph.D., City and Regional Planning, University of California at Berkeley)
1993.06 建築學碩士,淡江大學建築研究所
1991.06 工學士,國立成功大學都市計劃系
2020-2023 所長,國立台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
2015-2021 副教授,國立台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
2009-2015 助理教授,國立台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
2008-2009 助理教授,國立台北大學都市計劃研究所
2008 博士後研究員,行政院國科會社會科學研究中心
1999-2002 幫工程司,內政部營建署市鄉規劃局
1995-1999 工務員,台灣省住都處市鄉規劃局
1993-1995 行政官,國防大學中正理工學院研究生部
1. Chen, Liang-Chih, 2021, ”The pursuit of qualities by peripheral latecomers in the agrofood sectors: The case of Erlin wine industry in Taiwan," Sociologia Ruralis, 61(2): 442-464. [SSCI]
2. Chen, Liang-Chih and Aaron Kingsbury, 2019, "Development of wine industries in the New-New World: Case studies of wine regions in Taiwan and Japan," Journal of Rural Studies, 72, 104-115. [SSCI]
3. Chen, Liang-Chih, 2018, "Developing technologies or learning institutions? Exploring the role of hackathons for developing innovation capability in emerging economies: The case of Taiwan," Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 26 (2), 202-221. [SSCI]
4. Chen, Liang-Chih and Shenglin Elijah Chang, 2017, “Recovering rural economies: Two cases in Taiwan”, Asian Journal of Quality of Life, 2(7): 21-28.
5. 陳良治、田孟凌, 2017, 〈外部衝擊、區域經濟回復力之構成及作用機制〉,《都市與計劃》, 44(1): 1-25. [TSSCI]
6. Chen, Liang-Chih and Shiuh-Shen Chien, 2017, “Industrial upgrading and interaction between the advanced small south and China: the case of Taiwan’s machine tool industry”, Area Development and Policy, 2(1): 91-107. [ESCI]
7. 陳良治、廖漢章, 2016,〈新興在地產業的形塑與發展:以農會酒莊為例〉,《台灣鄉村研究》,12: 41-63.
8. Chen, Liang-Chih, 2015, “Building extra-regional networks for regional innovation systems: Taiwan's machine tool industry in China”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 100:107-117. [SSCI]
9. Chen, Liang-Chih, 2014, “Entrepreneurship, technological changes, and the formation of a subcontracting production system: The case of Taiwan’s machine tool industry”, International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 7(2): 198-219. [EconLit]
10. Chen, Liang-Chih* and Zi-Xin Lin, 2014, “Examining the role of geographical proximity in a cluster’s transformation process: The case of Taiwan’s machine tool industry”, European Planning Studies, 22(1): 1-19. [SSCI] (*corresponding author)
11. 陳良治,2012,〈國家與公共研究機構在產業技術升級過程中的角色及演化:台灣工具機業〉,《人文及社會科學集刊》, 24(1): 19-50. [TSSCI]
12. Chen, Liang-Chih, 2011, "The governance and evolution of local production networks in a cluster: The case of Taiwan’s machine tool industry", GeoJournal , 76(6),605-622. [EI, SCOPUS]
13. Chen, Liang-Chih, 2009, “Learning through informal local and global linkages: The case of Taiwan’s machine tool industry”, Research Policy, 38(3): 527-535. [SSCI]
Chen, Liang-Chih and Ho-don Yan, 2024, “Taiwan’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic –
the case of forming a national facemask team”, in G. Maas and A. Johnston (Eds)
Cases on Transformational Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar.
Chen, Liang-Chih and Ho-don Yan, 2021, “Family Business and Portfolio
Entrepreneurship: The Case of Taiwan’s King Car Group”, in H.-D. Yan and F.-L.
Yu (Eds) The Routledge Companion to Asian Family Business Governance,
Succession, and Challenges in the Age of Digital Disruption, Routledge.
3. Chen, Liang-Chih and Shiuh-Shen Chien, 2017, “Industrial Districts”, in D. Richardson, N. Castree, M. Goodchild, A. Kobayashi, W. Liu and R. Marston (Eds) The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. Wiley.
4. Chien, Shiuh-Shen, Liang-Chih Chen and Dong-Li Hong, 2017, “Newly Industrializing Economies (NIEs)”, in D. Richardson, N. Castree, M. Goodchild, A. Kobayashi, W. Liu and R. Marston (Eds) The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. Wiley.
5. Chen, Liang-Chih, 2016, “Building industrial systems in China: The networking of Taiwanese machine tool firms in China”, in J.-H. Wang and R.-M. Hsung (Eds) Rethinking Social Capital and Entrepreneurship in Greater China, Routledge.
6. 陳良治*、朱凌毅,2016,〈技術變遷:後進國家的技術學習〉,《發展研究與當代臺灣社會》,簡旭伸、王振寰編著,台北:巨流出版社。 (*通訊作者)
7. 黃胤為、陳良治*,2015,〈從殺蟲劑到威士忌:金車噶瑪蘭威士忌的發展〉,《創業家精神與經濟轉型》,郭祐誠、陳善瑜、顏厚棟編著,台中:逢甲大學出版社。 (*通訊作者)
8. Chen, Liang-Chih and Ling-I Chu, 2015, “Upgrading of latecomer industries in Taiwan and the case of the Taipei International Machine Tool Show”, in H. Bathelt and G. Zeng (Eds) Temporary Knowledge Ecologies: The Rise and Evolution of Trade Fairs in Asia- Pacific, Edward Elgar.
9. Chen, Liang-Chih, 2015, “The development of Taiwan’s machine tool cluster and key entrepreneurs”, in F.-L Tony Yu and H.-D. Yan (Eds) Handbook of East Asian Entrepreneurship. New York: Routledge.
10. Chen, Liang-Chih, 2011, “Technological learning and capability building in LMT industries in newly industrializing countries: selected examples from Taiwan”, in P.L. Robertson and D. Jacobson (Eds.) Knowledge Transfer and Technology Diffusion, Edward Elgar. [BKCI]
1. Chen, Liang-Chih and Yu-Chuan Cheng, 2024,
“Promoting and accelerating industrial transition: The gradual progression of
Taiwan’s traditional manufacturing sector towards Industry 4.0 trends”, The
AAG Annual Meeting, Hawaii, U.S.A, April 16- 20.
2. Chen, Liang-Chih and Ho-Don Yan, 2023, “Policy Entrepreneurship in Response to the Covid-19 – The Formation of National Face Mask Team in Taiwan”, B&ESI 2023 conference, , Florence, Italy, July 6-9, 2023.
3. Chen, Liang-Chih and Ho-Don Yan, 2022, “Change and Crisis Management of Microenterprises: The Case of Taiwan’s Burgeoning Rural Wineries”, The 26th Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Örebro, Sweden, August 24-16, 2022.
4. Chen, Liang-Chih and Ming-Cheng Chang, 2019, “Adopting multiple methods in economic geography research: The example of a trade show study”, The AAG Annual Meeting, Washington, U.S.A, April 3- 7.
5. 胡幼函、陳良治,2018,〈數位時代下的創新團隊組織及其治理: 以黑客松專案團隊為例〉,第十屆發展研究年會,台灣發展研究學會主辦,台北,2018.10.27-10.28。
6. Chen, Liang-Chih and Tzu-Yu Chen, 2018, “Understanding the evolving roles of physical and virtual spaces in the interaction and cooperation processes”, The 5th Global Conference on Economic Geography, Cologne, Germany, July 24-28.
7. Chen, Liang-Chih, 2017, “Building innovation space: Hackathons in Taiwan”, The AAG Annual Meeting, Boston, U.S.A, April 5- 9.
8. Kingsbury, Aaron and Liang-Chih Chen, 2016, “Challenges and Opportunities: Comparing the Emerging Wine Industries of Changhua County, Taiwan and the Kofu Basin, Japan”, The AAS Annual Conference, Seattle San Francisco, U.S.A, March 31-April 3.
9. Chen, Liang-Chih and Heng-Wen Chen, 2016, “Nurturing Learning and Cooperative Institutions in Clusters: The Development of M-Team in Taiwan”, The AAG Annual Meeting, San Francisco, U.S.A, March 29- April 2.
10. 田孟凌、陳良治*,2015,〈危機之後-台灣工具機產業區域經濟回復力探究〉,2015聯合年會暨論文研討會,中華民國都市計劃學會、區域科學學會、地區發展學會、中華城市管理學會聯合主辦,台南,2015.12.5。(*通訊作者)
11. 陳恆文、陳良治*,2015,〈產業群聚的制度建構:以台灣工具機M-team為例〉,第七屆發展研究年會,台灣發展研究學會主辦,台北,2015.10.31-11.1。(*通訊作者)
12. Chen, Liang-Chih and Shiuh-Shen Chien, 2015, “Sourcing knowledge and upgrading stimulus from the South: The case of Taiwan’s machine tool industry in China”, The AAG Annual Meeting, Chicago, U.S.A, April 21-25.
13. Chen, Liang-Chih and Shenglin Elijah Chang, 2014,“Building and Recovering Rural Economic Landscapes: The Case of Fruit Liquor and Tea Industries in Taiwan”, ABRA International Conference on Quality of Life, Istanbul, Turkey, December 26-28.
14. 黃胤為、陳良治*,2014,〈從殺蟲劑到威士忌:金車噶瑪蘭威士忌的發展與創新〉,第十屆華人海耶克學會年會,台中,2014.8.28-29。(*通訊作者)
15. Chen, Liang-Chih, 2014, “Building and exploiting networks in China: The case of Taiwanese machine tool industry’s China investments” , The AAG Annual Meeting, Tampa, U.S.A, April 7-14.
16. Chen, Liang-Chih, 2013, “Jumping over latecomers’ upgrading barriers: The exploration of China’s upgrading opportunities by Taiwan’s machine tool industry, Suzhou-Silicon Valley-Beijing 2013 International Innovation Conference, Suzhou, China, July 8-9, 2013.
17. Chen, Liang-Chih, Ching-Wan Huang, Yin-Wei Huang, Han-Chang Liao, Cheng-Yu Young, 2013, “New wine in new bottles: The technological learning of Taiwan’s newly-emerged liquor-makers”, The 2013 AAG Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, U.S.A, April 9-13.
18. Chen, Liang-Chih, 2013, “Building industrial systems in China: The networking of Taiwanese machine tool firms in China”, 全球化、社會資本與華人企業學術研討會, , 台北, 2013.3.8-9.
19. 陽政育、陳良治*,2012,〈台灣在地葡萄酒業發展的挑戰及機會:以彰化二林製酒業為例〉,2012農村規劃學術研討會,台中,2012.3.30。(*通訊作者)
20. Chen, Liang-Chih* and Zi-Xin Lin, 2011, “The role of spatial proximity in the evolution of local and trans-local communities in the clusters”, The 2011 AAG Annual Meeting, Seattle, U.S.A, April 12-16.
21. Chen, Liang-Chih, 2010, “How to understand the roles of the state and public research institute in the technological upgrading of industries in newly industrializing countries? The case of Taiwan’s machine tool industry”, DURID Summer Conference 2010 on Opening Up Innovation, London, United Kingdom, June 16-18.
22. Chen, Liang-Chih, 2008, “Building technology capability through exploiting informal local and global learning linkages: The case of machine tool industry in Taiwan”, the 25th DRUID Conference 2008 on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 17-20.
113-2410-H-002-177-MY3) (2024.08-2027.07) (2024.08-2027.07)
2. 科技部110年度專題研究計畫:「理解後進追趕及超越的過程及動態:機會之窗、知識學習、制度變遷」主持人(MOST 110-2410-H-002 -144 -MY3) (2021.08-2024.07)
3. 科技部107年度專題研究計畫:「理解產業群聚演化:多重軌跡、時間及制度」主持人(MOST 107-2410-H-002 -134 -MY3) (2018.08-2021.07)
4. 科技部105年度專題研究計畫:「數位時代下之實體與虛擬空間所交織的創新地景:黑客松(Hackathon)」主持人。計畫編號:MOST 105-2410-H-002 -149 -MY2 (2016.8-2018.7)
5. 科技部103年度專題研究計畫:「本國舉辦之國際商展如何影響後進國家產業群聚的升級」主持人。計畫編號:103-2410-H-002-158-MY2 (2014.8-2016.7)
6. 國科會102年度專題研究計畫:「區域經濟回復力之研究: 以產業群聚為例」主持人。計畫編號:102-2410-H-002-167 (2013.8-2014.7)
7. 國科會101年度專題研究計畫:「中低科技業的技術學習與創新: 以台灣製酒產業為例」主持人。計畫編號:101-2410-H-002-189 (2012.8-2013.7)
8. 國科會101年度專題研究計畫:「創新的臺灣:臺灣企業發展與生產網絡--跨越升級障礙:臺灣工具機廠商的實體與虛擬整合以及中國機會」主持人。計畫編號:101-2420-H-002-007-MY2 (2012.1-2013.12)
9. 國科會100年度專題研究計畫:「在地化新興產業的技術能力建構機制以及對地方發展的影響:以台灣製酒產業為例」主持人。計畫編號:100-2410-H-002-194 (2011.8-2012.7)
10. 國科會98年度專題研究計畫:「產業群聚的演化與升級:在地再鑲嵌、跨群聚連結及跨界移殖」主持人。計畫編號:98-2410-H-002-217-MY2 (2009.8-2011.7)
1. 「110年臺灣展覽產業調查計畫」共同主持人,委託單位:經濟部國際貿易局,合作廠商:以境研究顧問 (2021.04-2021.12)
2. 「109年亞洲展覽產業調查計畫」共同主持人,委託單位:經濟部國際貿易局,合作廠商:以境研究顧問 (2020.03-2020.12)
3. 「108年臺灣展覽產業調查計畫」共同主持人,委託單位:經濟部國際貿易局,合作廠商:以境研究顧問 (2019.02-2019.12)
4. 「107年臺灣展覽產業調查計畫」主持人,委託單位:經濟部國際貿易局,合作廠商:以境研究顧問 (2018.05-2018.11)
2020 台灣大學109年度學術研究績效獎勵
2019 台灣大學108年度學術研究績效獎勵
2018 台灣大學107年度學術研究績效獎勵
2016 台灣大學105年度學術研究績效獎勵
2012 台灣大學101年度學術研究績效獎勵
2018 台灣大學106年度教學優良獎
2016 台灣大學104年度教學優良獎
2006-2007 中華民國留學獎學金,中華民國教育部
2004-2005 蔣經國基金會博士論文獎學金,蔣經國基金會
2004 Academic Progress Award Fellowship,加州大學柏克萊分校
2004 Graduate Division Summer Grant,加州大學柏克萊分校
2003-2004 Dr. and Mrs. James C. Y. Soong Fellowship,加州大學柏克萊分校
2002-2003 Department Block Grant Fellowship,加州大學柏克萊分校
1991-1993 教育部研究生獎學金
2024- 台灣發展研究學會理事長
2018-2023 台灣發展研究學會常務理事
2015-2017 台灣發展研究學會常務理事
2013-2015 台灣發展研究學會秘書長